Why does culture keep demonizing Chad when he is actually a hero and tries to help the loser?

Why does culture keep demonizing Chad when he is actually a hero and tries to help the loser?

What are some movies where Chad is depicted in a positive light?

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How does a person help you by making your life more miserable?

that guy in the pic is a manlet, just because he's jacked and does sports doesn't mean he's an alpha or a chad

What? Good looking people are worshiped in our culture. They're literally handed everything even if they're bad/stupid/worthless.


Used to be be a shutin but gradually became more and more social, even managed to have sex with some girls.

Anyhow, from my experiences: "Chads" and "alphas" are usually better people than betas. Betas always seem to hold grudges, get bothered by the pettiest of things, and are passive aggressive as fuck.

A chad will just tell you to fuck off if you bother him and then the next time you see him he's already forgotten about it and you go back to being friends.

Fuck betas

tell that to someone in an iron lung

>nature is unfair

Cry more


Showing you your failings might make you miserable, but it might also make you improve yourself. Also why is it anyone else's responsibility how their life makes you feel?

When i was awkward in highschool chads would always be nice and try to talk more to people like me
I wasnt an overweight autist who hated people tho

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to be a beta.

Daily reminder that real life Chads are good guys liked by everyone who never bullied anyone and actually defends the bullied, if you actually met one irl you know how instantly likeable they are.
Hollywood is actually depicting Brad, the second place in the hierarchy who is mean to people and bullied the skinny jewish boys who went on to make movies about them.

>literally every movie about high schools
>worthless loser is the hero
>good looking athletic youth is the bad guy
What did (((they))) mean by this?

>everyone worships attractive people
>one person doesn't
why are normies so retarded?

Batman v Superman

shut up, bitchface.


t. Chad

None because the Hollywood Jews were always the betas and always portray a negative stereotype of chads.

idk how you got that out of what he said
anyway what this guy said, engage in self improvement, force yourelf to socialize, and don't hold grudges.

>spreading false truths
Chad is your friend not your enemy.

most men in general are nicer to guys that are socially inept

male bullying happens but it's usually by insecure dicks, not chads.

women in comparison are completely vicious to nerds

manlets are the worst

"Good looking athletic youths" are low intelligence, bad people like 95% of the time.

It's nature retard. It's how the world work.

And if Stacy paid you a second of attention, it would be the same with you.

Most male bullying doesn't really happen, it's more hazing, like when the guys on varsity mess with the guys on jv. We still had the freshmen on our team's back, though.

>150 million cigarette smokers can't be wrong!
why are normies so retarded?

>male bullying happens but it's usually by insecure dicks, not chads.
>women in comparison are completely vicious to nerds
This is pretty much spot on to how it was back at my school. Around 7th grade some kids got bullied pretty bad, especially one girl got it pretty bad. The main organizers of the bullying were the girls and some of the insecure nerds.

>tfw raised by television
>wanted to be like the cool, lonely, brooding mysterious guys
>sometimes actively refrained from social interaction to look cool
>fucked my social life forever
tv was a mistake

Staying in shape is a great way to maintain your high intelligence as you age. The more you know!

It's not nature. Our society is artificially structured to inflate the importance of good looking people, even when they have zero redeeming or important qualities.

This is anecdotal evidence but the other day I overheard some 5th-6th grade girls talking about a hypothetical situation in which one of their mutual friends would turn one on the other and what would they do once they found out, after which they made fun of some "proper"/nerdy guy from their class for being teachers favorite.
Might be kids being kids, tho

Biology doesn't care about your reactionary feelings.

A Chad helped me improve myself after highschool and really pulled me out of a bad place. Chads are good dudes sometimes.


Not him but
>attractiveness is not nature
You're retarded, and likely very ugly based on your vendetta against this subject.

I'm sorry to hear that. You can still get better.

Shill or complete idiot?

I'm guessing shill.

>attractivity is a social construct

t. sarkeesian

You have extremely low intelligence so you're missing the nuance in what I said. Attractiveness is nature. The absurd level privilege that attractive people enjoy in modern society is not nature.

People who have a lot going for them tend to be kinder and more straight forward ime.

When your IQ is 60-70, you aren't allowed to have opinions.


Betas have a very high IQ on average.

Privilege doesn't exist.

Attractive is just a form of healthy, which obviously has social value.

Tell that to their iron will user

Yeah, you're a shill.

Look up what a shill is, dumb cunt.

that fatass is alpha as fuck. I bet he gets all the girls.

>being handed things you didn't earn doesn't exist
>having an unfair advantage over other people doesn't exist

"Attractiveness" matters, but in modern society it's literally the only thing that matters as long as basic health is in check. Attractive people are given everything for free even when they have low intelligence, poor morals, bad character, dull personality, etc.

I don't think so. I've met some pretty dumb betas in my life. They just use that as an excuse for being social failures.

Socialising requires its own kind of intelligence I think. To some it comes naturally, to others it requires effort and thought and further development.

The trend that bugs me the most is the underdog loser protagonist is a 10/10 twink who we're supposed to believe would ever be an outcast.

What am I shilling you clinically retarded overweight chimp?

Everybody Wants Some

You'll see Chads are generally likeable guys, which is why they actually have friends, who just want to hang out and get some pussy

Any movie with Chad Michael Murray

>the size ratio between your facial features determines your health
>this is what Chad actually believes

If you're not a shill (you are), kindly fuck off to /r9k/

Emotional intelligence exists but what you're thinking of doesn't require any intelligence. Smart kids growing up don't like to talk about sports, kardashians, or gossip about their peers so they're alienated by default. Being an idiot with shallow, pleb interests isn't social intelligence.

nerd revenge fantasies by jews

When did this site become full of armchair social Darwinists?

Fuck off.

You have to be a special type of ugly and/or autistic if you're in good shape and still can't attract a mate.

Technically there is a correlation but in modern times so many peoples' faces are fucked up from improper development that attractiveness reflects pure luck or good parenting, not genetic health.

>my high school
>chads and stacys were actually among the smartest and nicest people
>the "outcasts" were all assholes that picked on others

>watch movies
>it's the other way around

The truth is movies and TV shows are written by those assholes who have a grossly inflated sense of likability.

What i call a 'big bubba chad'. He's physically far less attractive than you are, but he has probably triple your testosterone, a bigger dick, and 20x your strength despite being fat and out of shape. He drowns in landwhale pussy, but it's okay because a 1/10 smelly fat bitch is genuinely a 10/10 to him. He binge-drinks, smokes weed, has a short temper and is prone to violence.

the reason for this is small Jewish men are the ones writing the scripts. if women wrote all the Hollywood scripts, it would be nothing but Chads winning.

Edge of Seventeen
Everybody Wants Some!!

That's because you're lying. Also movies always have that one

Yep. Almost always the case.

Movies are written to try and invert the natural order. It's a basic tenement of communism. Hence Chad being a sadistic asshole, and some 120 pound girl is the ultimate fighting champion.

>it's natural so it is good
so why are you americans even fleeing the hurricanes
it's nature dude

Zoey Deutch is an 11/10. I have no idea why Sup Forums doesn’t talk about her more.

You have about as much chance of changing the natural social order as you you do stopping that hurricane.

Fuck off.

Who are you replying to?

redpill for all you betas:
attractive people have higher IQs too.
ugliness is a sign of low IQ

Being gullible enough to believe that article and not saying the fallacious holes in its logic is a sign of low intelligence. Also not googling the author's name and noticing that he's a criticized pseudo-scientist.

Explain the smarmy jew who outsmarts everyone stereotype then.

>ugliness is a sign of low IQ
Or genetics? I think attractive people just have way more confidence and therefore perform better.

Jew stereotypes are pretty much all inaccurate since they were deliberately created as propaganda by various institutions.

(((They))) do not want you to realize that chad is a state of mind that aby men can achieve

This is what triggered incels fail to understand, they have been brainwashed with cucked and defeatist ideas that won't let them get their shit together and improve their lifes

Fun fact: the guy in the pic is actually Jewish. Name is Jerry Cohen

But normies don't only talk about those things. With most people, you can usually find something fun/interesting to talk about with. In the cases where you can't, maybe consider that it could be you that is the shallow one. Not everyone wants to talk about your fucking animes and pepes and dragon dildos either.

Just try to be a broad person. Sometimes I'll have deep conversations about art and music. Other times in l'll talk about social and political theories. Sometimes I'll talk about how I spent a day fucking around with some girl and came inside her multiple times.


this thread proves that there is ONE constant of Sup Forums - being the contrarian.

Back in the day you would have threads about "muh evil chads"....now it's the reverse. Because you have to be contrarian,right? Became too popular for you, huh? You just had to do it, didn't you?

This site, this fucking board. Such a predictable drivel. It's hilarious. monkey see monkey do.

nice try Noseberg Shekelstein but your mind control isn't going to work on me

>that aby men can achieve

I hope you guys have lifted today

Or more like monkey see monkey do the opposite. Ah fuck that's what I'm doing right now.

>muh genetics

Stop eating like shit and start lifting

Jews are

That doesn't remove one's autism though.

>jewish writers write themselves winning


>waah don't go against the hivemind!
this isn't your hugbox you fucking faggot

Autism can help

You'd be surprised.

I'm a 1/2 Jew.

My dad is a full Jew. He was a very good athlete. Played professionally. Never really cared about money, only cared about athletics.

He married a shiksa and wants nothing to do with Judaism. He told me when I was young, 'Jews think they are better than everyone else'.

The point is, there are exceptions, but they only proove the rule. Stereotypes have a firm basis in reality.

>even managed to have sex with some girls.

why is this seen as an accomplishment again?

Or anons grew out of the victim complex phase that is most common in teenagers.

Jews intermarry more than any other ethnic or religious group on the planet so your dad is objectively wrong. Also you can just say this about everyone and have it be "true."

>Christians think they're better than everyone else

A "stereotype" that vague isn't a stereotype at all.

i was bullied by taller boys...but they were niggers though

women were shit

>Being gullible enough to believe that article and not saying the fallacious holes in its logic is a sign of low intelligence.
Care to list some of those "fallacious holes" in his logic, sweetie?
Also his article is not even something he discovered himself. He's just quoting another organization's study if you actually read (comprehended?) the article.
>Also not googling the author's name and noticing that he's a criticized pseudo-scientist.
ad hominem, tsk

Not sure. I was using it more just as a milestone in regards to my social progress. I think sex is somewhat overrated, but it's still nice to cum inside a girl and then remember that a few years ago I'd probably have been too nervous to even talk to her.

Tom Cruise is 5’7 and #1 Alpha NA
