another propaganda piece but with a different celebrity
Another propaganda piece but with a different celebrity
where are the proofs
>Do you always use sulfuric acid?
>Yes, Chef.
>Fuck me...
Based Gordon cracking down on degeneracy
>are these coca plants fresh?
>they were harvested last week
>this battery acid, you grow it yourself?
>que? n-no, jefe
>t. braindead drug addict
I thought this was just a meme
All seems like an excuse to refill his coke cupboard
Why Gordon though?
Lmfao imagine sitting in the back of a cop car being interviewed by Gordon fucking Ramsey about how much cocaine you've been using
why are there only one black in the kitchen?
How much coke does he snort?
The majority of it
kek, he lives on coke
nice suit
they paid him 2 kilo coke to do this anti-coke doc
gordon is playing 4d chess lads.
>all those kids asking him if he's gordon ramsey
>Pulls a guy over
>"Fuck me, you look like Gordon Ramsay"
Hearty kek
>Here's your coke chef.
>It's fucking CUT.
Give it a fucking rest Gordon it's only abit of sniff.
Isn't his brother a worthless druggie?
>you don't flush it?
Just imagine trying to poop with Gordon yelling outside your door
>cocaine funds brothels
wtf I love drugs now
>"This is on a day that they shouldn't be doing coke. It's fucking sunday."
He mentions that in the first five minutes about why he doesn't touch drugs.
He's the guy that's bringing it in.
has gordon done cocaine before?
He really liked those coca leaves kek.
Can cocaine be detected with a drug test?
I feel like Gordon Ramsay is one of the most straight up chefs in the game.
of course
>Do you know how much destruction this causes to people?
>Fuck me
>I'm shocked
What did they mean by this?
>do you know who's Harry Potter?
kills me every time
>ywn have cocaine cake
>tfw too socially awkward to even find a weed dealer
that twitchy fuck is just thinking "shit i need to bring a flat surface to snort off of from now on"
propaganda piece against what? Cocaine?
>get a weed hookup by chance
>falls through
>get another more expensive hookup
>hate the guy and the price, stop contacting him
>learn family member grows a ton of the shit
>get it for free now
the worst part is that when i stopped using the second guy i was planning on quitting altogether, now i smoke every night before bed
Start of the video, Gordon mentions how people request that instead of powdered sugar they top a cake he makes with cocaine.
thats why god invented bitcoins bro
>start opening bricks of cocaine
>no breathing masks
>brick breaks and dust flying everywhere
people doing this job must be high all the time
lmao it was obvious to me too
>"omg look at all these coca plants" gordan exclaims as he starts pulling off leaves and chewing them
>"wow this is pure liquid cocaine" gordon takes a sip, "wow wow wow"
>"this paste would be worth 5k pounds on the street," gordon licks a bit off
by the way wtf does this have to do with food, i thought he only focused on food-related stuff, like that documentary he made about shark-fin soup and how it's decimating he just doing general public interest tv docs now for the extra GBP or what. isn't he already massively wealthy. at what point does this coked out dude take a fucking rest.
not really, cocaine must go into your mucosae membranes to probably work, it won't really affect you when you've got small particles of dust in your nostrils
Degenerate drug addict
Gordon would actually be a great drug lord.
>by the way wtf does this have to do with food, i thought he only focused on food-related stuff, l
he explains that both his brother and head chef and friend where addicts and the chef died while high on it
did you see how fast he woofed down those coca leaves?
>this *burp* is perfectly okay *mmm* only 1% cocaine *crunch*
yeah but it gets out of your system pretty fast unlike weed
Then he dipped his finger into that purified cocaine liquid and got a nice taste of it.
I thought it was about Ramsay being coked up and managing a restaurant. Disappointed
is Gordon retarded? He goes on and on about the shit used to get the finished product, acting like the finished product actually has battery acid and cement in it, what a retarded pleb
Coca chef vs Bobby Flay, the dish is crack rock, who wins?
>being so fucked up on drugs you decide hey a toilets something good to do lines on
He seemed shady as fuk
>stop average bloke for having 5 o'clock shadow
Holy shit these Bongs, I wonder how many false alarms they had to edit out.
I think it leaves our system within a day or so
>Remember kids you don't any of this delicious nectar *smacks lips profusely*
Is this documentary for or against legalisation?
I almost can't tell.
>that webm
for what purpose
it literally would cause zero deaths if it was standardized and inspected for quality because of being legal and regulated
>it literally would cause zero deaths if it was standardized and inspected for quality because of being legal and regulated
yes goy, let ((us)) sell your children drugs in shops
tendies help your car reach redline faster
fuckin retards
*legalizes ur drugs*
>literally zero deaths
Why do druggies always say this in any context?
Are you implying that no one will ever again die of an overdose or their actions while tripping balls if it's legalized?
yes, as long as you write "recommended dosage" on the box, people follow it
Are you implying there's a correlation between legalization and overdoses?
Let them, at least entire countries won't have to live under Cartel rule.
>people follow recommended dosages for addictive substances that aren't anti-biotics
hmmm, really makes me think
Did you notice how most people use cocaine, not to get high, but simply to focus and have energy to do their fucking job
Banning it doesn't work nigger
Yes, goy, (((we))) created a system of work which gives you constant anxiety and stress and the solution is to buy this drug that (((we))) have legalised and are selling to you, good goy
Perhaps but creating a society with the mentality to reject such substances and closed borders does work.
Of course, you will deny that and reject any suggestion that things done in the past were better. :)
You're right, no one would ever take more than the recommended dosage of a recreational, addictive drug.
I'm implying the exact opposite, read it again.
I'm fine with the argument of personal responsibility. However, I'm not fine with retarded teenage druggies trying to claim that you can snort a kilo of cocaine and cure your cancer.
How's your first week on Sup Forums going?
Not an argument.
>created a system of work
you're retarded, people have been using vices for thousands of years, some of the biggest discoveries made in human history were while people were taking drugs
drugs have been mans friend throughout history until this last 100 years when someone decided they would fucking ban them all (but only for the plebs, the rich still get them of course)
Are you like 16 years old?
My mistake.
>drugs have been mans friend throughout history until this last 100 years when someone decided they would fucking ban them all (but only for the plebs, the rich still get them of course)
Drugs used in a mystical ceremony is not the same as a homeless degenerates committing crimes on the street and harassing old ladies LMAO
>only for the plebs, the rich still get them
How do you people actually manage to turn your drug addiction into a victim complex?
It wouldn't cause literally zero deaths if it was legal and tested officially. There would however be fewer coke related deaths because the product would be cleaner and addicts could seek medical help without the fear of legal trouble.
I'm pro legalization of all substances, but spreading bullshit like this doesn't help anyone. Don't sugar coat the facts bro
>let me just cherry pick the worst cases to represent everyone xDDDD
epic reddit simply epic
cocaine is such a overhyped shit tier drug. you get more stimulation and euphoria from fucking adderall, with less neurotoxic effects.
im sorry you fail to comprehend whats being said
It's just the combination of your retarded LEGALIZEIT arguments, Sup Forums images, and facebook writing style.
Lurk for 2 years before posting.
no denying this, adderall, between 10 and 30mg, should be over the counter
we would be exploring fucking space by the end of the year
It's true that UK has a coke problem though. They're by far the largest consumer in europe even including eastern countries. I wonder what made it so widespread in the first place.