Is this considered capekino?

Is this considered capekino?

no capes

It's the greatest of them all.

no, but pic related is

Haha he said it again, someone screencap this post for epic win

>no capes

She does make a great point about the stupidity of capes.

Imagine an animated version of The Avengers and The watchmen, then you have The Incredibles.


Man of Steel
Batman & Robin
Spiderman (Raimi only)
Iron Man 1
First half of Hancock
First half of BvS

Am I missing any more capekino? I haven't seen any of the XMen or Hulk movies in years so I don't remember if they were any good.

>batman and robin

>no Nolan

You’re trying too hard user.


Yeah I forgot to add TDKR opening scene my bad

Yeah Unbreakable, I knew I was forgetting something. Is Split any good?

Tell me about Ang Lee's Hulk, why did everyone hate it? Or is this just you guys being contrarian?

I remember loving it as a kid but that means it must be garbage, kid-me's taste was utter shit


Same, I used to love Master of Disguise. If there was ever a career ruining movie thats it.

My favorite Star Wars movies were Attack of the Clones and Return of the Jedi. Literally just because they had green lightsabers in.

Hulk is one of the hardest superhero to make a kino film out of imo.

It's hard not to have the film veer into King Kong territory.

It's just a plot point to explain Syndrome's death. That said, the ending is weak because he dies not at the hands of the Incredibles but because of his fucking costume. That is a cop out.

True but capes are pretty stupid though.

So did the CIA just assassinate all the known powered villains? I mean I doubt they'd have an incentive to quit.

>no tank girl
>no road to perdition
are you even trying

>Road to Perdition
How high are you right now.

I hope you realize that The Incredible is satire. It makes sense for Syndrome to die via wardrobe malfunction.

yeah that wasn't actually explained to be honest. Unless, the Omnidroid technology was originally created by the government to kill off the villains? And Syndrome somehow found it and created better versions?

Something to explore in the sequel hopefully.

I thought Deadpool was pretty good.

>comic book
>graphic novel
>not capeshit

Go back to

>Zack Snyder garbage

No, but this is

I'd add X2 (Xmen 2) to the list.

It's worth watching, yeah

Syndrome dies because of his own hubris, pretending to be something he isn't. He wears the cape for no reason other than to feed his ego and pretend to be a hero and this is what kills him.

Defeating the learning ai robot was the climax of the movie, he had already been defeated by this point. Him dying a silly way isn't a cop out of anything, the important characters of the story had fulfilled their arc by this point. Him dying is just part of the denouement


Reminds me a lot of the villain's death in UP. The director's commentary mentions they had planned his death to be an accident with the gun but they realized his death didn't add anything to the story. Instead they wanted a way to just be rid of him. Syndrome's death is less of a focal point and more of a way of getting rid of Syndrome in a way that doesn't force sudden character development like if Mr. Incredible or Elastigirl had to kill him instead.

>Persepolis, From Hell, Conan, and A Contract with God are really capeshit
wow man you really opened my eyes

>you will never fuck a 50 year old in a teenage body
ahead of its time