Did you guys like the AVGN movie?

Did you guys like the AVGN movie?

I actually stood in line to go see the premier for it but I walked out 3/4's of the way in because it was too disappointing and boring. Was the ending good or did I not miss anything?

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The movie seemed like a vehicle for James to do practical effects. It seems like that is what he values most in filmmaking above all else (his taste and comments about movies shows that), so he didn't bother with other aspects. The script is terrible, the characters suck, and overall its just a mess. Even with the movie being written to contain these effects setpieces, most of the time they're pretty bad even for B-Movie standards. So I couldn't even recommend it based on "well you get to see cool practical effects" because you don't.

If it was a more down to Earth, simple character comedy about a nerdy video game enthusiast interacting with the real world, it could have been good. But James didn't want that because he wanted to have a bad Godzilla monster in it.

The reality is that James has a messiah complex. His whole purpose of making the movie was to get his ego stroked by fans, and he didn't realize that the writing, directing, acting, and editing were total shit. Now he's clearly lost creatively, and that roach Mike has taken over

You missed some prime Blacked action.


OP here
I'm black so I approve of this.

So sexist. The girl is only there to be won. The black totally should have ended up with James.


he should just give up movies and games.
his taste in movies is beyond terrible.
>too dumb to appreciate pulp fiction
>too dumb to appreciate the shining
>too dumb to appreciate donnie darko

>pulp fiction
>donnie darko
top pleb

>His whole purpose of making the movie was to get his ego stroked by fans,

I don’t actually believe this. The guy lives and breathes film.

They're not mutually exclusive.

Same. I even wore my favorite hat to the premier. Needless to say I wasn't disappointed.

I thought James liked The Shining

its not even in his top 50, and his "review" of it misses so many themes and points. the guy's a dummy

>The guy lives and breathes film.
James just has autism for shit he experienced as a kid like vidya and films, he doesn't have much to say about the merits of the mediums itself, just his experiences he had when he had when he was younger. The reason he stopped doing Monster Madness is because he ran out of films he watched as kid, if he was really a film fan he would be trying to watch new films all the time. Watch any of his modern film reviews and he's enjoyed every single one, the sole exception being the Tom Cruise Mummy movie and even that he said it wasn't that bad and even said he wanted to see more remakes of old universal monster movies just because he blatently states that he's a huge fanboy who just wants to see the same thing over and over again.


My face when watching the movie.

His wife and that fucker Kevin Finn raped his dream.




I wasnt able to get it to the very end of the movie. I just turned on the computer and started shitposting because the movie was so boring


>Paying to see this shit show

>doesn't like two of the biggest pleb filters in cinema
>somehow this is a negative
How reddit are you?

>It's a Ryan episode

The first 20 minutes were hard to get into because you could tell james wanted to get the kickstarter backing shit out of the way.

Once it gets going, it gets going though. As soon as they reach the game cop store it starts getting good.


It never gets good.

What the--- fuck was that? His mating call?

It does. What were you expecting?

What went wrong?

of course not

Your taste

>stood in line for a low budget movie about an angry critic


Are you retarded? I saw it for free via torrents. The only reason you feel disapointed is cause you paid money. But you're a dumbass if you actually gave money to help this movie get made

Man, I remember looking at that screen once or twice in my lifetime. Waiting for new AVGN episodes was the shit.

james went to special ed for 13 years

>Still less autistic than 40% of Sup Forums

>pleb filters
it doesn't mean what you think it means

james focused too much of stuff he wanted to put in a movie instead of making a good movie


>Sup Forums out of nowhere

You faggots truly are obsessed

Look, im not making an "argument" here but if you went into it as a standard comedy and not as an Angry Video Game Nerd movie then you're retarded. Not to say you couldn't have valid complaints hurr durr but its a fucking movie of an internet skit show, being a snob over that is hilarious. Like, you actually have standards and you watched this shit? lmao.


Yet he knows nothing about it. His reviews are about as insightful as a Fox news report, too.
I think the real question here is: what caused his fans to feel welcome on Sup Forums and spam his stupid shit every day. We're clearly not good at bullying retards anymore.

his "friends" were talking about Zelda so he tried doing a Link yell but they ignored him.

>people who post in these threads are fans
these threads are dedicated to shitting on them relentlessly.

I'm sorry but if you watch their videos regularly, you're a fan, even if you shit on them afterwards. You get entertainment out of it.

watching a 5 second clip of James, Mike or Ryan doing something autistic posted on Sup Forums barely counts as watching their videos regulariliy.

It's a meaningless buzzword now because faggots are using it wrong. Describing things with "pleb" is just lazy anyway

just fucking kill yourself already, christ

Why, because I find Rolfe's content baffling? Heed your own advice, you autistic retard.