How did Villeneuve manage to make her look cute in Blade Runner?

How did Villeneuve manage to make her look cute in Blade Runner?

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Low budget Lexi Belle.

He turned the the camera on and pointed it at her?


it's impossible not to

Literally 10 time hotter than Taco Bell

where to get a qt cuban gf, Sup Forums?


Hispanic really need to stop fucking coloring their hair. You're not fooling anybody and it looks like shit next to your olive skin.

Nordic women are the only ones that should dye their hair blonde because it looks natural. If you don't have pale white skin and blues, stop dyeing your hair.

Her blonde hair in the Keanu Reeves movie is literally the only reason she became famous in the US.

He had her act like a loving wife.

t. virgin

Why can't all women have those bags under their eyes? So cute.

it definitely looks too brassy in the OP pic, she looks alright in the correct shade properly toned.

Those lips have sucked lots of jewish hollywood cock.

The borders are open just travel down there anytime.

more like Anal De Armas if you get my dri

did ana de armas kill you before you could finish your post

user?! user???!!


user what happened to y

she's already cute, all he had to do was turn the camera on and point it in her direction.

Dumb niggerposter.


I left the last 2 letters off because nobody has responded to me today

thank y

At least she got on film instead of sucking cock like you for free.

Nice tits

That looks like Miley Cyrus

If you can't find Ana de Armas attractive then you need to stop watching 2-D porn



you take that back!! miley cyrus is an ugly ogre.

>ywn cuddle with her after a night of sensational fucking and trace the lines of her gorgeous face with your fingertips
Wish I'd never seen her desu

I want to ____________ Ana de Armas.

Miami, i know cuban girls that look like her. No they wouldn't date you. They date hispanic buff dudes with good degrees and jobs, with names like Raul and Oscar.

holy shit how old was she in this photo


>erase the memory of

"step on the plastic shell housing the artificial conscious belonging to"

spend a lazy winter weekend cuddling by the fire in a cozy cabin in the woods with

>Her blonde hair
jesus christ buddy. close the Sup Forums tabs and get some fresh fucking air every now and then.

she's a 10 as a brunette blonde maybe a 7

have long walks on the beach with

she's just a 10

More Ana

quite a reach you're making to get triggered there


Ana gets her puffy nipples from her father

Hello Ana


You are way off your baseli

Would you rather fuck Ana de Armas or Lexi Belle?

Dumbest question ever asked ever

you just know she got Goosed

she should stay sticc. already has that hispanic thing where her face and chin stockpile all the fat.

there's something off with her teeth.

Step on

She is one of the few women who unironically look better as a blonde

Smokes the ganja haha

You know, its weird. I never met cuban women in my life until recently and alot of them look like her. I didn't know cuban women were so hot and they all have beautiful eyes

>ctrl-f webm
>0 results

To be honest, watching this interview I pretty much react like her to goose's facial expressions when he's thinking. The whole interview when other people are talking he's just like "Fuck, did I leave the stove on?"


Her broken English is adorable.

she loves him

Good thread.


It seems that she's more in love with Goose than her character is with K.

what did she mean by this?

I bet her breath smells like fresh bread.

>Ryan ees magnetic in this movie, you can't take your eyes off him
>ees so beautiful what he does

Yup, they fugged

>that look she gives the goose

>they wouldnt date you


are you retarded?

Why do you even come on a television board?

her lips look good

Why is she looking at him like this

How hard did he fuck her? She looks ready to marry him.

>a good looking chick to begin with
>lots of makeup put on by professionals
>what is cinematography
Literally there is nothing special about it.

good god
name? full vid?

He likely hasn't even touched her outside of work. Its goose magic.


Especially if she ate fresh bread. I wonder if she likes bread. Bread is good.

Her spanish is also adorable.

Gee how to did he ever mange?

Ana cute! Ana cute!

You want to cuddle, fuck and breastfeed him too user?


>tfw paki
>mom is a dirty blonde

Casting her is cheating. First time I saw her was on a spanish show she was on. I didn't even care for the show that much, but she was too cute.

He filmed her

I'm making some webms if anyone wants to request a scene

She uses too much makeup

>the hologram threesome
yeah... we still need a webm of that scene

gimme a sec, I have a shitty sauce so shitty output


no u

I wasn't aware paying for Lexi's Taco Bell to shoot a scene was considered high budget.

damn, thanks user
got any more?

>>tfw paki
>>mom is a dirty blonde