Are there any movies or tv shows where "rednecks" are portrayed in a positive light?

Are there any movies or tv shows where "rednecks" are portrayed in a positive light?

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Tucker & Dale


Only this

That's actually a good question.

I've been living in a rural area for a couple years now and I've found "rednecks" to actually be really friendly and nice people. It's a bit of a shame that they're always depicted so poorly.

For the record, I'm black and I anticipated to be treated poorly and with racial discrimination when I moved here.

The Beverly Hillbillies

This. City slickers btfo!

Swamp People, but they're really coonasses and not rednecks.

Same. I'm asian and moved to the south years ago. People here tend to be way friendlier.

Duck Dynasty, although they aren't rednecks but are keeping up a "redneck" appearance for the sake of the show (and money).

that is fuckin cool as hell

The Walking Dead.

Merle was a race-baiting redneck asshole who redeemed himself. His brother Daryl is a straight-up hero. Hell, even Rick is technically a small-town redneck.

The Hills Have Eyes.
The Watch story from Pulp Fiction.
Any documentary on Dylan Roof.
Search for "incest" On motherless.

Everything I listed should get you started, and you'll find it's completely accurate.

Cold in July

its northern liberals projecting again

Man of Steel

Duckling Fantasy

Smokey and the Bandit and the hundreds of B movies that ripped it off.

Best answer

Whats the population of your towns?

About 1,000 people, 90% of which are white. Why?

Southerners are all portrays ad backwards hicks. The yankee's idea of the south is very flawed whether it is positive or negative.
One thing you rarely see in movies or tv. A scientist with a southern accent.
The south is used is either some sort of tragedy porn like about how everyone is poor and dying or loves jebus, or fear porn were they are all evil hicks that will murder you (deliverance)
Or even in a mystical and dark way with the southern gothic genre.

>William Gibson took an ironical look at the cult of "Southernness" in his novel Virtual Light. Rydell, the stolid, southern antihero, is looking for a job at an LA shop called Nightmare Folk Art—Southern Gothic. The (northern) owner says he finds Rydell unsuitable: "What we offer people here is a certain vision, Mr. Rydell. A certain darkness as well. A Gothic quality....The Mind of the South. A fever dream of sensuality".[30]

>Put out by finding himself not southern enough for this New Englander, "'Lady,' Rydell said carefully, 'I think you're crazier than a sack full of assholes.' Her eyebrows shot up. 'There,' she said. 'There what?' 'Color, Mr. Rydell. Fire. The brooding verbal polychromes of an almost unthinkably advanced decay.'"[30]


Mountain monsters off course. More hillbillies than rednecks, and they're all clearly faking it, but it's a good time.

King of the Hill.

Aside from some nice cultural aspects and a certain "comfy" factor the Southern states generally suck ass. The poverty is evident, the schools are all lower ranked, the investment in cities and infrastructure makes them ugly and terrible to navigate and the weather is fucking miserable.

Florida is the exception where it loses all of the south's charm and instead gains a Vegas like fake quality that makes it completely unappealing.

Right now, I live in a small city (200k) but lived and worked in many small rural towns that ranged from hundreds to a couple thousand. It's kind of different in those places though. Neighboring towns of similar populations aren't far from each other so some places can be like a geographically large city made up of several small rural towns.

No Country For Old Men is one of my favorite movies and part of it is the southern charm. I'm not from the south but there's something great about a "good old boy" meeting the evil of the modern world.

The Carolinas are alright. Any further south it's like living in the armpit of the world.

Iunno, there definitely is that "which church are you going to?" question everyone pops. Kinda a problem when you're one of those fence-sitter agnostic people

Tennessee is great. I love Nashville and it's surrounding cities. Also Chattanooga and Knoxville. There's also some great sights and landmarks throughout the state. Florida is great too, but the people are subhuman scum.

West Texas is its own little world. It is not representative of "rednecks".

Rednecks typically applies to Ozark and Coal Country areas.

Fun fact: The term "redneck" used to be positive as people used to tie red cloth around their necks as a sign they're part of a group fighting barons that were literally at war with them.

i live in georgia born and raised and i love florida. hope to move there in a few years

You young 'uns don't even know yer born ...

Rednecks are low IQ drunken, methed up welfare queens. Why would they be?