Films about Stacey losing?
Films about Stacey losing?
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Cringe kino thread?
>american """""culture"""""""
Every person who goes against Trump is doomed to failure.
He was chosen by God.
We will crusade across the stars for the God Emperor.
She's gonna have to go back on her knees if she want's another job at Fox news.
Holy shit every one of Trump enemies is falling apart. The mother fucker must have a secret voodoo witch doctor in his cabinet
The nation is just going conservative. we have been pushed too far,
My friend who was never political sent me an article bashing men yesterday and said he's never seen people attack an entire gender like that and was disgusted.
Meanwhile my female friend used the word nigger for the first time and said she was sick of blacks harassing her on public transport and she wouldn't stay silent for the sake of political correctness.
It's called meme magic.
Memes aside, it's not for going against Trump as much as it is going against Trump after years of attacking liberals. There is literally nobody on any side of the spectrum that likes her.
Young adult
i want her big ass on my face i don't really give a shit about anything else
>Megyn Kelly
>stacey losing
Thats just aging
Which god?
Megyn has a really phat ass, I fucking love it.
God doesn't exist.
Idris Elba
>record scratch
I find Hoda to be very sexy.
the one birthed by a thousand shamans during the stone age, oh shit I said too much, forget about it, drink your soy pal
Is that Sally Jesse Raphael???? Bottom right corner?
Fucking scary
Trump is moving toward the middle. On taxes, on healthcare, on the wall and immigration.
The left is falling apart because all they know how to do is stamp their feet like babies.
>Every person who goes against Trump is doomed to failure.
its pretty funny how true this is
They've pushed too far and the pendulum is going to clean them out when it swings back.
>no no no no no....
What do you think those guys did after leaving that taping of the show?
That was the most depressing shit i've seen in while
>50+ roasties dancing
Jared Leto
You mean (((American))) culture being shoved down the throats of true Americans by (((them))).
>He was chosen by God.
>the people in this thread unironically meme about Colbert and liberals because they make everything about Trump
Young Adult
Zeus, just look at his hair.
>God doesn't exist.
>on the wall
Who's paying for it ?
trump just wants to maga but liberals wont let him
Kelly couldn't fight against a man with this level of control over the English language.
megyn kelly is getting paid $69 million over three years for this
>As we predicted after the Jane Fonda debacle two weeks ago, celebrities are blacklisting Megyn Kelly’s third hour of Today. Variety reports that publicists have no desire for their clients to sit down with Kelly. Bad reviews and even worse ratings are only part of the problem. From out of the gate, Kelly bungled celebrity interview after celebrity interview. And now, no one wants to put a client through that potential embarrassment:
>“I’m not booking anyone on her show,” says a high-powered publicist, with a roster of big names, who asked for anonymity due to her overall relationship with “Today.” “I literally haven’t pitched anyone even from right out the gate. The buzz that is out there is so bad.”
>Another well-known publicist, who represents one of the celebrities who has appeared on Kelly’s show, wasn’t pleased with the interview. “I won’t plan to have others go on,” the publicist said. “None specifically have been offered or asked to, but it’ll be my preference not to.”
>Page Six reports Kelly’s ratings are so bad that she drags down the entire Today franchise. Kelly’s own hour is down a whopping -32 percent compared to last year. The hour that follows with Kathy Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb is down 26 percent.
His words, his presence, his physique, all scream ''leader''
Election with Witherspoon & Broderick.
Oh, this is a shitpost thread? Sorry, ignore my input
She will end up working as a reporter in Infowars.
>mfw the gentile fleeces the jew
>The nation is just going conservative
Then Megyn should be fine, all she did was talk about how much she hates blacks.
Yet all the people who support Drumpf are failures... really makes you think.
>super conservative bitch outs herself as a liar
>conservatives that once liked her now hate her guts
>non conservatives already hated her
Who the hell is she supposed to appeal to?
No one. But, she's making bank. Whoever thought this would be a good idea at NBC lacks awareness.
>Mr. Steel Yo Girl
>you look amazing, do you- do you- have you- why would- why- why did you say- i read that you said- that you were not proud to admit that you had work done, why not?
> one flip flopping roastie fails
> "le god emporer cant be stopped!!1!"
this still doesn't change the fact that the dotard hasn't accomplished a single thing since he came into office except embarrassing the country
white women lmao
One of Trump's greatest assets is how little his voters will accept. They'll talk about EO ''wins'' but the next POTUS will just wipe them away. The same with ''winning'' by talking shit to the NFL.
blacked when?
>earns $70m by dancing and embracing her role in a simple entertainment show instead of srs business
the real one, obviously
by which i mean his chosen interpretation of his chosen denomination of his particular religion's version of god
fighting in the infowars, tis the fate of us all
honestly, i wont even be mad if he wins another term since literally nothing is changing regardless
he's like a castrated chihuahua except uglier
But did she fuck Harvey Weinstein?
>He was chosen by God
Yeah, he's a jew
>Trump supporter baked a cake.
>Did something productive
>Libtard judges his looks while dreaming of ways to force him to bake cakes for activities he doesn't support.
>Doesn't do anything remotely productive.
That's how he wiped away Obama's legacy. Now Obama's grand accomplishment is just being the first half-black guy.
Mean Girls?
she should dance on my cock tbqh, if you get what i mean
lol remember the massive meltdown after Trump pulled out of Paris climate accords
What are you going to do to fix modern western civilization oh holy one? You're just some fag cuck with no control over degenerate. You're just defending God for internet points you have no real drive.
obama's legacy will be "the cool black guy that was replaced by that absolute moron".
What the shit are you talking about? If anything, Trump has secured Obama's legacy. Obama has one of the highest post-office approval ratings in history.
>Americans choose an absolute moron over a cool black guy
Americans really hate niggers, I can't blame them.
Kek and Alex Jonea are powerful agents.
she was superhot with the short hair. I guess that was just a phase.
the BBC
So style over substance. At least you can admit it now.
Posts like these come from either an underage or a baby boomer
>At least you can admit it now.
style over substance over trump.
>The nation is just going conservative.
Does anyone really believe this kike? He's trying to make you believe him at face value so that you'll remain a lazy bitch.
she should have danced with a pole instead
She'll salvage her career by tweeting #metoo
>The nation is just going conservative
WEW babbys first election I see
T. Sam Hyde
stop shilling your shitty show
The God emperor
Obama was loved by democrats for being a "light-skinned" African American "with no Negro dialect". And that's all he managed to do while screwing up everything else. The first qualified actual black person will likely be a republican.
Wow, she learned arabic. A whole one word.
She's still not as stupid as a journalist.