What are some films that accurately portray the masculine?

What are some films that accurately portray the masculine?

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>comaed himself white knighting

The masculine...autism?

t. woman

No film does it better.


Most anime really


Not quite as manly as my vlog, but near enough

Came here to post this

Glad to see we're on baseline

Zack Snyder's cape trilogy


The Grey

>doesn't kill whis whoore wife
Not quite, but close.

Jackass 3D

Unironically this


He literally gets cucked due to being a retard.

>still no candid shot of Affleck training

he learns.

is that black guy stealing a disabled person?




>accurate portraits of the masculine
>no mention of pic related

Literally the perfect movie. I've seen it atleast 30 times.


How can you not have this? The guy's the definition of a 21st century alpha male.

Why is nu-Sup Forums so insecure and in constant need of conformation of their masculinity?

Is this just a "women cannot understand" thread?


Actually he doesn't learn a thing. That was the whole point of the final line of dialogue. You're not supposed to root for him during the carnage. You're supposed to feel embarrassed for him that he let it go as far as it did in the first place.

Anything by Michael Mann

Mike Adriano's Anal Motherfucker Saga

Master and Commander


>Actually he doesn't learn a thing
it's a meme you dip

>durr taxi driver is about being a masculine badass

The joke is that lot of these films are actually criticizing toxic masculinity instead

I love this movie for the message of being stubborn with your morals is okay.

according to marty himself it deals with this kinda romanticized ideal of masculinity you get from western

hell or high water
brawl in block 99
bone tomahawk

basically, antiheroes. but i dont think thats an adequate term.

>war movies
>fighting movies
>robbery, crime andviolence in general

As much as like most movies here, why do people associate masculinity with punching and shooting people? If this is how you see manliness you are not much better than the femnists saying all man are violent rapists or whatever. I chalange you to name manly movies that still portrait men in a possitive light, this guy here was the only one who did it

>I chalange you to name manly movies that still portrait men in a possitive light
I can't I'd be more than happy to hear some. That sound like something we can use more of.

Gilbert Grape? The Pursuit of Happyness?

Thisis kind of hard desu

Despicable me

People have different notions of manliness, in which they are all valid in their own way.

Unironically animay

It's shallow hedonism. I know that's the point of the movie, but still

Payback (director's cut)

Is it good? I remember the theatrical version turning into a strange half-comedy around the time Lucy Liu showed up, but it really did not work.

Fun Fact: Libs and feminists consider Taxi Driver to be an example of "toxic masculinity" simply because Bickle exhibits a Madonna-Whore Complex and deals with it through explosive violence. Source:

>Sup Forums is full of immature teenagers who a stereotypical view of machismo
really fires those neurons

The Road is a good example of what you're talking about tho
I don't think Taxi Driver has anything to do with masculinity. It's just a movie about an incredibly alienated guy who starts projecting his frustrations onto wider society and then reacts explosively after he's had enough. He's an archetypal mass killer. His violence isn't a way for him to express or claim his masculinity.

>t. brainlet
the movies aren't masculine because of the punching and shooting, they're masculine due to the reasons behind the punching and shooting.

I'm aware of that, most are about persevarance, determination, self sacrifice for the good of others and shit like that the essence of what it means to be a man, all I'm saying is that is worrying that most people can't thing of other forms to show these qualities other than violence

scorsese literally said it was his way to express masculinity

Because fighting and dying for what you believe in is something only men can do.


Then maybe Scorsese should've made that obvious in the movie. Just watching it, there's no reason to think that Travis does what he does because of masculinity.

It is. Way better then theatrical. Almost no humour. Completely different ending.

But not the only thing men can do

>chads his way through life
>steals some fags's gf
>sacrifice himself for his child
inb4 Sup Forums triggering

Conan the Barbarian
Blade Runner
Taxi Driver
The Lords of Flatbush
Revenge of the Nerds
The Warriors
The Wanderers
The Terminator
Mad Max 1 & 2


palo alto
bike thieves
the 400 blows
taxi driver
lords of dogtown
the last picture show
annie hall
eternal sunshine
my own private idaho
the seventh seal
hoop dreams
boogie nights

the graduate





lol looks like somebody just finished their first film appreciation class

>afflecks cgi’d abs

No Death Wish?


War and Peace. There will never be movie with ten thousand extras for realistic battlefield scenes only computer generated shit. No hundreds of real cavarly men performing charges. No dozens of cannons firing blanks with real smoke filling field like it actually was. Men marching bravely in formation against fire and steel.


The Hustler

Surprise! This is what people are referring to when they say "toxic masculinity". It's a legitimate problem for anyone. Yet for some reason, it gets sloughed off as an SJW talking point instead of a real thing to work on.

Because men are generally more aggressive than women and less prosocial? (Which is not necessarily a bad thing, there are plenty of positives to this, it's probably the reason men have been so successful throughout history). Also, this is instantiated biologically, fuck off blank slate retards.

good this movie is depressing and beautiful

Because it attributes violent (generally male) behaviour as inherently bad even though they have clear utility. Violence and the capability to commit it is not in and of itself bad. I like how you gleefully ignore the fact that, YES, these films have violence but what distinguishes a bad guy from a good guy in these films is generally the man having principles and a moral code.

Mostly nearly all the Western Genre pre 2000s.

Citizen Kane
12 Angry Men

Modern leftism wants to turn weakness and harmlessness into a virtue. It isn't one.

Violent and agressive is also far away from being a virtude

Because they're taking it from us.

The Hustler, The Cincinnati Kid, maybe Casablanca(?)

Might is right, sweetie.

Bullhead. Go see it.

Edgar wrights best movie.

Watch out, you may hurt yourself with that edge

Craig Zahler is singlehandedly saving masculinity.

Go live in an autocratic shithole then, you dumb brainlet

I can only think of one possible non-violent and positive portrayal of masculinity and that's probably movies where there is a strong father character. Good Will Hunting is good at this. Being stern but patient, showing but not telling (when teaching) and honesty with intent not primarily to offend.

No other movies come to mind that do this. I don't think it's a great movie in all honesty as it's pretentious but it is enjoyable.

So, the only two ways of being manly are fighting people and being a good father? Sounds about right desu

Alexander by Oliver Stone maybe?

Mann's films obv. Colleral, Manhunter, Heat, Miami Vice, Thief. Manliness incarnate.

Well there's non-violent but negative portrayals, like The Founder and courtroom dramas, but that's because they always highlight negative things about masculinity. Masculinity is all about overcoming bad shit and being expedient, it's practically impossible to have a perfect portrayal of it.


don't forget The Insider.

Cast Away

Gangs of New York = bill the butcher
Shane = shane
Ghostbusters =peter venkman
Dirty Harry = harry callahan
Last House on the Left = mr. Collingwood
The Wild Bunch = pike bishop
Captains Courageous = manuel fidello
Roman Holiday = joe bradley
Enter the Dragon = mr. lee
Jaws = quint
Crocodile Dundee = mick dundee
From Russia with Love = james bond
The Godfather part 2 = vito and don corleone
Once Upon a Time in the West = harmonica man
Das Boot = capt. Lehmann-willenbrock
Hard-Boiled = tequila yuen
Bullitt = steve mcqueen
Cool Hand Luke = paul newman

