Why did she tolerate him?

Why did she tolerate him?

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Its not that she tolerates him. He was the only on dumb enough to tolerate her. Everyone else is scared and knows enough to stay away from her besides Irwin, who is pussyblinded, and Grim, who is enslaved. Everyone else only deals with her on business only. Even Jeff.

Really makes me think

really ignites my synapses

Because her dog is dumb, useless and disgusting too but she still has affection for it.

He's her science fair project


They like each other

One just shows it more than the other

You know Billy was hung like a horse right?

I love Irwin
He makes me want to rewatch the show

>Mandy or Grim are in danger
>Billy goes out of his way to save them
>Billy is in danger
>both just leave him to die usually

For the dicc

>Billy goes out of his way to save them

Because she is a massive bitch that wouldn't have any other friends otherwise.

Billy's Jewish ties will help Mandy on her conquest to take over the world! Or get rich and live a comfortable life.

Even human monsters can experience loneliness.

Mandy actually really likes Billy as crazy as that sounds. She even got super possesive of him when his de-aged mom tried to steal him away from her.

The real reason why is mainly shown through the movie. Mandy's biggest fear is not just her becoming a fat mice lady married to Erwin. Her biggest fear is actually that life has gotten so boring that she does turn into a fat nice lady who is regularly rescued by the big black man (which also happened earlier in the movie). In short, she doesn't want her life to be boring or be the damsel in distress who always rescued.

With Billy, she gets chaos, adventure, and the chance to be the one who rescues people (namely Billy and sometimes Grimm).

Tldr; Being with Billy is never Boring.

They are friends, and even if they weren't friends, they jointly own Grim, so they can't just split up because that would lead to conflict over who can keep him.

>The keeper of the reaper

Grim is entirely justified to be the hugest asshole in the universe. It's surprising enough that he tries to get along with them in the first place.

billy was too stupid to be destroyed
plus she got paid to babysit him


Its called having a friend, you put up with their shit and they put up with yours.

she wanted to fuck Billy

She saw him as a servant/minion/meat shield, nothing more.

Think your forgetting the clown episode, where Billy and Mandy try to cure Billy of his clown phobia. Or when the Phoenix that Eris put in the cereal box kept attacking Billy.

The real question is how Billy tolerated Mandy.

He has the intelligence of a stump.

Only because they started to get annoyed by it not that they actually to purposely help him.

The one time he stood up for himself he got thrown out on his ass and got replaced by an imposter.

wasn't the Replacement Billy just to make Billy jealous? I thought in the end she told Replacement Billy that.

Case in point, this unforgettable moment:


Daily reminder that "Here Thar Be Dwarves" was the best episode, bar none.

She feels sympathy for the autistic

Notice how she treated Irwin and the others like shit even though they're equally as stupid as Billy?

Wasnt Irwin a competent nerd? I thought he was just oblivious to Mandy hating him but was pretty competent most of the time he's on screen. Just some sissy as fuck interests.

Fuck, I forgot how funny that was

Mandy is evil through the choices she makes. Billy is an engine for madness and chaos. He's the only one that's more fucked up then she is. He drove Eris crazy and pushed Scar to try to steal Grimm's scythe.

Mandy keeps Billy around because he's one of the few things in the world that she has very little control of, so she finds him entertaining.

Not that she'd really be able to get rid of him if he wanted to come back badly enough.

memes aside, this is the truth. if you pay attention to the show, everyone is either inherently terrified of Mandy (because they already have established relationships with her) or learn to fear her.
she's a cunt

Is this a show or something. I'd be down to watch if they acted like Billy and Mandy hopefully not just appearance.

This. There's an entire thing where everyone has to face their worst nightmare and he gets through it easily because he's already living it.


He owns her money

They're both insane misfits who were rejected by most of their peers and are forced to deal with each other

Billy has Irwin and Puddin as friends, at least since before Grim.

Hey Bocchi ball.

Why wasn't this her default hairstyle? It's so pretty.

This Billy is the only human dumb enough to tolerate and take her abuse.

just mac demarco and sky ferreira
literally whos, who i only know because they look like billy and mandy in this one interview
i don't even think they even know each other outside of this said interview

mac demarco is pretty famous

I'd argue that Big Boogie Adventure disproves that, she at the very least cared enough about him to actually be sad at the prospect of him being dead. She likes him just enough to be sad at the idea of him being gone.

Fuck, I bust a gut.

They look cute as fuck there

Yeah, Macs net worth is like 60 million dollars. I was blown away when i learned that

Because she is shit at making friends. Billy is the only one stupid enough to tolerate her.

Same reason Rick has Morty

I bet it's from all his tobacco shilling

pretty much this

grim's voice in english sounds funny

cuz dick game too bomb

I'd love to see Mac DeMarco play billy

Real answer, billy is the only one who is completely oblivious to her spiteful shitty personality

billy is the only one who likes her genuinely and without ulterior motives and without trying to be someone he's not to appease her. also, he's a hate sponge due to his inability to properly fear her or take offense to her insults.
If mandy's an S, billy is her M. irwin's too fragile.

It really is uncanny.

This really shouldn't be as funny as it is.

holy shit I completely forgot it repeats like four times

I can't stop laughing

nothing better to do.

basically this

though I like to think that having a lackey is also one of her main reasons, she tends to command him around a lot after all

>"Here Thar Be Dwarves" was the best episode, bar none.

Mah nigga.

then why do i like it when they switch so much.......


It's the hair, isn't it?