Is it ever explained how the fuck this was funded without anyone knowing? Assuming that militaries cost as much in the future as they do now, how did Sheev secretly fund the creation of millions if not billions of soldiers, along with star ships, vehicles, weapons, armour, etc. without anyone knowing? The only comparable moment in history of a nation with barely any military force creating one of the largest militaries in the world within a few years would be the entry of the United States into WW2, but that threw the U.S. into massive debt and required the mobilization of the entire economy. Did Sheev secretly sell war bonds on the black market?
Is it ever explained how the fuck this was funded without anyone knowing...
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He gave out IOUs.
I thought qui gon gin gave the order to produce clones?
The whole war was financed by the intergalactic banking clan of the trade federation, sheep orchestrated the spending
>Assuming that militaries cost as much in the future as they do now
What a terrible way to start the thought
I never watched the Clone Wars but I'm told they finally explain who Syfo Dias is.
>government of thousands of solar systems with a population in the trillions
>"how did they fund a military of a few million"
listen to yourself
It's like asking how did a prime minister in a major country secretly fund a black ops group
A better question would be why are most battles in the Star Wars universe so small scale considering the size of a galaxy and it's population? There should be hundreds of thousands of starships in a major battle, not hundreds or thousands
If armies are cheaper to make in the future then you would just order more soldiers in a total war situation. Since they are clones you are not limited by manpower, so if you are fighting an enemy in a total war you would still be spending the same percentage of your budget towards defense as say a great power such as the US or the British would in WW2.
This however is ignoring how the costs for outfitting militaries have steadily risen as technology has improved. The cost to outfit a U.S. soldier today is roughly $17 500, versus roughly $2000 adjusted for inflation in WW2. This is ignoring the astronomical increases in the price of things such as fighter planes, bombers, missiles, etc. It's not hard to imagine that a space faring military complete with massive space battleships and laser weapons would be astronomically expensive.
The Republic is a gigantic, ridiculously bloated bureaucracy.
I wouldn't put it past them that somewhere in an inbox in a Coruscant office block is a small note asking why trillions of credits are being funneled into a "Jedi liaison fund".
No where in the movies is the Clone army painted as a small black ops group. They're call the "Grand Army of the Republic" at one point. If they were a small black ops force then where are the regular forces? Shouldn't there be billions of enlisted Republic citizens fighting in these battles?
>i found this army of clones of this guy who tried to kill a senator. he also has ties to count dooku, the #1 enemy of the republic. we have no idea who ordered this army and we have no real control over them
>let's give them absolute control over the future of the republic!
Good writing George
star wars is quite literally a family movie. I don't get why people expect any kind of deep thought put into the lore
>jedi keep saying something is shady about sheev but can't get any evidence of it
>don't think to question why 80% of the galactic budget is missing
>star wars is quite literally a family movie.
Don't forget the guy who ordered the army was suppose to be dead at the time. Also don't forget that the senator he tried to kill was leading to the opposition to the Republic creating an army.
I actually find the concept of palpatine orchestrating all of this, and how that ties into the political stuff in the prequels really interesting, its just executed so poorly. Its wasted opportunity
its for young teens and kids with their dads. That doesn't mean theres a complete lack of violence
If your population is in the trillions, fielding a million man army is about as hard as fielding a black ops group in country of millions. That's what user meant. Not that the army is actually the size of a black ops group
what was Sheev's tax policy?
They paid their taxes.
That argument would work for the original trilogy and the NuTrilogy, but doesn't hold up for the prequels where George spends 50% of the script talking about random political shit that doesn't hold up under scrutiny.
>in the future
>a film made for all ages means you can just shit out nonsense
I hope you're enjoying the death of cinema, user. It's your fault.
>in the original script Sido Dyas (i.e. Sidious) ordered the clones
>George made a typo because he has fat fingers so in the final version it was "Sifo Dyas"
>George never corrected it
>it took years later for a cartoon to explain who "Sifo Dyas" was and why he ordered the clones
George can't even write a basic script.
George Lucas seemed like a good ideas person but needed other people to filter and execute it. Apparently a huge problem was him being surrounded by yes men.
K-kino, you mouse shill! REEEEEEEEEEE
It was Sifo Dyas not Qui Gon
Just try to imagine the tax laws and regulations a 1000 year-old government with hundreds of member planets would have.
I'd rather try feeling something in the force too.
You know how the USA created and funded the NSA for decades without even acknowledging its existence
Why didn't you stop him....
What I mean is some ideas people have equally shit and good ideas. They just have a lot of ideas in general and need another person to filter it so they don't go too far in places.
what's he thinking in this moment?
>If I say something I'm going to get fired...
Please be joking
considering all of them are literally incapable at defending themselves and lack the most basic training they would be pretty cheap
Since an essence of creativity is having unfiltered thoughts this kind of makes sense I guess. I think it's better to be able to unfilter and filter your thoughts. Control is key
The NSA is a small fraction of the U.S. budget with a couple thousand people working for it. It would more be like nobody noticing the creation of the entire U.S. department of defense.
I googled it and it says he typod but liked the new name so he kept it.
It would be hilarious if the CGI in the final movie looked like this
something about sifo dyas and George lucas being a complete hack
It's Star Wars m8, not real life.
But did he just like walked in there and said -
"I want some hundred thousand battle clones with full equipment, armored vehicles, and spaceships'
And they were like - "cash or card?"
"put it on my account, bro".
I mean how do you hide such enormous spending, when there are so many people in republic working with accounts.
Deploy the garrison.
In legends there were like 2 million clones in the GAR. In a galaxy with 50 million inhabited systems. In fact pretty much every army in Star Wars is hilariously small.
Were they actually given any choreography or were they just told to fail and don't worry about it?
Stop being autistic. Star Wars is a scifi wonderland that's for all intents and purposes a "future".
>Sci-fi writers can't into scale
What else is new. Did you know that the X-Wing is slower than a 1950s fighter jet in atmosphere?
>astronomically expensive
not true, the amount of clones was disputed by autists just like you, there never was an agreed upon number.
Largest number was millions of divisions, so easily hitting billions.
There was a super long running battle between minimalists and maximalists. Meanwhile not retarded people just accepted you shouldn't put too much thought into Georges retardedness, just ignore it and move along.
It's also about as aerodynamic as a cardboard box, 1950 jet is about as good as it could get before falling apart, in an atmosphere.
What’s he even doing?
Deciding what will be real and what will be CGI
Says a lot that George is deciding this and not his SFX team
>2 million clones
That would only be enough for 43 star destroyers under the empire. If the claim that the empire had 25000 star destroyers at its height is true, thats over a billion just in star destroyers. During the clone wars then the clone army would have to be at least comparible to that
I bet you believe there is a real puppet out there whose nose grows when it lies as well. Sad.
doesnt really take a genius to realize that in star wars giant universe with thousands of planets and hundreds of billions of people then it is a safe assumption that the empire, who governs most of those planets, are pretty well funded.
>25000 star destroyers
>for 50 million systems
Even that is a ridiculously small number
Well, the Republic was threatened by a bunch of space Jews with one factory of droids
>in the future
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
Where are you getting the 50 million systems number cause the only number i could find was 3.2 million.
Implying aerodynamics should mean shit when fighter don't use chemical engines. Not to mention they don't even go fast enough for escape velocity yet they have been shown the capability to do so.
Escape velocity is irrelevant in a powered vehicle
You don't protect 50 million star systems, you protect key points and you attack key points of a star system or country or whatever.
It's like asking why the USA didn't send the equivalent of soldiers, as the population of IRAQ to take it over.
This. One star destroyer is more than enough to take on an entire planetary fleet 90% of the time.
That's still not even close to the difference between 50 million and 25k. Iraq had a population of 25 million in 2003 and the invasion was launched with 380k troops. And that's with an even greater technological and strength disparity between America and Iraq than between the Empire and the Rebellion.
I just wish we could see actual big battles in Star Wars instead of the climactic battle of TFA being like 10 x wings versus a few dozen tie fighters
Just checked, the 50 million includes colonies and other small settlements like mining stations. Theres hardly any population to consider in those. The number of actually populated planets seems to be 3.2 million, with at least 1 million within the republic
And of those 1 million most aren't even that politically and strategically important.
Apparantly the empire was split into around 1000 sectors composed of varying numbers of systems. Each sector has a sector fleet of 2000 ships with 25 star destroyers. So that would give the empire about 2 million ships
>Is it ever explained how the fuck this was funded without anyone knowing?
Republic was corrupt. Really, really corrupt.
that image is misleading. as most of that mandatory spending is social security and medicare. which are funded through their own tax and not from the general fund.
general fund spending is half defense and half other.
>hundred of thousands
There wasn't that many big starships around. The empire for instant only had around 25 000 stardestoyers at Most at their prime
That's essentially what the actor who played Count Dooku was told in his fight with Yoda.
The whole Syfo-Dias issue is easily the dumbest thing in Star Wars. To this day I still don't really know what was supposed to be going on.
You mean Ian McKellan dumbass?
Heh This post made me laugh out loud
aka force chokes
>dead and irrelevant
>The future
Film literally starts by telling you it takes a place a long time ago.
>space faring military
>astronomically expensive
I see what you did there.
Christopher Lee you mong
It's a flick at best.
The first order is even worse. That shit cannot be explained.
First order is Nazis escaping to Antarctica-tier.
You see, he stole 23 Trillion Space Credits from the republic government.
Then orchestrated a terror attack to distract from the missing money and to
also destroy all records that the money even ever existed.
This always posses me off. It probably took a good minute for animators to create that board only for George to autisticly scribble all over it and make over half of it into ps2 tier cgi.
Fucks sake
Is there any logic behind manchild entertainment like Star Wars?
I’d pay to watch a Star Wars series done like GoT between seasons 1 and 3, with real political intrigue and betrayal.
Realistically you can just use self replicating miner/builder robots to start producing an arbitrarily sized army/fleet whenever the fuck you want for basically no initial cost (you only need a few 'seed' ships everything else is just converted from matter found in asteroids, dedicate a few ships to building solar arrays for power ect.), just pick some random asteroid field near the cloning planet and set up shop pumping out ships and gear. It still doesn't make sense in the context of the setting (why does nobody else do this?) but anyone with easy space travel and advanced robotics can do this, the only real cost is time.
>done like GoT
What was the Emperors tax policy?
Not explained, which I think is the real failure of the OT.
shut up virgin
No, not realistically at all.
Realistically with star wars technology, I should have said that.
Also you can do something like that with hard science, it would just take quite a few years to build any sort of notable fleet if you start with nothing but a few ships.
Because unlike the sequels, the prequels understand the scale of the galaxy (at least to a degree). In the huge, colossal, monolithic Republic bureaucracy a few hundred billion credits going to some backwater nobodys ever heard of wouldn't go noticed.
Sidious took advantage of the Republic's own corrupt bureaucratic system to destroy it. True kino.
Really? Star wars tech is robots building ships out of asteroids?