They're the same character

>they're the same character

Other urls found in this thread:


Gotta go fast.

How bad can he be?

for some reason out of all dumb adaptations of quality things this one pisses me off more than anything

I wouldn't even call myself a fan of the book/original cartoon, and yet

>Illumination is a terrible company
>Their existence is bad for the animation industry

I'd ask what fans see in the Once-ler for them to draw lewd art of him, but we're no better when it comes to waifus.

>biggering stays in the original cut

Is the movie salvaged?

Hence Universal deciding it was a bad idea to merge then with Dreamworks Animation.

Seriously. The right works much better as a faceless CEO of a greedy, destructive corporation

I often wonder what would have happened in the original movie if the oncler had not heard his stock go up. He was so close to finally seeing the light and then he got blinded again.



>threading your own post
Really, the only real bad thing about them is their marketing team (and Hop).

shit meme


It was like heroin.

You see your friends doing it and it looks like they're having fun, so you decide to give it a try. Well next thing you know you're stuck in a hell of ask tumblrs and porn drawn by children half your age and you think to yourself, "How did I get here?"

Then you delete everything and try your best to forget it ever happened. But you know that some day - maybe not soon, maybe years from now - someone, somewhere will approach you and say, "Did you draw porn of the Once-ler." And your ever so slight hesitance will answer their question.

And on that day you'll know that you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.

>Hey why did the movie suddenly become good for five minutes?

Not really

The whole movie needs to be reworked


Because one is an attempt to bring awareness to children an controversial and important topic whilst not trying to completely dumb it down and treat the audience with respect.

And the other exist to just make money from the name of the original and advertise cars.

A hell of a lot better but in the end making him faceless was the best way to go for a character like him.

Old concept designs for the Once-ler


Looks the animals were going to leave one by one, like in the book

This is clearly a homage to the original cartoon

This also looks like a take off a scene from the old cartoon/book

and here's the best piece of concept art

He should have been in the suit longer.
Really, the whole back-story should've been longer. The Ted stuff can stay, just put more time into the real story.

>Really, the whole back-story should've been longer

No kidding

Pretty sad seeing this amazing piece of concept art and thinking about what could've been.


Audrey a qt.



>all the gay porn
>maybe like 5 or 6 audrey pics

fucking hell


what an epic meme face

I have no idea who this is meant to be

I guess it's supposed to be the once-ler

>We could've had this

But it's ultimately people with real faces and real lives and families who run these corporations. However bad the business is it ultimately is in the hands of people, no matter how much plausible deniability and limited liability protect them.

That kid who wanted a seed to get some puss





It sucks too, because there were so many scrapped ideas that COULD have made it better.

Like, listen to the Demo songs from about half-way through the production, there was a lot of good intentions thrown out.

real dystopian vibes


I thinks its just random townspeople


This has been said a lot before but for me it was more about how my face or your face could go there. The Oncler starts as an Everyman, he finds himself running a successful business and just focuses on that and not planning for the future just thinking about the present, and this is how a lot of humans, probably most humans act.

Remember the idea is that The Onceler uses things ONCE than throws things away, that's where his name comes from, he is wasteful like a lot of people in some countries that can afford to waste in the short term but in the long term, there are problems.

From the first cartoon special, the old one: "If I didn't do it, than someone else would," is what The Onceler says to justify being wasteful. Same with most people, "Why bother not wasting water, electricty, etc. because everyone else is wasting everything, I might as well," is something most people think, if everyone thinks this way though, it becomes a problem and causes environmental and resource issues. SO the Onceler really, is an Everyman, CEOs are the same though because they're just people with the same bad habits, then for a short time find themselves in a position where they waste even more resources and do even more damage than most, but even then everyone goes along with it which is why they are able to cause so much harm, it's because everyone thinks this way, short term short sighted self-serving and ignorant.

All this got lost in the shitty CGI movie though.


Is it bad that I *kinda* am looking forward to Grinch? I mean sure it's CGI and no way in hell is Benedict Cumbersomething gonna top Jim Carrey, but the design and aesthetics might be decent and Suess-y as


looking forward to pop songs and adult celebrities voicing kid characters?


oh yeah, almost forgot the forced slapstick

He has the face of Steve Carell.

and the fact that they massively cut corners in attempts to lower budgets, basically butchering the quality of their product because they don't actually care about art only profit margins

Then again Carre'sy had plenty of slapstick, but that was Jim Carrey.

It could have been great.

I was actually thinking Nicolas Cage or Egoraptor.

The Jim Carrey Grinch is legitimately good.

Fight me.

Maybe I could do without the dog butt kissing.

The one on the left is a generic, likeable everyman and could have worked just as well as the one on the right if the movie had made clear that he was only what Ted imagined the Once-Ler to be.

All the Lorax threads lately have been making me want to get back to work on the full-length screenplay rewrite I started in 2012 and haven't touched since 2015.

Looks like a pimp or a Mexican Zoot.

>The Once-ler: Well, what do you want? I should shut down my factory, fire a hundred-thousand workers? Is that good economics, is that sound for the country?

>The Lorax: I see your point. But I wouldn't know the answer.

Why was the 1972 cartoon a million times more thoughtful, honest, realistic, and nuanced than this shitpile?

>The Once-ler: Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot...

>Nothing is going to get better.

>It's not.

Noticed that some of the lyrics in that made it to how bad can I be

Always found it funny how "some things are dying" got change to "a few trees are dying"

"Biggering but every biggering makes the song go faster"

Wow, 2017 looks great!

honestly, because Dr Suess was fucking brilliant

by trying to add on like an hour and a half of extra content to fill out time your just gonna ruin it, Lorax isn't even the first thing that happened to

And what is there that Illumination could do that hasn't already been done in the live-action version? I mean they could make the Who's christmas-obsessed shits who deserve to be robbed by Grinch, but then they'd be stealing from the Carrey version.

Haven't seen this movie, but I was under the impression co liked it

These two are by far my fave of the concepts. They should've mixed the two of these designs together.

Gilbert Gottfried.

From what it seems it's shit, but for some reason it's getting a bunch of memes.

Sucks that we barely have anything about the best "bad" Dr. Seuss movie.

This is pretty cringey to be honest, but maybe if it wasn't the Illumination adaption.

It's shit but its fun shit

>TFW even if Illumination decides to do an animated CITH remake that's "more faithful in tone to the book" it's gonna be nowhere as crass and bizarre as Mike Myers pretending to be Pennywise The Dancing Clown in cat makeup.


>My face when the "Let it Die" is more catchy than the actual song it's parodying

>I didn't even post a face

Kill me

Gay cartoon porn is lacking. You've got enough waifus to sexualize and rule34.

Cringey how?
Keep in mind it was a demo, it wasn't even finished. (the soundtrack lists it as demo number 8) or something like that

>if Illumination decides to do an animated CITH remake that's "more faithful in tone to the book"

You have no idea how much I legitimately want this.

But you just know it will be like the lorax, pop songs up the ass, annoying minion sidekicks (thing 1 and thing 2, obviously), and the kids will probably be voiced by some young popular celebs

It won't be as disappointing as the lorax, that's not possible, but it will suck

>having enough waifus

uh no

I was just a little kid the first time I saw the classic Lorax, and the first time I saw the Once-ler I thought he was the Grinch... xD

I will admit even with all the pandering the animation and song are pretty good and it gets the message across

Be careful who you call ugly in middle school

My grammar however is not apparently

I find that the underlying problem is mortality itself.

Why think ahead if you won't even be alive to see the consequences of your actions?