Wheel of Time - TV Series

>The “Wheel of Time” TV series adaptation is moving forward with Sony Pictures Television.
>Sony will produce along with Red Eagle Entertainment and Radar Pictures.

Will this be a success or is it too big of a task? Since lotr was such a success will another sincere high fantasy series be accepted by audiences or do they hunger for cynical style fantasy like GoT.

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hopefully they properly cast tuon

Nah, Tuon is black in the books so they'll make her coal black especially. I'm just waiting for Nynaeve to get BLACKED by idris elba Lan. Gotta have that diversity user

It’s Sony, my hopes aren’t high. Here’s the question, which main character gets the diversity treatment?

Also, from description I always imagined the nobles of Tear to be black (they are always described as having a dark complexion) will this be the case in an adaptation? Will jezebel run articles of manufactured outrage about casting that follows ALL media these days?

Funny, I always had them down as more Med or more lighter Mid East, I'm just going to expect the full DIVERSITY treatment and hope that it doesn't go that far.

>Idris Elba Lan

Not even mad.

Tear is more like the mediterranean, deep olive skin.

I think the bigger hope is radar pictures.

They've done a few decent somewhat modern fantasy movies and movies that would adapt well too fantasy.


>the last samurai
>what dreams may come

The darkest people get in WoT is greek/swarvey.

Don't even try and point to some glossary bullshit thats not canon or some cunts fanwiki.

>Don't even try and point to some glossary bullshit thats not canon or some cunts fanwiki.

Except neither of us did.

Mat describes Tuon as being like black porcelain.

Except Tuon, she's supposed to be as black as possible. And you can bet that more characters will get the DIVERSITY treatment, just imagine the fucking screeching if they don't. Though I hope to God it doesn't turn out that way

no he doesn't


have you been sick user? i havent seen a wot thread for a few weeks, after about 2 months of nonstop threads

True could be pic related instead

I'm not the recent op

>i made threads about WoT saying it should be adapted before it was confirmed it was being produced by sony
>When robert jordans widow said they now had the legal rights and would be optioning the rights i started making threads.
>then some other user started trolling that it had been cancelled
>then i did a google search and found out sony had picked up the show and made threads about it
>then some i'm assuming a GoT fan said the show had been cancelled again and made threads about it
>then someone else who was diligent started making almost daily threads about WoT

I just made this thread because i think its important that people know radar is on-board as well.

Now you know the history of the WoT threads.

Holly shit, someone got those.

So how will they handle Loial. Like Ron Pearlman in Beauty & the Beast makeup or weird CGI effects on screen all the time.

Whatever's cheaper I imagine. They will be doing CGI channeling I'm assuming.

More importantly user, what'll be the lewdness levels of Egwene getting spanked? I'm pretty sure in the books she starts to enjoy it

I want it to be good, but my expectations are zero.

That won’t be till like season 8 or 9. I haven’t read through the books in 10 years so I may be a little hazy. How bout those swat tents and weird nudist Aes Sedai and wise woman rituals.

What about...”pillow friends”?

the real scare is if they cast say min, elayne, nynaeve, egwene, aviendah, moraine, lanfear, Berelain, morgase, Siuan etc... as uggo's

I can handle some blacked side character but i would be fucking pissed if any one of those women weren't stunningly beautiful

I'm scared it will be like The Shannara Chronicles

kek I forgot about all that but you're absolutely right, lets not forget Matt being dressed up and used regularly by the MILF Queen...

True a couple blacked background actors is acceptable but those other women are literally supposed to be 8-10/10. Especially lanfear muh waifu, I can't have been the only one hoping she'd make rand get a little corrupted and hate fuck. There again I wanted rand to screw moraine accept there was a prophecy saying bad shit would happen if he did

Who will play padan fain? nailing mydrall and shit

I have a theory behind hollywood and casting super attractive men but uggo womens is due to female casting directors

I think a lot of the dream walking shit can be skipped especially all the dream walking shit egwene and perrin do. I skipped whole chapters of that shit and nothing was lost.

hahaha quite possibly, they certainly wouldn't want to see themselves upstaged by extremely attractive actresses. Shit, not that they'd likely have a chance anyway.

Theirs a lot of scenes in the book with the girls like nynaeve and egwene stripping down into their shifts doing dreamwalking and they get all sweaty from nightmares and shit like that hopefully we get some see through action from a nice busty nynaeve

just got a new tat lads

All right. Aes Sedai. I always pictured the (the older ones anyway) as looking like old broads what had lots of plastic surgery like Cher. But just before that point before they go overboard. That “ageless” look that gives Aes Sedai away.

me too

Yeah i think that will be easily done with some botox and heavy make up.

Hopefully they just do eye of the world as the first season so they've got something that can stand alone and also be built on.

fucking plebbit are shilling for an animated show fucking retards

Hope it doesn’t end with their trip into the blasted lands leavin the eye, the green man and the battle with those two assholes whose name escapes me (Aldra & the one who gets tits) for a second season that may never come.

>the darkest people get is Greek
Shara, the mysterious land. Their people are described as dark skinned and curly haired.

yeah well at least we get something that way

Oh god fucking damnit. INB4 Perrin is a huge black guy, Mat is now a woman for no reason and Rand is Chinese. They will NOT stick to the book at all, there are some things like foreign armies that are slavers being middle eastern themed and white people wearing samurai influenced clothing and armour(cultural appropriation), theyll heavily push the narrative of "women arent lunatics when given power like men which is why men that can use magic are rounded up and either lobotomised or have their powers removed, because men are destructive" even though this IS in the book, it will be approached from the angle of women being good and men being bad, and not actually how it is in the books. Ive been waiting to see an adaptation of this series, but not from fucking Sony goddamnit why does nothing good ever happen.

what shows/movies have sony produced?

I hope it's Rand.
>plot point in the early books is how he's noticeably different, but can pass for a local. Goes in denial about being adopted as a result
>Rand gets a race lift and wonders how it's possible that his white parents adopted him
Comedy gold right there.

Come on user type it into google. Ill just forward saying its nothing good, if youve even heard of it. The head of Sony's film and television division is a fucking lunatic that has no idea what shes doing, vies for extreme control of properties(sees the money first and the property itself second) and is a hardcore liberal. Its why Ive already given up hope, Red Eagle Entertainment and Radar Pictures are going to get fucked in the ass at every turn working with Sony, who will want to control everything.

>It's a Morraine gets triggered by someone not following a plan she didn't bother to explain episode

hmmm just checked out their shit not that great

>Rand is supposed to be ginger. Genetic freak in the west.
>make him Eskimo instead. Make Aiel arabs, make the royal family of Caemlyn black. This somehow makes sense to tumblfags

I just hope the trollocs look real.

Why do we have to worry about this shit and why can't they just be true to the books.

There's enough women being in control and shit for them to get off over.

It will be interesting to see if anyone spots that Jordan didn't make them out to be good at it.

Cool, maybe they can get an actress that isn't shit to play Daenerys this time.

yeah thats when all hell will break lose when they start reading the books and their like hang on these bitches seem like muppets

I want to spank Rand

>its a Lanfear wants to fuck Rand but he blue balls himself for no reason episode

It's going to look cheap.



Its not like GoT with like medi-evil shit and a couple of castles.

Its full on cities everywhere with taverns and inn's and buildings, bridges, rivers.

They pretty much bed in a different inn every night when their journeying around.

It's been forever since I've read the early books but weren't the first two just pretty much the small main party traveling around? You don't need a giant budget for what is basically a small RPG party on a quest.

Though I still expect it to look like shit and to be cancelled way before the story really gets going.

>Will this be a success or is it too big of a task?
It will be boring, because the books were boring.

>Since lotr was such a success will another sincere high fantasy series be accepted by audiences or do they hunger for cynical style fantasy like GoT.
GoT's success isn't about cynicism. It's because even without the zombies, dragons and zombie dragons it is a passable drama, or was until about season 4.5. Now it's turned into a high action blockbuster.

It also delivered on all the foodgroups of entertainment in the early seasons, tits and violence for the bros, deceit and drama for the bitches, dire wolves and dragons for the dweebs.
You don't have to like all of these things to watch it but it has something for almost every 18+ viewer, and once it hit critical mass with it's radical twists and turns word of mouth made it huge.

>with Sony Pictures Televisio

They still visit [Spoiler]shadar logoth cursed ancient city which is pretty big and go to caemlyn which is big sprawling city[/Spoiler]

i didn't find it boring and so did a lot of other people i'm guessing since it was a huge success as a book series

its just more high fantasy so it doesn't have tits flopping everywhere it has battles and violence but it would be straight gorey but its got much more magic in it.

Theirs heaps of drama and shit regarding aes sedai plotting and shit like that.

>violence but it would be straight gorey

meant to say wouldn't be straight gorey think like lotr level violence

Given the queen slay bullshit that's been going on in GoT when every female ruler went full retard, aims be staggered if the average viewer picked up on that nuance

what the fuck Rand it's just sex

Going to end up looking like one of those cheap looking fantasy TV shows like Shanarra Chronicles or worse Teen Wolf.

I don't think anyone could do it any justice in TV world.

>Implying Lews Thundercock Therin, the man who has forsaken lusting after his cock three thousand years from a one night stand, needs to stick his dick in crazy

yeah i think making all the sets will be difficult

CGI everywhere i think

>I'm just waiting for Nynaeve to get BLACKED by idris elba Lan
I'd be okay with it.

>when Lan says marrying him would be bad because Myrelle holds his bond and would feel everything, Nynaeve's first reaction is to ask if Myrelle would feel Nynaeve cucking her with Lan

The sea people are all described as dark skinned exotics, shara too, multiple random characters are also decribed as black like tuon, the theif catcher from tear who's name I forgot, various aes sedai, the forsaken who was with the seanchan, etc etc it's a pretty diverse world if I see too many of you Sup Forums faggots sperging out about muh sjw diversity I will fight you

just reading these names gives me a headache

ok yeah the sea people are like the lighter version of the indians not the uber dark ones

>reminder that nearly half the Forsaken went evil purely because Lews was the biggest Chad of the Age of Legends

I guess the parts where they are learning in are skippable, but perrins end game fight with slaya was pure dream kino and so was egwene and co vs moghedian

>I will fight you

I watch ufc.

the problem is like whole chapters were devoted to that shit i'm not saying do a way with it already but condense it down to a 5 minutes or so if it comes up in episode.

When they get to the boss fights then yeah you can have more time.

Why are you in such denial lol

I'm not this is how i pictured it in my mind when i read the books.

cast her

When Rand has his foursome's do you reckon he takes control of Rands dick and chad's them himself?

I hope you're prepared to be disappointed


No, because they are one and the same. Rand says it himself: they aren't two men, and never have been.

I suppose from that the implication is that "Lews Therin" in Rand's head is actually because he's insane. All the memories of his AoL self keep leaking through, and so he creates for himself an alternate personality embodying those memories. Which also happens to be insane.

Hilariously, there are a few times when Lews Therin does actually try to give Rand dating advice, or explain complex theories of economics to him (I think it was somewhere in book 10-12, Rand was finding that gold wasn't going as far as it used to and couldn't understand why the coinage worth was dropping, and Lews Therin launches into a long explanation of inflation while Rand has no idea what he's talking about).

That Red bitch who deposed Suan and became Amyrlin.

hahaha I do like the parts where Therin seems to shine through, that being said I'm on book ten and I'm just glad something is happening again, Perrin spending a good two books looking for his wife was just infuriating, its like he's utterly obsessed with her.

>It's just a weave.
Kinoest of kinos.

I just want to be cast as someone whose job it is to punish the Aes Sedai.
and make them like it

>only a small fraction of extremist trollocs are responsible for the recent attacks on Caemlyn

That shit pissed me off back when we wuz waiting on these books to be released. When they Finally attacked the Aeil it was a cool battle but the fact it took like 6 years to get resolved was frustrating.

>ywn have an Aes Sedai wife in the Sea Folk tradition
>where in public she will give the orders
>but in private she has to take the orders

>the virgin forsaken vs the Chad reborn

kekered and checkered

>You'll never be annoyed and frustrated after a hard day on the deck.
>You'll never take her over your knee in the cabin and take all that frustration out with a good switching.

Just end it

>you'll never hear her curses turn slowly to moans

>They get so loud you have to gag her with her smallclothes