What game would you chose to play with Death?

What game would you chose to play with Death?

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How about a game of tic tac toe?

I'm fairly good at Disciples 2, so maybe that.

Mario Party


Capcom Vs SNK 2
That faggot would probably use Shin Akuma or God Rugal anyways

this. With that you could potentially live forever because its possible to never lose that game.

A Quija board

a game of s.k.a.t.e

Dark Souls pvp, Estoc + greatshield build.
Hahahaha, fuck you death, you'll never have me!

Yu-Gi-Oh battle

so after 4 hours of arguing and cheating one strangles the other?

Why does Monopoly do that to people?

>spend forever playing tic tac toe

you mean after 6 hours and many "contracts" that fucked up the game in a thing thats even more broken than real economics.

You could like play one game per day. The guy in Seventh Seal didnt have to play the chess game 24/7.

forgot to say that death would annoy you all the time though.

"Any game I choose?"
"First one to be me wins."
"Wait no, I-"

What a terrible portray of death

Monopoly is a game that's made to show the unfairness of capitalism and how it creates inequality and people don't like when they have to sell all their shit to be able to stay in a hotel thats owned by the guy who has hotels in the most valuable towns and owns the water and electricity supply and has ownership of at least 2 out of 4 stations

Co-op Cuphead

Sounds like you couldn't pass go and went straight to jail.

The game of life


do you think Death is a counterpicking faggot or does he play obscure cool characters?

cup head

But can you prove you are you user? Everything dies so Death is everything, you are alive for 100 years at best, the rest of eternity you are dead.. so maybe Death is more you than you are.

Russian Roulette LOL!

Dick sucking contest

He seems like he would use Iori or Geese

Monopoly is s game that teaches you that if you're not cheating, you're not trying hard enough.


Dungeons and dragons

The game of Life


Maybe but I've always been pretty good at monopoly and I think I could win.

mario party 5.

wide the salami

What if the Devil is OP?

>get monopoly, get three houses each asap, this is when you see a rent bump
>when possible get four houses for each and dont upgrade to hotels
>nevermind electrical works etc, its almost impossible to get your money back
>get another monopoly and buy up houses for them, three first and then the fourth on the priciest estate
>focus on streets on the straight after the prisons, these have the best chance of getting other players to land on them
>focus on big streets, the brown and dark blue have a low chance of players landing on them. if possible though get the brown streets so you can buy up houses.

When you own all houses other players can't buy hotels, you are now playing a waiting game, a war of attrition. You don't have to do shit. Great way to win the game and a great way to piss everyone off.

Dark Souls PVP


Mahjong is the only game worthy of such a scenario. It's a four-player game though so I'd need two others to join in.

Yu Gi Oh boy.
Nothing like a shadow realm duel.

Gay sex

The devil is straight, right?


theoretically the devil is the gayest motherfucker ever since he is a symbol for all (cultural) christian sins.

good thing you face Death.

Why do you think it's called a devils threesome, cowboy?

Magic the Gathering, cause I play storm and it would be kinda funny to make Death sit around and wait 20 minutes for me to finish my turn when I'm going off.

ironically, going to jail is legitimately a strategy in the end game to avoid paying other players

hes probably asexual. Still able to do some good fucking. Like Data in TNG.

the lick my arsehole game. make me cum and you win. you have 10 seconds.

Yes. It's bullshit, one rule is you can't be in auctions or collect rent while in prison to prevent players trying to get in.

what if you're playing digital?

Operational Combat Series


Does he have to be my best friend forever if he loses?

I would play The Game.
Which you all just lost

Patrician choice.

1v1 sf mid


a points battle of Warhammer 40k.

Still applies.


Its a game I made up. Each participant must cut off flesh, and whoever has the most in weight after 5 minutes wins.

checkmate, death

Why not lantern? Even death will concede.


Masturbation contest

hl2 deathmatch

Nice going retard.
You didn't specify where the flesh has to come from.

literally every time Ive played monopoly NO ONE gets a monopoly everyone just sits on their incomplete color sequences and waits each other out and slowly everyone starts acruiing money from passing Go

the only time it was fun was when we got Star Wars episode I monopoly and my older cousin lied to us and said there would be a big pod race at the end of the game where we race around the board and bet on the winner. I was all phsyched and bought 3 of the 4 railroads/podracers and my cousin got the other one. Then he goes

"lol jokes on you I made that shit up" and he walked away from the game

you know you reveal that you're a non-american piece of shit when you use . instead of ,, right?

making up additional rules is not part of the game.

the non-american way of doing science/measurements/etc. is always the superior one.

I thought the same thing.


The first one to die, gets to live.

Puyo Puyo Sun

Death brings to bare the flesh of 1001 overweight SJWs in 3 minutes

what can you bring to the table OP

Who is the incarnation? Pic releated would be fun to spend eternity with.

Trade. Like I said, you want what is after the prison. Trade single spots on red and blue to get a monopoly. People will stare themselves blind on easy money, what you want is recurring income. If you get three houses on orange you've won the game. Bleed them out.

Street Fighter
3 rounds
i dont have all day


So? I am proud of not being an american.
I live in the USA now. I like you people, but I am amazed by the fact that you think you have it better than anyone else. You really live in the illusion of being free and the best but you are exploited people with no concept of social struggle. Only social justice warrior bullshit.

Race around the World.

game only completed when everyone passes finish line.

I'll duel him 1v1 in Chivalry medieval warfare if any game at all.

But I'd figure he has supernatural powers to just become godlike in whatever game he plays, otherwise why even entertain the question?

You know you reveal tha you're an ameritard piece of shit when you think there's any pride in being one instead of shame, right?

quake3 cpma on aerowalk

Legitimely a good movie idea.

Design the Devil's car

>this pic
>wahh wahh why do they call us nazis?!?!?!

dick sucking contest


A game of internet movie critique

Are you high or just retarded?

The benis in vagina game :^)

>thinking that the "devil" is the same as "death"
are you fucking retarded?

I challenge death to candy land




The patrician choice.