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Letterboxd thread: time space continuum edition

Post profiles and discuss what you have recently watched

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Finally got around to watching Unforgiven. Getting that Watchlist under control a bit.
Been watching Mindhunter on Netflix lately. Pretty good. I am afraid when Fincher releases a new movie his style will be mundane because of the saturation of his style in House of Cards and Mindhunter.

Forgot the pic.


Reminder that fabs is cool and we love him


I liked both Sonatine and Boiling Point, so I’ll probably go through more Kitano’s this week

How come acid and amaranth watch the exact same films, always? Who does that? What a cute couple.


I really like that messenger boy poster


>short form
>video art

unfollow the fabs


I bought this recently, hope it's good.


do you even speak korean

My profile on Letterboxd letterboxd.com/arthritis

i bet you like to play video games until you get arthritis

i bet you're too afraid to post your own profile

Very clever


me too

Top 4: Boo!

going to the store way down east, you need anything?

thematically or not, that description fits

DW Griffith never once stayed still on set, never used a normal tone of voice, and never said cut. Instead, he said "wahoo!!!!!!!!!!"

Nope, love me some Korean releases tho. Got a bunch of other zombie shit from there.

that's actually not funny

kill yourself
you don't know good comedy

funniest shit i've ever read, keep it up.

i hate this!!!!!!!

Going to see TCM at the New Bev next week - mildly stoked about this.

I love all the films of Emily Jean "Emma" Stone