So i'm really interested in watching this movie, but I don't want an absolute gorefest

So i'm really interested in watching this movie, but I don't want an absolute gorefest.

I'm not a fan of the torture porn or gore porn horror movies. Any of the Saw movies past the first one, the wrong turn movies, ect..

Is this a gore/torture porn horror movie?

Not really, but there's one gore scene that fucking haunted me for days.

There’s really not a whole lot of gore until the last ten minutes or so. Even then, it only happens to one guy and it’s over pretty quick.

I absolutely loathe torture porn, and I was hesitant about this movie going in, but I was genuinely captivated by how good the writing was. You could take the gore out completely and the script would still make it one of the best westerns of the decade.

Just keep in mind that the violence IS very hardcore when it happens.

Not really. I mean, yeah it does have a fair amount of violence, but I wouldn't classify it as a gore movie. And it doesn't hold a candle to later Saw movies (which are essentially torture scene after torture scene for an hour and a half)

Slight spoilers:
It has one unbelievably graphic death scene towards the end that last about 30 seconds. A lot of people consider it the highlight of the movie because of how out of left field it is.

There's also a minor thing a few minutes later that I actually found more grotesque. You see what the bad guys do to the women they capture. It's not like a rape scene or anything, you just see the aftermath. Probably only on screen for 3 or 4 seconds. But that scene I found faaaar more horrific than the actual gore scene in the movie.

One of the guys in the party breaks his leg and has to basically do heroin to fight the pain. If broken limbs make you wince, this might bug you. Overall though, the story is more about the characters and survival than it is a straight-up horror show.

This movie is actually a bit scary desu, and I would pour yourself a drink before and while watching it.

Absolute Kino. Also check out Brawl on Cell Block 99 by the same director afterwards

>tfw Matthew Fox is forced to kill his horse and says “Thank you for your service.”

dont waste your time. this flick is boring as fuck.

There’s only one gore scene, which makes it more shocking when it happens, the movie is not torture porn.

Don’t listen to this brainlet, OP. He talks like a fag and his shit’s all retarded.

Trick question, OP. This guy is actually the real homosexual. Bone Tomahawk is a nonlinear mass budget intro to a gay porno.

isnt there some violence right at the very start?

>he doesn’t slob on knobs

It’s almost like you’re actively avoiding becoming patrician.

that movie was pretty amazing

I am not into horror movies or torture porn shit, I watched it because I am into westerns and I had no idea what I was getting

the movie is for 90% a pretty old school slow paced moody western until in the end shit hits the fan pretty massively

while I am not into gore the contrast of the two elements and the shock (of me not expecting it) made for a pretty great movie experience

if you dont like gore dont watch this movie. people break limbs, it hurts to watch, theres a scene at the end that would make tobe hooper shit his pants, the violence is realistic and directed in a way so that you take it as "really happening." like theres no schlock or retarded cg effects.


there's a couple of throat slashing right at the beginning, then a few limbs chopped off (not too graphic), then a truly horrific scene about 1h in and then regular western violence except a grotesque body horror thing near the end

This is my spot

The stupid death scream stuff ruined this movie

It's not a horror until the last bits of the movie. It's just a very well made kino.

Brawl on cell block 99 is also great but shows a lot more gore.

it's nothing like that, but it doesn't pussyfoot around the violence when it comes to that point and it shows it vividly and matter-of-factly

it's about a group of people hunting their attackers and encountering a little more than they bargained for

Nothing particularly explicit.

craig zahler literally didn't made a movie that is not kino

>Those troglodyte women
God damn, quad amputeesfreak me the fuck out

This movie is brutal as fuck. 9/10

That was more disturbing than the gore scene. These women were used like living fuck dolls, and then they're just left there at the end, pregnant, to starve to death.

Yeah, that part really stuck with me.
The way they their heads twitched was really spooky.

Just like that one x files episode

The tortured pregnant woman are hot. You should watch it and jerk off.

Living the dream.

never thought rocks being thrown and arrows could cause so much damage.