Post your shoes, others guess your favorite film

Post your shoes, others guess your favorite film

Romper Stomper

Romper stomper

Brokeback Mountain




This Is England?

This is England/The Warriors
The Thing/Matrix

Green Room

Clinton Cash.


Lawrence of Arabia

The Believer

the hotel california music video

Some pussy ass shit like eternal sunshine of something or mr nobody

Also fuck you




Andrei Rublev

This Is England or Tank Girl.



Everything by Guy Ritchie


planet of the apes or boyz n da hood

I too enjoy the films of mr wes anderson satan


anything with bill murray


Joe Rogan's podcast

That reese witherspoon walking joint. Also, noice
Hannah Montana

american history x

>Andrei Rublev
>Andrei Tarkovsky

Nice, also nah

Nice digits, but those are the gayest things I've ever seen.

Pic related are mine.



poor little white boy volume 1? 2? 3? I know you like all of them, I don't know how you expect us to guess your favorite.







meant for

Tell me this is photoshopped

the films of harmony korine

Passion of the Christ


What are boots useful for outside of physical labor? Why wear them?

any film about manlets

Obviously triple D


I knew girls with those in high school....I thought I'd seen the last of them back then

>no hair separation line

how does he do it?

Would unironically wear

they look nice and people like to look cool/nice sometimes

I don't think anyone will guess mine based on the sneakers, but it's a very well-known film


spring breakers

marvel's the avengers

blade runner 2049

a documentary about some industry that's exploiting third worlders

the host


My Little Pony: the Movie

a video of a Blue Oyster Cult concert

star wars, or a linklater film

the breakfast club

you watch diners, drive ins, and dives on .25x speed

Tarantino Flicks
Star Wars


By being the most handsome man currently living.



my most normie shoes

also fell for the club c 85 green/chalk white sole meme


do me do me

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

the blind side

nigger pls go



Alien Covenant

I just go for varying white and black. Really only like nikes and it's been 4 years since I bought new shoes.

I wear these 35% of the time

Alice in wonderland or some other hot topic shit
Guardians of the Galaxy



Always wanted a pair of Chuck Taylor's when I was a kid by my mom wouldn't me get any for some reason. Was she some kind of shoe racist or something?

Van Helsing

ur mom protecting u from shitty normal cons
get the 70s chucks instead

Nightmare Before Christmas

Lets change it to pants.

gay porn



I'll glass you cunt

There will be blood
Barry Lyndon


palo alto

Fifth element?




Skinny jeans shouldn't be made past size 30

Close actually, almost got the Criterion during the flash sale.


boy band catalina

There's nothing wrong with being straight and watching gay porn from time to time.
