Is LOST super shit or super good?

Is LOST super shit or super good?

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Never change, dubs 3. You keep it real.

whats super good ?

it's good cause you see kate panty


first 3 seasons super good
4 very good
5 ok
6 unwatchable crap

the way i remember it from some 10 fucking years ago:

S1 - super good
S2 - also mostly super good
S3 - kinda shit desu
S4 - fun dumb scifi
S5 - more fun dumb scifi
S6 - pretty much complete shit

I think not knowing is what made the show interesting in the first place, but if you're going to explain shit, do it right. See The Leftovers for mystery kino.

fuck that's exactly what lost is



wrong shot



Big fan of her body of work

watching pilot. some things are so much better than others

those attractive siblings are such uninteresting characters





poor mans Bridget Regan



>That's a complicated question. It depends on what you mean by 'super shit'. You see, I--
Ask yourself: Do I have 92 hours to commit to an engrossing series that concludes in a disappointing Shyamalan twist ending that renders the preceding content meaningless?


This is the most accurate thing I've ever read in my life

shit with a few Super good episodes.

Accurate as fuck

Hijacking this thread

It was super good at making mysteries, but super shit at answering them



they said "we have to go back" in the first episode

season 3 last couple of episodes are GOAT way better than season 2

I can tell you are a fan of rick and morty

never seen it

whats the twist?
i have seen it, but when it came out. and i was super baked

isnt it just that the "flash-sideways" or whatever is them all in heaven, after dying in the show? isnt that.... all that is?

>its a /sexarms/ thread

STILL mad that the best girl dies

What's the word for people that judge a movie or series solely by the ending? I know there's definitely a word for it but I forgot

>reject all the tv roles for films roles
>now your career is dead

nice one jack.

>oh there's a scene going on, something should happen
>I guess kill someone??
lost writing


yeah they're all dead and then let's go to heaven bros


No no it was a 'scientific' term that made me feel sophisticated and superior when I used it and I want it back dammit

not trying to defend the sixth season, cuz i also thought it fucking sucked when i first saw it, but i dont see how it "undermines" anything? they.... a whole overtly extended plotline about how they all go to heaven. its stupid, but i dont see how it undermines any of the previous events?

> isnt it just that the "flash-sideways" or whatever is them all in heaven, after dying in the show? isnt that.... all that is?

Originally, the Island was supposed to be the Purgatory. But then fans quickly came to the conclusion that all passengers might be dead during the run of S1, so the producers threw the idea away. S6 side-flashaways were basically recycling the concept, even if it didn't make fucking sense.

I was more annoyed that the Island was literally the asshole of the world and the apocalypse could only be stopped by putting back the "Buttplug of Doom".


you have 92 hours to waste so JJ Abrams can jack off in your brain and don't feel slighted?

>I was more annoyed that the Island was literally the asshole of the world and the apocalypse could only be stopped by putting back the "Buttplug of Doom".
yeah so i never got this part

the badguy, he just wants to become human & leave the island. because after he "gets what he wants" jack just kicks his ass cuz hes just human now

so........ whats the big deal? some asshole leaves the island? whats.... i dont get it. he's just a human in the end, is he just destined to become super-Stalin or some shit? whats the big deal if some cruel asshole leaves the island? who gives a shit

Did I think the ending was bullshit? Yes I did

Did it ruin my experience up until that point? No it didn't

>All the really interesting stuff built up in season one, but especially season two, is never paid off well and literally doesn't matter in the end.
>The final season is fucking awful. DO NOT WATCH UNDER AND CONDITIONS.

There, I saved you like 108 hours of your life.

The maiden voyage of the Titanic was a success, if you don't count the end.

Probably because I didn't binge it or stream it but watched the original broadcast over a 5 year period. So it's sour grapes, I want my time back. It's a matter of taste, (you) are promoters where I am a detractor.

i did watch it on the original broadcast, one episode a week. and im agreeing, it did suck. but im not quite sure i see how the ending undermines the entire show.

>Six seasons of lore built up re:Island
Island saved with a running jump punch and a gun.

That's like a whole different thing c'mon man

A bad last season can't erase Locke being badass, or surprise boners from Kate, or Saiyd needing batteries, that's all still in there for me

>surprise boners

It's like you're 3 seasons in and you think "oh man I'm getting pretty tired with Kate I don't think she's that hot anymore" then she comes on screen and boom, boner


The island is where the light comes from. The light, is the goodness in everyone on Earth. The "bad guy" is pure evil in human form and has the sole ideology that every human can be corruptible and easily broken. He has the power to disguise himself as the dead and does this to influence the main characters throughout each season. His plan is to leave the island and bring upon darkness and chaos among humanity. He cannot do this because the island still houses the light, that is why he attempts to destroy it before leaving. The original protector of this light knew that someday he would die, so he spent centuries bringing regular people to the island to replace him and take his job of protecting the island from evil and corruptible people. Doing this however, slowly proved the darkness' point over the course of each season.

The ending in which it is revealed that all of the cutaways in Season 6 was simply purgatory that the candidates created after their deaths wasn't a twist at all. It was to simply illustrate a point brought up in the very first season. Either they live together or die alone, to which in the end, they didn't.

LOST is my all time favorite show and I like all of it. It's incredibly well made and produced with a lore that wraps in on itself and lines up 4 or 5 different eras of the island in an interesting way that makes sense. Sure the explanation for the smoke monster and the ending was a little hokey but I fucking dare you to come up with a better explanation that doesn't sound just as retarded. The magic is a plot device and did what it needed to.

The show was always going to end with a fist fight and a tomb raider style cutscene no matter how you slice it and pretending that it was suddenly going to cure cancer and eliminate the national debt is retarded.

Edits the best part

Threads over. No post will be more accurate than this.

I can't believe no one posted the best scene in the series yet


unironically this

This and Juliet/Sawyer re-meeting over a candy bar made me cry

Sawyer fucked both her and Kate. She had to die user. No man is meant to be that happy.

>The wait for episodes in S2
The absolutely horror, thought the show was going to get cancelled

This is the only semi accurate description. All fags claiming it was supposed to be purgatory from the beginning are talking out of their ass.

>best scene
Wrong link there, fellow


S1 really does do mystery-shit well

Goddamnit i have to watch all of it again now. fuck

its super shit

every season is an asspull, the ending is a one season long slow motion dick punch


kate was super cute

first post best post


The first three seasons are absolute kino and are a must watch.

The problem is that the mystery will keep you watching the entire thing and it gets really shit.

yeah except thats.............. so simplified. why does it have to be so simple?

how old is she in s1

mid twenties


what was meant by this?

so theres no copypasta essay or whatever that like, "explains" LOST or make it suck less or anything? it was always popcorn, nothing more?

......i saw it 10 years ago. do i wanna watch it again?

desmond penny phone call was the best moment. Cried like a bitch with my then gf and she gave me a bj that night and then kissed me with my own cum lol

....and thats what season exactly?

after the beginning of season 3... so heres how i remember it:

season 1 & 2 - they are at the beach. they find a hatch. they meet ben, who is slimy. they meet french chick. also lots of freaky and creepy shit and whispers in the woods and "others" and its very mysterious and cool

season 3 = they get fucking electroshock therapy or whatever in fucking jonestown, and the season.... well, so from here on, this is what i remember:

- trapped in jonestown
- somehow eventually start living in jonestown..... in the 70s or something?
- military dudes show up, kill bens daughter & do other things
- two deities, one is bad one is good
- charlie drowns because boat coming to rescue them sucks(?)
- desmond has some cool episodes. he clicks the buttons and he........ travels between realities? or something?
- faraday or whatever is cool and they do lots of time travel shit
-also that other guy, richard or something, he time travels and just keeps showing up
- everything is a giant clusterfuck at this point, but its kinda cool
- last season: "oh we have to stop the bad guy" and locke dies and even though they used the same actor in s6 ITS NOT LOCKE

yeah that was a mess, but so is the show

Only acceptable version of Kate.

why did he suddenly gain the use of his legs?

Don't you mean an Ambrose Bierce twist ending?

Is that shopped or is she that jacked

>Around seventy-five women of different shapes, sizes, ethnicities and ages auditioned to be Kate

If they would had keep the Dharma plot and explain the smoke was an experiment that went wrong it would have been much better and the series would had been almost perfect.

The gods thing and moving the island with a lever adn all that shit of the magic is what made the series goes to shit. And the ending is a fucking joke.

>t. radical centrist


no arse

so Jack keeps seeing his dead dad in the early show. Why?

legitimately asking

The show was good for a while based on atmosphere/visuals/mystery. By season 3, if not soonee, it was clear they were making shit up as they went along, and stuff that's treated as important for seasons ends up not mattering.

The S5 finale gave me hope for the final season, but it ended up being mostly dumb as shit.