I thought this was meant to be 1988
I thought this was meant to be 1988
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Really? It had more of a 1488 vibe to it.
Really? It had more of a 11-22-63 vibe to it.
I thought this was meant to be 1280
in horizontal resolution, but this does not look HD to me
really? it had more of a 19...19...1985 vibe to me
is there a version available yet without the sandnigger subtitles?
1993 jeep
>looking at the cars in the background during this scene
we truly have reached the gayest of times
if you are attracted to her, you are a pedophile
>buys tampons, gets half naked on screen, entire character's background is sex related, her relationship to her father is sexual, first scene she's called a slut, a pharmacist flirts with her
Really makes me think.
Yo the movie sucks, you hoe.
But she's so cute.
looks like kino is back on the catalog boys
It takes place in the 50s, user.
So it would seem, friend.
who gives a crap about the car?
any news on that one music video?
is Sophia's taste in music kino?
She hasn't said anything yet.
Still waiting on the news.
>I will never play Cuphead with Sophia
This hurts more than anything
>you will never in the same room in a house with a female
>Not wanting to have her sit on your face after taking a massive shit
Literally no reason to live.
There is a silver 2015 toyota in the background when the boys go to her house to clean the bathroom.
Sarah Gadon's smile will never be topped
when the main kid is holding the Lego turtle that his bro made before he is attacked by Pennywise in his basement I almost left the theater because lime green lego pieces weren't made until the early 90s
They weren't expecting your autism.
Sophia and Bigger Sophia
These are really ugly and also dont look like jeeps. why do they want to make soft and rounded edges?
technically he would be a hebephile or ephebophile. Read a dictionary sometime smart guy
Me too
Safety standards have demand cars look more like bar of soap.
Is this real? I'm glad I didn't see this tripe.
>Bevy will never menstruate over you and cover your body with her blood.
Why live?
I stood on my seat, pointed at the screen and yelled "No!" in a commanding voice. I wasn't even that upset about spilling my popcorn.
Except it's not that. Just admit you were wrong.
Not that guy but It is, check the lower foglights and roofline.