I'm not really a surrealism or horror guy. Is Twin Peaks worth watching...

I'm not really a surrealism or horror guy. Is Twin Peaks worth watching? All I know about it is the backwards talking dream scene.

I'm not either either and I love it.

real good, i recommend
more about building characters and relationships than just straight surrealism.

>I'm not really a surrealism or horror guy

It will make you one

Or you're just a pleb idk

There isn't that much weird shit going on in it. Twin Peaks is the definition of comfy. When the series is over, you'll feel sad you're not living there. The place feels real and the you get attached to the characters. It's nothing extraordinary though, it's cheesy but in a good way.

I'm genuinely too dumb to understand surrealism (at least "Lynchian Surrealism") and I still dont regret watching Twin Peaks. Plus if you watch the original and the FWWM movie, you can watch the new 3rd season

All good posts so far. Twin Peaks is as much a murder mystery and somewhat a soap opera parody as it is surreal. The movie and third season are, but cross that bridge when you get there. But the first two seasons are super comfy and interesting and unique

Watch all of season one, half of season two and it's finale, then forget it ever exists. 3rd season is a waste of time.
>Incoming Lynched poster

>3rd season is a waste of time.
I'm the "two dumb to surrealism" poster and I still disagree. It was certainly a better choice than most of the other shows/series you could watch as of a couple weeks ago

But its the best twin peaks season

Disgusting. Season 2 loses its way but is still comfy and enjoyable and has little snippets of important things. Also the finale would not be as good without the two episodes that lead into it

At least the first two seasons have a lot of criminal investigation stuff, character driven drama and humour. The third seasons is more about surrealism and horror but there's a chance that by then you'll be invested in the plot enough to want to see where it's going anyway.

Maybe not in Season 1, but the end of Season 2, movie, and Season 3 are a completely different story...

>not suggesting the movie
Movie > Season 3 > Good parts of Season 2 > Season 1 > Shit parts of Season 2


Twin Peaks is a critique of everything related to sex (the pun in the title is totally intentional), it has a severe traditionalist message that sex outside of protective constraints is destructive, all it does is examine relationships drifting away from traditional norms, it plays with doing this as a parody soap opera and then satirizes itself with an internal soap opera. This is brilliant comedy with a long drama set-up. The chick with super powers is a metaphorical pedophile, a way of discussing pedophilia without hysteria (she's magically strong relative to people much younger than her, like an adult with a child, and she completely loses everything when forced to finally accept her age and situation).

Holy fuck, I really am dumb. I never clued onto this until now

>when you realize you liked Twin Peaks for all the wrong reasons


>I'm not really a surrealism or horror guy.
You're gonna hate season 3 then.

This is one interpretation, but probably not the interpretation intended (considering that that part you talk about was written by a bunch of incompetent writers). If anything, it's a deconstruction / parody of television airing at the time (and still is with Season 3). Although it's also its own thing too, (especially with Season 3 and the movie)