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Why would it be back on the menu, am I suppose to eat it, how?
whats a menu
just tetrahedrons, arising out of nothing for nobody
he really can't wait to die and people remember him as nu-andy kaufman holy shit
God he is so annoying, mustve been absolute hell to work with. but of course hes ready to cooperate and be serious for the documentary about him
so this is what all his "IM NOT REAL XD" schtick was about? that's dumb
Andy was an annoying cunt, how do you expect him to act?
act professional then act like Andy when filming
his entire career is now making money off of an infinitely more talented person
he seems really obssesed
>take method acting so far you actually dissolve in the character
I think he might've had a mystical experience induced by peyote or some other psychedelic shit and had some insight into the true nature of reality, cause the things he says are very similar to hindu,buddhist philosophies and insights other ppl that tried psychedelics had lmao
Are STD's and cocaine kino?
he watched a few Eckhart Tolle videos and now he thinks hes Jeff Bridges
no jim's really fucked in the head. that's probably what drew him to playing kaufman so this role is the effect more than the cause
I just want to go see Jim in the theater again.
Joaquin phoenix did it first
is this the suicide squad documentary?
Better method actor than Jared Leto, that's for sure
How do the orcs know what a menu is? Do they have orc themed restaurants?
2 meta 4 me
no, he actually did not
"Universal didn't want the footage we took behind the scenes to surface, so that people wouldn't think I was an asshole."
I don't always agree with Jim, and humor is relative, but he has made me laugh quite a bit. And of course, this, Truman Show, and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind show that he has at least some skills in the dramatic range.
Your mileage may vary. Please speak to your pets if you experience any nausea, discomfort, or anal leakage as a result of this post's opinions. These opinions are the sole property of this single moment in time and space and are considered null and void upon reflection.
Do you sign every post of yours with that or is it a parody of jim carrey trying to express a thought
what is Sup Forums thoughts on andy kaufman?
Do actors really expect us to belive that they can get into someone so deeply that they cant remember who they are anyomore?
That can happen, if you are an idiot.
Not a genius, just an acidhead that liked to troll all the time
hello I never got out of character
look up Jim carrey today, the guy has transcended human concerns.
That or he's playing a Kaufman to all of us as a sort of successor
>"hey, look at me, I'm nobody!"
> Omg hes transcended all human concerns
Wow you're totally right, that's all he has expressed all this time. That one paraphrase represents all of Jim's attempts to communicate with the outside world.
I can't believe how fucking dumb I've been, this is honestly fucking embarrassing. I will never post in this board again, thank you user.
Fucking embarrassing
Thats a little extreme user. You can still post on this board, just not in this thread again
Dude what if instead of being funny I act like a fucking awkward asshole and make people uncomfortable? What if I turn myself into a joke to like wake up society maaaaan?
He's overrated as fuck.
I'm just glad to see him still do stuff
>named after the best REM song
Documentary of the year
cool guy.
This faggot has literally never been in a good movie.
Wait what are you talking about?
>The Cable Guy
>Not good
Pick one
edgy opinion
The Truman show is one of the best movies of all time.
I actually really liked that comedy show he was producing, i don't know why it bombed so hard, people can't handle it being a little dark?
t. reddit
t. underage
Not those guys but The Truman Show is fucking immense. It's had an actual impact on my life since the first viewing I ever had of it.
It was horribly written, every character was unlikable and the plot went nowhere. Full of forced political shit and Jewish propaganda. """"Somehow"""" it's getting a second season.
>There will never be an Ace Ventura 3
Why you make us suffer, Jim?
ITT: normies who will never understand genius because they are idiots that make safe choices and never take risks.
The thing about stupid people is they think they're smart. The thing about smart people is they think they're dumb. Guess which one you and Jim are?
eric andre is the andy kaufman of our time
if you think hes an idiot then you dont understand genius
It's a child's tantrum echoing through adulthood.
So Sup Forums, have you thought about my cock today?
Blowing my mind, man
Boring. That's the kind of attitude that killed the music and film industry. I bet you like lukewarm water.
Checked and yes
I try to stay away from what I think of as 'Artistic Masturbation.' By which I mean artists getting off on how artistic they are. I never got that feeling from either Jim or Andy. They strike me as two people fucked up in the head enough to spend their time and energy affecting others reality. Positively or negatively, I'm willing to let a lot of shit slide because it seems honest.
The cube actor again?
How did tetrahedrons know what menus are?
>artists getting off on how artistic they are. I never got that feeling from either Jim
Nah, he went full artistic masturbation recently.
As far as I know it got bad reviews on his premiere in Poland and the movie is now taken back by the studio.
Get probably released in a few years direct to the home market.
>a Netflix original
So it'll be shit.
Funny but also a cancer for the type of comedy he created. Sorta like Picasso. People try to be Picasso when there could only be one ever, same as andy. Their craft was degenerate, which Is fine once in a while.
this is what I think about those "provocateurs" e.g. eric andre. They don't have the courage to go all the way
Superior physical comedy coming thru
not gonna lie, this looks kino as fuck, what if he's been andy all along after that movie? hasnt been able to shake him off like johnny depp with jaque sparrrrrrow?
now now andy was not infinitely more talented than jim, he was good but nowhere near the une two three punch of the mask, ace ventura and dumb and dumber
literally who?