ITT Biopics you would watch

ITT Biopics you would watch

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Pic related along with Nasser, Sadat, Abdel Halim Hafez, Hafez Al-Assad, Michel Aflaq, Salah Al-Din al Bitar and Akram al-Hawrani


What about Erdogan?

Debts are for cookie cutters also the Dacians were superior to ancient Rome, we gotta ship all the gypsies to America

Him too maybe if he decides to start rightfully killing k*rds.

look at that smug jew


Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

Too degenerate really

his accomplishments are impressive but his life wouldn't make such a good movie imo. it would the standard slam dunk millionair type drama.

fund it

Did they really do anything wrong?


Unironically this guy
And also this

HBO did it already

Drove Iraqi's apeshit because Saddam is played by an Arab-Israeli

Nobody likes a jew.

there already are several movies about rasputin you fucking retard
also there is one in the making that is suppose to star Leo DiCuckio in the titular role

I haven't seen any, do you have any recommendations?


