Misunderstood "villain" Edition.
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Overrated reddit flick
that kiss was hot, she was so aggressive.
Pls post moar rare Luvs
> lock post
> Fire
>She can still plunge her hand in boiling water though. Why is that functional for a pleasure unit?
When does that happen? I haven't seen Blade Runner in a few years
And yeah, I don't get why they do that for pleasure models. Maybe people in the colonies have really extreme fetishes?
I can kind of imagine giving one super intelligence though. Teach her to read subconscious body language to deduce what customers want but don't know that they want or are too afraid to ask.
Sexy and scary results!
I want to teach Luv to love
I'm actually emotionally stunted and don't know how to love. We can learn together.
>Villeneuve managed to make drone strikes sexy
The madman.
Friendly reminder that Joi is just a product.
Do.... *holds back tears*... do you still love me? *her lip quivers*
I just want to be her boss but be a good boss and tell her every now and then how essential she is and how grateful I am to have around, that she's a friend and member of the company family and NOT a product to me or anyone else at Wallace Corp
Listen you fucks. There is no reason for Joi to emote during the sex scene when it is invisible to K unless she has developed personality persistence.
Do we have to wait for the director's commentary to btfo the delusional waifufags, or are they too dense?
> Mommy won't be coming home tonight. Make something for yourself to eat.
w-what do!
That's a shitty Tyrell Nexus 8, Wallace Corp has no liability.
S-sure, h-honey. Um, let me just make an unrelated phone call in the other room, I'll be right back, I promise.
Or she was programmed to give the impression of developing a personality :^)
/brg/ threads turned into BR waifu threads
I'm so proud of you Sup Forums.
First off. You're completely retarded.
Second. No matter if she's real or not, Joi was designed and manufactured entirely. It isn't more complex to make a simple AI that give K what he wants, than it is to make a "real person" that just happens to love K.
Third, you're fucking retarded.
She is a QT, sir
Wallace Nexus 9 a shit. Their replicants come broken from factory.
I prefer to keep an empty stomach until the hard part of the day is done.
He has admitted to ignoring contradictory proof as "irrelevant," you can't argue with actual delusion.
No they come from a bag
You will never own a waifu bag
Is that actually Sylvia Hoeks?
you don't know what love is
First off there are at least two of us, second of all I'm the one who said the marketing slogan is irrelevant. You are just some autistic pieces of shit who think plaintext marketing slogans overrides actual characterization.
I would prefer a JOI.
Nope. Another user knows the actor, she is also dutch
It looks like someone drew a rudimentary face on a featureless mannequin head. Get some taste.
Luv and K are dead
Sallie Harmsen
I want to run my fingers through her hair, and hold her hands, and just look into her eyes, and then hold her close and keep her safe from any who would do her harm
Do you think Wallace lets customers unbag their own replicant waifus?
Me too user, me too.
No. It would have been cool if it was though.
>tfw no scene where Luv watches Wallace murder Luv 2.0
>plaintext marketing slogans
Which she adhered to when she repeatedly feeded K's belief that he is the special replicant child.
You have no arguments besides excusing everything that contradicts your preconception of the character.
I'm not a waifufag but Joi having a baseline personality and instincts (as seen in the giant ad scene) doesn't mean she couldn't form personalities and feelings of her own. Civilizations in completely different times and places managed to each come up with their own global flood myths, because human psychology also has a "baseline" (geography also played a factor obviously), it's just not as obvious as a sentence or a specific name. It's programming reacting to stimuli, the difference is that one was man-made and one was nature-made. But that plays into the whole theme of Blade Runner.
>not a waifufag
not yet
I have her emoting to no one during the scene K can't see her.
Can someone correct this poster?
She is purely software
I doubt she has the memory capacity to become self aware
"Everything you want to see, everything you want to hear"
She didn't do anything that isn't explainable as just being a the result of her programming
The extreme circumstances K found himself in, which prompted her encourage him to damage the product, is likely an oversight in her programming
Next version update they'll probably include some code that ensures JOI will not at any point condone destroying Wallace Corp property
>"Everything you want to see, everything you want to hear"
This is what is known as a thought-terminating cliche and I want you to kill yourself for repeating it.
Found some moar rare Luvs
Joi could use data gathered from her owner to tailor her personality to better please said owner, but this does not mean Joi would develop real feelings/personality.
now kiss
I think its funny to think they haven't tried using Joi as an advanced form of surveillance yet.
Well, Luv is using JOI to track K and her going offline prompts her to take action... so perhaps they are.
We don't know how long JOI has been out. Perhaps they want to wait a little longer before they collate all the data she has collected...
I imagine the hookers do this too, only they use blackmail to force people to do tasks for the Resistance
>tfw you will never be coerced by replicant sex workers to join their cause and be their fucktoy
>when you realize you've become the slave
>tfw Luv will never ignore you while getting her nails done
the quicker something degenerates into a waifu circlejerk the quicker you know it's shit
I'm convinced 2049 is Villeneuve's version of a harem anime.
Stop being such a stick in the mud
If you have something of greater depth you'd wish to talk about then just talk about it. Otherwise understand that I am here to relax after a long day at work. Sometimes I get into long discussions about more substantive things and other times I just want good feels and waifus.
> ignored is good
> don't pay attention to me haha
> she's murdering people again isn't she
> shhhhhh finish the job and go home while you still can!
> keep talking white mans
I thought Luv used the prostitute to put a tracker on him in order to find him.
No, that was the Resistance
Luv tracked him through Lt Joshi's computer. That's why she went to her office.
>Luv will never tell you to do your fucking job
2:00 in
Yeah but again, you could reduce human beings in the same terms. Humans have a set of instincts that they are hard-wired to follow (those who don't are generally considered mentally ill, in machine terms it would be considered "defective/bugged"), we just don't telegraph it as directly and can't be as easily crafted or deconstructed.
As far as memory capacity is concerned, it's hard to know, because Blade Runner is more soft sci-fi than hard sci-fi and generally doesn't explain its technology in detail. Considering her functionality it was probably pretty substantial. And while I don't think the movie states just how long K had Joi, it was probably no more than a few years, maybe even a few months. Children don't generally form actual personalities until they're in kindergarten or later, and they don't become fully functioning human beings until well after that. A Joi that had been around for several decades (with memory intact) and had been subjected to a wide variety of stimuli would likely act very differently from one fresh out of the box.
What does real mean exactly?
But I know love can kill joy.
>In an (21 September, 2017) interview in Dutch >magazine Algemeen Dagblad actress Sylvia >Hoeks explained her hair was dyed black to >give her "an Asian appearance". Hoeks: "I >became the Japanese version of myself. My >best friend and I even started to greet each >other in Japanese."
>In an (21 September, 2017) interview in Dutch magazine Algemeen Dagblad actress Sylvia Hoeks explained her hair was dyed black to give her "an Asian appearance". Hoeks: "I became the Japanese version of myself. My best friend and I even started to greet each other in Japanese."
In readable format...
Just stop
Truly she is /ourgirl/
Its crazy to me that Goose didn't even have the best coat in this movie
I feel pretty bad for Sebastian, forgot how childlike he is
>Yeah but again, you could reduce human beings in the same terms.
We call those replicants...
A biological organism like a human and a computer program are not remotely the same thing. Even if one can mimic the OUTPUT of the other, the way the data is organized and recalled may be essential to the nature of the "experience" for the subjective observer that is the mind
>holy shit I'm gonna run out of ink soon
>I'm so fucked
>oooooooooh my god I'm so fucking fucked
Goose's coat was poo, this is the superior coat
she looks better blonde
What did she mean by this?
>*leans into mic*
>What did she mean by this?
Home. It's where Wallace unbagged her.
I totally disagree, it just depends on the complexity of the program and its capacity to learn and grow. Which the movie mostly leaves up in the air. I will fully admit that I'm speculating, but that's because the ambiguity exists in the first place.
why do the luvfags get all the good greentexters
>I feel pretty bad for Sebastian
As do I, poor chicken head
He was also the other primary POV in the book besides Deckard so maybe that is another reason I sympathize with him.
There are no women like this. All these "feminist" girls always trying to come off like they're this kind of badass, yet they constantly, without fail, come from the angle of "I'm Empress Princess Acidvagina von Entitlement." Luv is a whole new and/or forgotten breed of woman.
>You're not gonna kill me, are you?
That depends, what's your model number?
>Why don't you look under my eye and check?
As you lean in to scan her eye she steals a kiss. What do you do?
It's very cute.
Hey user want to play some Nintendo?
I did find her v cute in that scene
Who would you have me write one for? I'm open to requests but I make no promises. Luv is after all, very possessive of her posters.
Wow, I forgot how psychopathic they are
Poor naive Sebastian
Renegade Replicants should not be tolerated, ever, and no replicant should be trusted
Say whatever you need to if it keeps you alive, but when you can RUN and call the police IMMEDIATELY
Play it cool and hold off on the scan until you have backup. It is suicide to take on a replicant alone. Even pleasure models are dangerous.
Are you me? I JUST went through and saved all those pics to have fresh images for the thread.
>What do you do?
Exactly what Goose did. Play it cool, play the jingle from my portable waifu holo stick to ward off the 3DPD thots.
And not just formidable but also vulnerable, Sylvia Hoeks really brought layers to the character
Just discovered him today. Didn't grab all of them though. Gonna go back for his GOT pics later too
Have a rare Joi
>no money for a plane ticket to the Netherlands to meet my own Luv
Are you guys talking about rare Luv pics?
Pls post
I love her Blade runner haircut
Off world colonies where she was created and where the majority of Wallace's manufacturing and resources are.
She says this to Deckard before Goose swoops in with the best track in the series.
>tfw lieutenant joshi very carefully suggests that she an K bone and K turns her down
she deserved better
>ryan gosling died
i'm so happy i did not watch the movie