Ywn have the world depend on your technology

>ywn have the world depend on your technology
>ywn be a eccentric recluse inspired by old conquerors
>ywn never own everything and be the most powerful man alive
>ywn save the world and take humanity to the stars
>ywn be the one to make humanity a type III civilization
>ywn achieve immortality and declare yourself god-emperor of Milky Way
>this is supposed to be "villain"

Other urls found in this thread:


>Is a weeb
lmao, faggot

bump for keks

> we lost our stomach for slavery
> Wallace uses, kills and "eats" his children
> Chronos kills his children
> Chronos's father Uranus was castrated
> Wallace's father-in-tech Tyrell has passed on replicants which cannot breed


>"eats" his children

in the same way we need a stomach for slavery
we need the stomach to use them, to employ them,
in that sense we eat them, use them and when they become defective destroy them
Fuel for humanity
Fuel for industry and growth

What do you think the other plugs let him control? The white one furthest from the left lets him control the floating fish-like cameras and see out of their lenses like they were his own eyes.

drones, surveillance cameras, communication, management of the company, could be anything really. Someone said different light wave lengths but I think he would have them all on the fish cameras

giant mech suit

Jared Leto is like a meme come to life, what with the crazy suicide squad antics and now this
No way he was actually literally blind during all the months of shooting, right? Wish we had information from a friend who knows him, I can't find when shooting started or finished


the majority of those suicide squad things were bullshit anyway, some of them even written by Sup Forums

What? I forgot all about that, surely leto would go "nah that's bullshit" when the news publishes stuff like that

>surely leto would go "nah that's bullshit" when the news publishes stuff like that
His own little agency folks were the ones who put it out in the first place.


He was desensitising luv to violence


I saw Jared Leto at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him anything.

He said, “Ok cool"

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Aren't you a method actor” but he didn't cut me off and said “Haha, yeah... but I know when to turn it on and off”, smiled and offered me a selfie. I walked away and continued trying to browse Sup Forums on my phone, and I heard him walk off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk to the counter with some basil, a packet of mince meat and a bottle of red wine and pay for them.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you're famous you don't need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually insisted he pay.

When she took one bottle and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “because they're all set at a different price” and then turned around and nodded at me. This was nothing like Sup Forums prepared me for. After she scanned each itemand put them in a bag and started to say the price, he paid and left.

Is this movie still performing poorly at the box office?

Jared "our guy" Leto
Jared "the creepo" Leto
Jared "the great" Leto

Why didn't he just grow himself some new eyeballs and not be blind? Or have the probe things floating around him at all times, rather than just whenever he "birthed" a replicant?

yah rite fuckin lier

because he was eccentric, and probably felt that blindness was peaceful



People like you are the ones that think pol is unironic.


literally /ourguy/

Is this the greatest character and acting performance in film history?

It seems you put more effort into that post than Jared Leto, Villeneuve and the writers put into that character.


Is he retarded

summer is over. please leave or lurk more at least. goddamn


>you reacted to a new rendition of a copy pasta haha fucking newfags I've been here since TFA why are you so dumb LOL

normies please leave, that new scent is unbearable