Good sitcoms dont exis-
Good sitcoms dont exis-
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Literally no one has ever said that. Ever.
if you were thirteen right now you'd wax nostalgic for the big bang theory in a decade. friends was garbage.
tv loves this show. prove me wrong protip u cant
tv rekt
>look we have sex
>look I have tits
I am sorry for english but west is falling and this series is bad
Pic unrelated?
ill start
pic related
what is this show?
The most unlikeable cast in Sitcom history.
Stroke me a clipper, I'll be back by bed time.
Rimler and Krypem are my favorite characters.
Is anybody going to post a good sitcom? haha
The first season of Happy Endings had better jokes/gags than himywhoreofamother in its entirety
i watched friends for the first time like 5 years ago when i was 20
>use to watch this
>love it
>starts to turn to utter shit around season 3-4
>look at it years later
>it's 100% normalfag disgusting shit from season 1
>every character is unlikeable
Ace Rimmer, what a guy.
It overstayed its welcome.
Sitting your kids down and telling them a rambling diatribe over the course of several days straight about how you and your friends had promiscuous sex with strangers and each other, and generally passed around "aunt Robin", about how you "fell in love" with every other person you met, as a prelude to how you met their mother? Probably not the best parenting.
Same thing happened to me, strange
I also can't watch scrubs anymore. It's garabage, though at one point I was obsessed
Happy Endings was kino, and it's a damn shame it was canceled.
HIMYM last couple of seasons were abysmal, and it might of had the worst ending out of any show I've watched.