Hana Zuki Full Of Treasures Thread

Last thread died so we have a new one

E01-E09 >youtube.com/watch?v=wD3ooMwH69A&index=3&list=PLNXV9Mb7egjFVg205QWfAkl8fcMjY-25_

>Show confirmed to have 27 episodes apparently, Hasbro is releasing the upcoming 2 sets of 9 episodes coinciding with the full moon (so around February 10th and March 12th). also this show will be story driven

>As the show continues (to be released in nine-episode patches at each Full Moon), the Big Bad continues to lay waste to moons around the galaxy, driving other Moonflowers to gather around Hanazuki. This bouquet of heroes must learn how to wield the power of their emotions from Hanazuki, and band together to save the universe they were sent to protect.

My question is, how does Hasbro think this is going to catch on with their target demographic?

>it's going on Netflix

not sure

Sup Forums seems to be the only place aware of its existence thus far
(not counting maybe two or three people on Tumblr and DeviantArt)

well that was cute. It seems intended for little kids but the dialogue isn't written that way and the art is fantastic.


The series will help proliferate the toy line catered to females. It's basically an eleven minute advertisement.

This show is for babies. You Anons pretend to like it due to bright colors and the design of the protagonist.

No one has pretended to like it or said they like it, but the art is nice and Sup Forums talks about all cartoons a little when they first start.

good craftsmanship is good craftsmanship, regardless of the target demographic

do y'all have any draw requests? be warned though, I will take kind of a long time. example from last night

Hanazuki giving Kaizuki a nice hug, to comfort her after what a massive failure she was

Hanazuki eating a cookie

What did he do?

Kaizuki crying herself to sleep.

Well what dialogue there is. The colourful blob creatures are immature as hell.

Murdered all the baby unicorns to save his unicorn girlfriend.

Became the most annoying typical 2010s generation character there is. He's a lazy depressed slob who'd rather lounge all day like a couch potato instead of getting good at magic - a talent only he can do.

This with Hana and Kaizuki

I think that's a good idea for a show like this, have the main character in charge talk a bit more grown up (relative to the viewers) while the rest act like kids. It's better for little kids to not talk differently or baby talk at them.

Does she have a dick or something?

He used to live in Kiazuki's moon, but he destroyed it somehow

The MC either reprimanding Primus for using his moons as flails, or Unicron for eating moons.

he said he should not be allowed to use magic because of what he did tho


So are we going with this thread or the other one?

We'll keep this one as backup


If a toy ad shows an animated cartoon and says "watch us on youtube" it could catch on pretty quick, especially with full episodes already up.

are you by chance a buzzfeed journalist?

No, do you think they'll hire me? I kinda need the money.

th amount of buzzwords you are using its perfect for the job.

ok, so I'll put my requests in the other thread

Sure. Whatever is most convenient


People are perfectly capable of stepping on vaginas just as well as they can dicks, user.

Clits are pretty sensitive too


just abandon this thread

Let me grow!!! Why can't I grow?

>sigh I'm such a failure...

This thread was formatted better but you didn't have luck on your side.


so glad they made a cartoon about agatha

There's room for both threads for now


ASMRtist sperg jew that gets harassed by anons. Goes by Threemilk T on yt


Why'd you bump it

I have no idea what you just said. It gave me no information other than the knowledge that I am now both uninterested in her and you.

It's ok I'm used to dense people on here.

So you wanted to be in good company, then?

Why not?


Stop. We have another thread.

Getting a visit from the Mooninites