Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ

>Jesus Christ Jackie boy

Should I rewatch Jaysus Chroist Jackie Boy?

It's been quite a few years since the show ended and I'm wondering how it holds up.

>I'm wondering how it holds up.


I went back and watched some of the earlier episodes a few weeks ago. Even before it became a naked attempt to get people under the age of 50 to buy Harleys, it was a pretty bad show.

i'm planning a rewatch but i think i'm gonna stop after season 4 and end on a high note. i dont want to sit through 3 seasons of "i'm tryina get the club outta guns but i keep getting pulled in deeper" bullshit filler nonsense


pffft. the early first season is rough. they hadn't even fully grown their beards

I love you brothers

>Season 1
Setting up to be biker 'Hamlet'. OK, Kurt Sutter, you have my interest. I enjoy Shakespeare and motorcycles, let's see where this goes.

>Season 2
Bikers fighting racism. Interesting. It goes against the commonly held stereotype of bikers.

>Season 3
The gimmick season. Something about the Irish and ATF lesbians and Gemma has a heart attack. I guess Sutter realized shows need plots, so great shows have all the plots.

>Season 4
So apparently the eternal bonds of brotherhood can be shattered by a half-assed DA. Also, biker worried other bikers might be racist, ignoring season 2.

>Seasons 5 and 6
Oh, turns out Jax was Jesus the whole time. Also, black gangsters, also Chinese gangsters.

wow your criticisms really hit on the points that matter you don't they?

Never forgetti

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Sons of Anarchy. The Hells Angels LARPing is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of white trash lifestyles most of the dialogue will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Jax’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from MLP fanfic, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the contstant man-hugs, to realise that it's not just homoerotic- it says something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Sons of Anarchy truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Chibs’s existential catchphrase “Jayzus Chroist, Jackie,” which itself is a cryptic reference to every other thing an Irish person ever says. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Kurt Sutter’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Sons of Anarchy tattoo, right below my Harley-Davidson tattoo, the Triumph tattoo, the McDonalds tattoo, and my new Indian tattoo (ryde 4 lyfe). And no, you cannot see any of them. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid


Anyone have a webm. of that terrible cgi wheelchair drag scene?

>Hells Angels LARPing

If you want to see that, you should attend a Black Label Society concert. It's impossible to listen to them for very long before you want to stop shaving and start calling everyone 'brother'.


nice tits bitch

jesus christ, saul!

Those are summarizations, not criticisms.


My fucking sdmf niggah!


At this point, I just want to watch it for the memes, but the time investment probably wouldn't be worth it.

>muh brown coming from the north
>muh aqua marine coming from the southwest

I didn't go to college either.
SMDF from the New Hampshire Chapter.

Why'd they turn quin into a retard and then kill him off?

I miss SoAposting

>>muh brown coming from the north
>>muh aqua marine coming from the southwest

>ywn have a full head of hair like that

*having to make things right intensifies*

What the FUCK was his problem?

At first he thought he was wasting his career with this job, then he realized he could never get a better role with this on his resume.

He joined Marvel's netflix series so he escaped this fate but honestly after you get cholo'd by grandpa manson in prison, everything in your career is going up

He was really good in 'Lowriders'.

Wasn't he a gay nigger?

>have white trash cousin
>never had a job, get knocked up around 18
>names the kid Jax
>dude kills his Mom by the end of the series

She's done for

>Marvel's netflix series
that's not a good career move either, much as people won't shut up about the shows nobody cares about even the lead actors



>have white trash cousin

You do realize that being related to white trash makes you white trash, don't you?


jaysus croist jackeh boi

Goddamn it Gamby.

Here comes dat Jackie boi.

You realize they weren't fighting against the Neo-Nazis in season 2 because they wanted to fight racism, right?
They fought them because they interfered with their gun running.

All I remember is both myself and my sister decided to do a drinking game of tequila shots every time JESUS CHRUST was uttered and next thing you know its 3 in the morning im drunk off my ass and my sister is calling me from across town drunk off her ass and where both yelling or at least attempting to yell JESUS CHRIST over the phone.

The show is a godamn goldmine and I miss the livethreads

Is there anything this guy can't do?

It's a bad show. Every episode is the same
>Some guy makes a threat
>If you ever piss on my shoes again, I'll kill yuh!
>Motorcycle chase scene
>Shootout where no no one gets shot
>We're the good bad guys, bro!

play a character with bad teeth

your sister sounds chill

>no one mentions musical montages with popular songs sung by Katey Segal
Do you even SoApost?

Jax Teller kills 43 people in the series.
The club on a whole kills 172 people.

By contrast, the Great Northern Biker war lasted for 3 years and 12 people were killed.

>*walks away and turns head*

>the Great Northern Biker

what's that?

> *drinks milk out of the carton alone in the kitchen, late at night*

*slaps friends leather vest as hard as he can while hugging*

Did you guys fuck? Is she hot?


absolutely not, it was shit even when it was on air. the topics on here about it were just people who were too invested in it to give up in the penultimate or final seasons.

I kinda don't get why this show gets so much hate around here. Yes, its campy and completely unrealistic, and it had some very annoying aspects (Gemma, Katey Sagal cover montages). But it's still highly entertaining, like a 90s action flick.
The seadon 3 finale imo is among the best season finales of any show.
And outside of the mentioned Sagal cover songs, it had a really good, fitting soundtrack.

It was a turf war over drug dealing between Hells Angels, Bandidos and Outlaws. All over Scandinavia.

Back into this world...


I wish those guys would just die.

How do I get that hairline?


honestly the best actor in the show

He was great, but Ron Perlman was the GOAT actor in that show. God damn, this guy can play a mean fucking prick.

kekno, the druglords

Man I always knew Russell was feminine, but jesus christ.

>We used to suck dick together.


I'm just glad Drea De Matteo didn't get murdered like her career after Sopranos, Chibs didn't killed, Charlie Hunnam is actually a good actor outside of tv, and we're getting a show about brown reaching out so we could possibly get a prequel one day despite us only knowing everyones fate.

Opie didn't deserve any of the shit that happened to him.

>Charlie Hunnam is actually a good actor

>opie didn't deserve anything that happened to him
>mfw remembering Opie
>mfw Half-Sacks death

>Opie didn't deserve any of the shit that happened to him.

Yes he did, that was the point.

Piney let Opie into the club, thus his son became damned.
John Teller realized too late that his own son would be dammed if he got into the club and tried to exhange his soul for Jax's.

Jax learned the lessons of his father and offered himself before his own sons followed his path into damnation.

>tfw there will be no sequel series in the future where the Teller brothers are hardcore adrenaline junkie sportbike riders

Jax' sacrifice was in vain though.
In the last scene we see them in, one of his kids plays with one of the club rings Jax got from his father.

>I miss the livethreads

Godtier genes and praying that your hairline doesn't start receding.


Its basically white trash propaganda. I've never known anybody really into this show that didn't look like they were, at some point, addicted to meth.

>Walking down the street
>See a woman probably in her mid-thirties but looking like she's in her mid-60s walking towards me
>5'6 250 ilbs waddle/10
>Face like she has been raised on Mountain Dew
>holding hands with a mulatto child, presumably her son
>"SOA: Whatever Chapter shirt slowly becomes visible
>It all comes together

>In the last scene we see them in, one of his kids plays with one of the club rings Jax got from his father.

one brother is good and the other evile

>No one mentions the Jax/CIA homocrossover

It's hardly propaganda.

It's prestige TV for people who can't understand prestige TV.
>Why does the Sopranos/Breaking Bad/Mad Men/the Americans keep focusing on bullshit?
Sons of Anarchy is something they aspire to (Harley ownership) and something they can understand (the brown guy killed the white guy's woman. kill the brown guy) but also challenges Cooter's intellect (sometimes you have to work with the brown guy now and hold off on killing him until later) with moral quandaries appropriate to his station (it's ok to hug a dude if he's like, your brother, because then it's not gay.)

Pretty sure he was gay

Unless he's living in a mobile home park and has seven broken lawchairs on his front lawn, he's not white trash.

>was getting out of guns part of your plan, Jackyboy?
>of course, JAYSUS CHROIST


Sam Crow is a character along with his mexican partner Rico?

hate to burst your bubble there, but not only white trash people like SoA.
I personally know 2 guys with PHDs and a shitload of other people with university degrees who absolutely loved the show.

I can see that.

Most Harley riders these days are dentists who stop shaving on Thursday so they have the right amount of stubble for their Sunday morning rides with their friends, all pretending for a couple hours that they're badass bikers.

SoA was basically a seven-year long commercial for Harleys, so I'm sure the dentists loved being able to see acted out on screen the badass they wanted to be.

>TV shows are escapism and advertisement
wow, what a huge revelation

>I personally know 2 guys with PHDs and a shitload of other people with university degrees who absolutely loved the show.

Did they love the show because it was a good show or do they admit it was shit and was just a guilty pleasure?

not an argument

guilty pleasure most definitely
I would never deny that this show was more than that.
I still think it is better than its reputation on this board though.

[citation needed]

also, most people, if they have a PHD or not, have no clue about film theory, or whatever you wanna call it. They just watch stuff that looks cool and is entertaining.

>all over scandinavia

>Great Northern Biker war
>12 people were killed

Well over half the population of Scandinavia at that time.

Entire towns were wiped out

I'm a Scandi and 3 out of those 12 people were my siblings

And there are only 3 other families in the entire peninsula

>tfw you have to reach out to black
>tfw you know brown and yellow will ride your ass all the way down the pipeline