How did they know Trump was just like Biff when they based the foul-mouthed, sexually assaulting character on him back in 1985? Was Trump always so unpopular and crude?
How did they know Trump was just like Biff when they based the foul-mouthed...
Trump has always been rather crass and unrefined
>back in 1985? Was Trump always so unpopular and crude?
These are the millenial fags that voted for him
Are you retarded, son?
In short, yes
No they just needed an 80s icon to based his empire on. Biff was already an asshole.
This happens in Bttf 2, btw.
>This happens in Bttf 2, btw.
Biff is in part 1, too.
But Biff is just an asshole teenager in part 1 you fucking idiot.
>But Biff is just an asshole teenager in part 1 you fucking idiot.
He sexually assaults Lorraine, kind of like Trump and his "grab 'em by the pussy." But that video didn't happen until years later, so how did they know he was like that?
I'm not wrong on this; there are interviews where the writers say they based Biff on Trump.
>He sexually assaults Lorraine, kind of like Trump and his "grab 'em by the pussy."
what the fuck am I reading?
Post proof then. It's your burden. You say he did stuff in the movie that Trump would later do? Zemeckis must be a fucking psychic.
>Post proof then. It's your burden. You say he did stuff in the movie that Trump would later do? Zemeckis must be a fucking psychic.
How who knew? Post your bullshit source.
>Was Trump always so unpopular and crude?
Where have you been the last 40 years?
Pretty sure you're too stupid to read, though.
I see. This poor user is taking the American millionaire persona based on Trump and connecting dots to his behavior in a movie made years before.
They didn't know brainlet user, just like Trump's ancestor wasn't an outlaw in the Old West either.
The whole character is not based on Trump as your article says. Just the decadent millionaire lifestyle as I said.
Maybe you should read closer. Zemeckis didn't have a trilogy even planned until the first movie printed its own money.
>Oh, it's gonna cost you, alright. How many swing states you got on you?
It was pretty common to do parodies of Trump back then, he was a household name like the Kardashians or whatever today. It was just a lot less venomonous because not many people outright hated the guy, they thought he was a bit of a jerk at worst but that's about it. It's very easy for creators to backtrack and say they were looking at him through the scope of today, but that's nonsense, there weren't years and years and years of rumors like there were with Bill Cosby (which I first heard from a great uncle who was a big shot in the business when I was a kid 20 years ago) and Harvey Weinstein (which was joked about on 30 Rock). If people knew, they were COMPLETELY silent until he ran for President, which is about as good as it not happening at all. This is the only thing even remotely relevant I can find when using a custom time range in a search from before he announced his candidacy, a controversial tweet about sexual assault in the military.
>26,000 unreported sexual assults in the military-only 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?
So yeah, it was clear as day that future Biff was Trump, but it was in no way prophetic. It's just that as this uncouth big shot billionaire with his own tower in NYC, he made a good archetype for bad guys. Biff Tannen's Pleasure Paradise, Koopa Tower, Clamp Center, same shit every time.
The 30th anniversary of BttF was just a few years ago. And it went over like a fart in the wind. Whose to say that trying to make it relevant in hindsight isn't their intention?
Trump has always been the poster boy for the filthy dirty rich New York asshole
>Zemeckis must be a fucking psychic.
You don't want to know how deep this rabbit hole goes.