Star Wars

>be me
>loved star wars since 10
>read books and comics
>finally watch The Force Awakens
>they retconned the Yuuzhon Vong War, Myrrkhr, Darth Caedus and Palpatine's resurrection for Jakku and some nigger with anxiety


Other urls found in this thread:

>over 19
>watches Star Wars
Man the fuck up user. Man the fuck up

>be me
Who else is it gonna be!

>>they retconned the Yuuzhon Vong War, Myrrkhr, Darth Caedus and Palpatine's resurrection for Jakku and some nigger with anxiety
Oh, no, how awful! But seriously, all those things were fucking terrible. I don't even care for Mouse Wars, but that is some of the worst EU shit you were clinging to.

>Be me
>Saw Phantom Menace in theaters when I was 4
>Loved star wars until about 6th grade because no one else liked it
>Barely had friends because I couldn't relate so I let go of star wars for a bit
>Episode 7 announced everyone loves it all the sudden
>Rewatched the movies and realized why I love strong women characters who are brunettes and short and sassy and jews.
>Cry when I watch Star Wars (New Hope for plebs) because of nostalgia overload
>Saw 7 and dug it
>Saw 7 a second time and was upset how empty I felt, and how autistic everyone in the crowd was
>Waited to see Rogue One, and eveyone I know who's a fan "loves it". When objectively it's bullshit and a shit stain on an already shit stained series
>Episode 8 doesn't look like it's going to be what it needs for me to trust disney
>Solo is the title of the Han solo film

Why has God forsaken me, someone tie the noose and same my innocence before episode 8 drops and the autism is even wider spread

>be me
>see rogie one
>fel jones being a yuge slut with her mouth
>jack off in theater
>finish movie
>go home

main reason i was not interested in tfa and not interested in tlj is no two young and handsome guys who are friends in the main cast like luke and han in originals and anakin and obiwan in prequels.

>no two young and handsome guys in tfa and tlj
Racist alt-white supremesist

Have you heard her drone on though, she's hot but I feel like I'd just punch her in the face. She's insufferable.

I can like what I want fuck off
Fuck you some of the best story and development in the whole EU
You feel me

>Fuck you some of the best story and development in the whole EU
I'm actually only familiar with two things you mentioned, knowing most fans thought the Yuuzhon Vong War was garbage, and I know Dark Empire was garbage, but it at least had the excuse that it was the first epic EU work, before Heir to the Empire trilogy, but is still very dumb in its own right. I'm sorry if I don't take your word for the rest being decent, because I doubt it.

Never got into the comics, I hate reading. But I feel the anger of how could you can 20+ years of cannon. Who cares if it's confusing, Disney has no right. Also who's Disney to can anything, they're a bunch of fuck tards who use nostalgia to fool and deceive.

My own opinion for sure. I loved Jacen and Jaina, the whole lot of them fighting the Vong. Other arcs include the Swarm War, Republic Commando, Etc. It wasn't all perfect but holy shit is the new continuity bad. It's bad.

the two young and handsome does not have to be both caucasian. they can be asian or latino. there are lots of young and handsome asians and latinos.

I also hate how basically episode 6 ends and is a perfect book ending to Anakin's redemption. There truly is no need for another film outside of side films maybe, but nothing nessicary. Then oh look The New Orders even stronger. Like what the fuck, way to ruin that beautiful scene and say fuck you to the fans of the series.

I perfer the 97 composition to Yub Nub but I also think Yub Nub feels more like it fits the scene better

That's fair, and I was just being a dick. But yeah, it felt like they were trying to right the wrongs of the film to some extent, but that's stupid. Art is very much of it's time, and who care's if there aren't enough racial minorities. It was shot in England in the 70's. They should just leave it alone and not make it retarded, it's lovably retarded as is it doesn't need to be SJW retarded.

I've read like two of the new books. Meh. I guess they're shit, being too dependent on nostalgia and just filling the gaps of the characters with totally superfluous stories. But it's not like I care anymore about that.

I also enjoyed the EU, I had hoped I'd enjoy the new movies but they are just too different for me. They own it so they can do whatever they want but I'm sticking with the EU.

rogue one was midly enjoyable due to its spinoff status but episode 7 was some fucking bullshit

I agree. I was very entertained by R1 and it made sense as far as what the actual Rogue One squadron is supposed to be.

I mean the ending was the best part, but it's dumb fun. If you pick apart Rogue One it falls apart from a film stand point. The only semi developed character in the film is Jyn who isn't really that developed so you don't care for her. They fucked up for the mear fact of everyone dies. You should make their deaths hit, you don't care at all when they die. Also they commit Lucas sin of telling not showing

So Saw is in maybe 10-15 minutes of the film before he dies. Before you see him at his hide out he's on a screen talking to Jynn's mom for a second, then his head is there when she's in the tunnel and he finds or hides (I can't remember). But then after that he goes "I'm tired of running" at no point do we see him running. He literally is there for ten-fifteen seconds then he's walking and talking and doesn't seem to be running. Then he just dies, basically that's how developed everyone else is, and his death has the same emotional impact as everyone else and he's gone in the first half hour

Also, not counting the comics that came out a year later, tell me anything about anyone beside Jynn that isn't

>"he's a monk"
>"He was a monk who lost faith"
>"he's a rogue"
>"he's a robot who is there for comic relief"
>"He's a pilot who left the Empire"

You literally can't unless you go into what they were wearing. The new characters had so little development. Actually scratch that, Jynn and Crenick had the most of everyone. I'd argue Crenick should be the character we care the most about because we saw him working on his passion project only to get it taken away from him (fucking stupid they'd retcon that but whatever). I can keep going but it just doesn't hold up unless you say the ending was good dumb fun

pretty good insights desu
but rogue one is more enjoyable to me because im not internally screaming at all the retcons and misse opportunities
what do you think about th character development in tfa, specifically finn, i always thought his horrors of waaar thing was pretty shallow

Are we ever going to get Star Wars as great cinema ever again? The first one is actually pretty remarkable at times.

I agree, but it doesn't bother me as much because he seems like a more human character to me. But yeah right out of the gate is kinda stupid, like they kinda rushed him switching teams pretty fast. Though maybe he thinks Poe's a qt. I mean I can't say I wouldn't switch sides for a chance at Jynn or Leia

As soon as we get a "great," or "good," or "decent," or "passable" Marvel film, like Spider-Man 2, because they are made with the same mentality.

So no.


>tfw you'll never be in 5th grade and the Revenge of the Sith Novel comes out
>You'll never speedread it and spoil it to all your friends again

You listed the worst fucking parts of the old EU. At least pick some of the good stuff.

I also look at that film as the, we need to get people on our side, so they played it say. That's why depending on how 8 goes over will depend if 7 is excusable or complete bullshit to me.

I actually think if Lucas handed the helm of of the prequels they could have been better than the originals, but he wasn't around anyone who would push him I guess. But I mostly agree except I love Phantom for all it's stupid and terribleness. and hate R1 and like I said I'm waiting to see about ep 7

Spiderman 1 and 2 GOD TIER

EU autist tears are amazing

>waaaah fake stories in fake universe designed to sell toys got changed


Unless you were over 18 before the prequels your opinion on star wars is meaningless.
You will never know true disgust at how badly star wars was fucked up

Wrong, the prequels are trash. Fucking kids

>Palpatine's resurrection

Imagine if this had never happened in the EU, and then nuWars tried it. The mockery would be endless.

It's a retarded idea, just face it. I read Dark Empire as a kid too, but it's time to let it go.

somebody post that pasta from last night

why would you expect anything but the most casual product from Disney?

Retconning the entire EU was the best Star Wars related thing Disney ever did.

You don't have to like TFA but you're fucking delusional if you pretend that ANY of that EU trash is good.

>I'm waiting to see about ep 7

It really makes you appreciate how underrated Lucas was as a director.

Like every scene JJ steals from the OT, and shoots infinitely worse, while revealing that he didn't understand thing fucking one about what was going on, or how to point a camera.

>that trench run sequence oh god what the fuck