Mike's face when forced to watch an intentionally good movie

>Mike's face when forced to watch an intentionally good movie

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More like
>Mike's face when Chris Stuckmann forgets to bring lube

>mike's soul when jay said "daisey ridley is charismatic as hell"

I don't think Mike's into anal. At least being the receiving side.

>At least being the receiving side
Based Stuckmann doesn't shave.

>Mike doesn't like taking dick in the ass
>therefore Stuckmann must not shave

What is this logic?

Hairy ass.

>watching the latest re:view
>double feature, both starring jeffrey combs
>tfw mike's not in the video making ENT references

>tfw Mike from 3 years ago was still fat but not as fat as the current Mike

Can anyone stop Mike's descent into morbid obesity?

>implying hairy ass isn't GOAT

Mike has surprisingly little hair on his butt. Jay, however...

>Harry S. Plinkett
>Hairy Ass Plinkett

>mikes face when he see's RLM and its own attempt at orignal comedy

Sup Forums is just pretending to like these unfunny shitheads, right...?

They are entertaining, but yeah I wouldn't say their humor is very full of effort or anything talented

Wouldn't he be making more sweet DS9 refs?

Has Mike ever been penetrated?

Only once. In college. It was borderline tape, and Mike still has nightmares about it.

>watches BR2049

>borderline tape

Aging is one hell of a drug, user.