You know.... I'm something of a holocaust researcher myself.
You know.... I'm something of a holocaust researcher myself
Peter, don't tell the goyim
For those who want to be part of this epic Sup Forums forced meme there are three easy steps.
Step 1: This is considered the most important step. See what movie this epic Sup Forums meme is being applied to today. Most of the time it's the older Sam Raimi Spiderman movies but since these threads die very fast the guys that force this apply it to other movies now. This thread however uses the Raimi Spiderman meme. Please pay attention.
Step 2: Take a iconic scene in the movie, any will do as long as people remember the scene. Greentext a quote from the scene and twist the words to use anti semitisim, racism, homophobia or any other edgy as fuck topic. Go nuts, the sky is the limit! The more vulgar it is the more epic the meme is. This takes us to the final step.....
Step 3: Make a regular post, taking the position of a normal person and pretend to be disgusted by that scene. I know, I know, this is Sup Forums, a site where gore flows like fine wine but that's what makes this meme edgy, wacky and zany. We pretend to be offended by that fake scene. Funny huh?
Now that you understand how to do this, have fun kids. Happy memeing!
>We are who we choose to be, goyim.
And that's coming from someone who just reread Umineko, which is 4x the length of War and Peace.
Best meme on Sup Forums after Baneposting
what raimi mean by this?
>I had to beat an old nigger with a whip to get these cranberries
Was this line really necessary?
Hello fellow African Americans
>What's your name, kid?
>The Human Holocaust.
>The Human Holocaust? That's it? That's the best you got?
>Aw come on kid, at least pick something that actually happened!
It was a different time
>Princess Leia: General Kenobi. Years ago you served my father in the Race Wars. Now he begs you to help him in his struggle against the niggers. I regret that I am unable to present my father's request to you in person, but my ship has fallen under attack, and I'm afraid my mission to bring you to the Fatherland has failed. I have placed information vital to the survival of the white race into the memory systems of this R2 unit. My father will know how to retrieve it. You must see this droid safely delivered to him in the lebensraum. This is our most desperate hour. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.
>Ben Kenobi: [to Luke] You must learn the ways of the white man, if you're to come with me to kill the niggers.
>Luke Skywalker: Kill niggers? I'm not going to kill niggers, I've gotta get home, it's late, I'm in for it as it is!
>Ben Kenobi: I need your help, Luke. She needs your help. I'm getting too old for this sort of thing.
>Luke Skywalker: Look, I can't get involved. I've got work to do. It's not that I like this degeneracy; I hate it, but there's nothing I can do about it right now... It's all such a long way from here.
>Ben Kenobi: That's the jews talking
Different times I guess
imagine being this mad
>not higurashi
magic does not exist
>peter.... the jews...
>Join me Spiderman! Together we can forge a new world ruled by us
>No! You're a monster! You're a murderer! You're a..
>*flashback to Peter reading Mein Kampf*
>You're a Jew!
>Goblin recoils as if struck, hissing
>You've made an awful choice Spiderman! I'll grind The American Nazi Party into the dust!
check'd and kek'd
good stuff
fuck you i spat water on my desk
>Take a iconic scene in the movie
Every scene is iconic though.
Omg this soooo much! #resisdrumpf #unitedweresist
>R*ddit paragraph spacing
>Ben Kenobi: I have something here for you. Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn't allow it. He feared you might follow old Obi-Wan on some damn fool idealistic crusade like your father did.
>Luke Skywalker: What is it?
>Ben Kenobi: Your father's canister of Zyklon B. This is the weapon of the white man. Not as clumsy or random as a nigger's gat; an elegant weapon for a more civilized age. For over a thousand generations, the Aryan Brotherhood were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times... before the Galactic Civil Rights Act.
Jesus Christ Lucas
what a low bar
>Peter...I can't believe it...all these years, I worked for our cause. And one of our own gets me. A million jungle bunnies killing people every year, and I get taken out by a white man.
>I...he looked Italian to me, Uncle Ben.
>Th-thank you, Peter.
>Peter... come closer...
Holy shit in fucking dying
>a redditor was this mad to type this.
Am giving you this advise as a friend, plz KYS and avoid more suffering.
Stop with the spacing pants wetting. It's just you every time. Always just ((you)). No one cares about fucking spacing. FUCKING SPACING, you whiny faggot.
This isn't funny. Sorry.
Unlimited power
The punchline was "race wars" and you should have stopped there.
This is stupid. The Race War would have already featured niggers. It would be better if you replaced 'niggers' with 'lgbt' and 'white race' with 'heterosexuals'.
I'm cracking the fuck up.
This pasta isn’t even new, and has accompanied every Ramey thread I’ve seen. Maybe instead of calling everything you don’t like reddit you should shut up and lurk more.
>Racist jokes are all from Sup Forums
>"Give me your hand, I've been like a father to you. Be a son to me now."
>"I had a father, his name was Ben Parker, and the last words he said to me were..."
>Peter's eyes narrow on Norman's face
>"A jew always leads with the nose."
>"...Godspeed, goyim."
>Peter backflips, avoiding the slider and stabbing Norman Osberg
>"Rraah, now it's six million and one!"
>>"Rraah, now it's six million and one!"
>mfw samefags hate on my dank copypasta
>Peter Parker: I'm responsible.
>May Parker: For what?
>Peter Parker: For what happened to Uncle Ben.
>May Parker: But, you were at the rally. You were inducting the Grand Dragon...
>Peter Parker: He drove me to the rally, but I never went in.
>May Parker: What do you mean?
>Peter Parker: I went someplace else, someplace where I thought I could learn about other cultures, to be tolerant of other races, because I wanted to impress Mary Jane. It happened so fast... I won the respect of my peers, but they were liberal, then they said I wasn't tolerant enough... then a nigger was running towards me... I could have lynched him, but I justice. I let him go, I let him get away. He wanted a crack pipe, probably, he tried to take Uncle Ben's wallet, one can only assume from his race. Uncle Ben said no... and then he stood his ground. Uncle Ben's character was killed that night by the liberal media for being the only one who did the right thing. I held his hand when he died. I've tried to tell you so many times...
>[May gets up and leaves the table, leaving Peter to sit alone]
Wow, not a dry eye in that theater that night.
Peter... I need you to get rid of my porn collection... Magazines, videos, some security footage I bought on the black market... There are snuff films in there, Pete. If your Aunt May sees all the pictures I took of her feet while she was sleeping... It's all in the box in the basement labelled "Baby Pictures"... Before you ask: yes, there are baby pictures in there, they're just not of you... Actually, they're a part o the collection, but that doesn't matter now... You've gotta do this for me, Pete. You've got to destroy my porn stash... And I mean DESTROY that shit, kid... Seriously, the hentai alone is enough to get a man put away... Hentai is the Japanese word for "pervert", son, and that's what I am... That's what your Uncle Ben is... All the fat globs of semen I've wasted masturbating to bestiality and vore over the years... And I'm a strong ejaculator, Pete... I'm as sterile as a surgery room, but I cum like a geyser every time... I think part of the thrill was always seeing if I could get any of it in my mouth... The first time I did it was a complete accident, but the taste, Pete... The taste was unlike anything I had ever experienced before... I started to crave it... It was like a drug to me... And that's coming from a guy who did a lot of blow in the 90s... Usually off of the ass-cheeks of some coked out hooker who me and the boys would kill for sport later... I actually have some footage of that in my porn collection... Which, again, you REALLY need to get rid of... I cannot overstate the importance of wiping that shit from the face of the Earth... Okay, what else, what else? Oh, you can have the slice of cake from Aunt May's birthday that I've been saving... I mean, I took a bite out of it, but it's not like I have herpes or anything... Wait... Do genitals count? Never mind, I'm dying now... In summation: great power, great responsibility, burn my porn, eat my cake....
Is the hollow man good
I've got it, Spiderman urinates in water supply, turns frogs gay.
That should finally incriminate that kike fuck
You're just made because there's finally a fool-proof way to identify you and your kind.
Fuck man haven't seen these movies in ages, did not realize that was Bruce Campbell
>that 80 minute long lynching scene
what was the point?
Wow... was that necessary?
Raimi really thought no one would notice??
>pic related
>Everybody on that boat was a straight white male, Mr. Stark, why does it matter if they die?!
these movies have really come a long way since raimi
>I hate black people
Yeah they really started dropping the ball here.
I thought the same thing user
That scene really gives you powerful insight into Norman Osbornes character motivations
just because its not new doesnt make it not reddit
>Three minutes of rape time!
Didn't even know what that meant as a kid.
>I remember 9/11. Sat right at that window and watched people on the top floor take swan dives. Took bets on how many would wind up looking like a spilled lasagna. I shit you not... I was only two jumpers away from winning the office pool. Then the damn thing collapsed. Anyway, let's get back to Spider-Man.
It was a different time.
This is the good form of the meme. I could actually be fooled into thinking this was in the original film, and I didn't remember
It's funny, dude. Jesus loves it and he's been on Sup Forums for years.
...on the jews and their butthurt
They actually deleted the mustache digitally, using the same technology they're using on the JUSTice League movie.
The french rips did keep the mustache, tho
>Before you ask: yes, there are baby pictures in there, they're just not of you
>He's just a kid... no older than my wife's son
>If we can get a picture of Julia Roberts in a thong, we can certainly get a picture of this faggot.
Cool blog bro, where can i subscribe?
>>Director Raimi addressed Uncle Ben's infamous death scene in a 2013 interview, stating: "There was a lot of tension on set, of course a lot of objections were raised about the script changes I'd made. Toby and Cliff took me aside and said that they weren't comfortable with my new dialogue. They said it was racist, they said that in the original draft Ben's killer was white but in my shooting script he was black. They also didn't like that I had the shooter mumbling 'kill whitey' and 'we wuz kangz n sheet', and stuff like that - they really didn't know what to make of it. I took both of them outside, looked them straight in the eyes and I told them 'If you want to make a Spider-Man film where Uncle Ben is shot by a well-to-do banker, go make your own, but this is MY film, and it's MY vision, and we do things a little more realistically around here....besides, how is Peter supposed to be committed to fighting crime if he isn't affected by the most criminally-inclined subhuman filth to ever walk the earth? How can you fight crime if you can't tell an honest Aryan from a fucking nigger! Deal with it, Cliff, you're getting shot by a coon, and you're watching it happen Toby!' That shut them up pretty quick".[54]
>You could have torn him apart! Now he's gonna get away with my shekels, Goyim!
>I missed the part where that's my problem.
Truly kino