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He did this better in Only God Forgives.
his screech in OGF made me laugh, though.
>autisticly screams when faced with obstacles
He's just like me.
best scene in the movie, it made me genuinely sad
It's almost as if it's supposed to be funny.
>the virgin tantrum vs the chad explosion
>"someone lived this"
>20 seconds of extreme kino tension pass
>finally a release for all the repressed emotions K had at that point
Will this become the most quotable movie in the next decade?
i already see people all around saying goddamit often, in frustrating situations. Im sure they're quoting blade runner. It's already deep into pop culture it seems
desu I watched OGF while I was really tired and if it was supposed to be funny it definitely went over my head. It woke me up at least though and maybe gave me a little spook.
it's like you can feel it too, his frustration coming out
how come they pay replicants money? Does K pay an income tax? Are they taxing robots? Do they distribute a basic income from this robot tax?
I was so distracted by his outburst that I completely missed the hint that she was han’s daughter. Honestly really good job on Goose’s part.
I was high as fuck when I saw this part and it gave me a fucking mini panic attack. I also jumped every time the screen would go black and the inception horn sound would just blare BRRRRBRARRRABAEBRRARARARARRRPPPPPPP
why doesn't the girl ask if he's okay? you like in the real world where if you freak you would normally get a 'you okay buddy' or something. Dude freaks out and no reaction.
what the fuck is the point of creating a replicant army of workers if you have to pay them anyway
he immediately stormed out
besides she knew she was responsible for this guy going crazy by doing something she knew she wasn't supposed to do
they probably pay them a little bit of money and give them identities in society so as to make them not feel so much like they are just slaves. What tax law is like in 2049 is anyone's game, but I would bet that replicants are supposed to be covered by their owners / employers
its not like she would be able to console him, theyre seprated by a airtight glass wall. and she doesnt want to let him know its her memory
>mrw his AI waifu has been WEINSTEINED
its like you guys have never been outside
she literally never goes outside
She's afraid of him because he's a replicant cop and she illegally implanted her real memory in him. She's afraid of getting in trouble. Also she's tearing up and she doesn't want to make herself look more guilty, so she just doesn't say anything.
she didn't implant her memory into him, she doesn't even know him before they meet
I've seen someone freak out like that before and I just watched them at first because I didn't know how they'd react if I did anything right away. In my case they calmed down and then I asked if they were okay but K stormed out almost immediately.
>"I'M ACTING!!!!!!"
I guess pretending to be a youtuber counts as acting these days
no you didn't
I did. It was in high school, my biology class was doing blood type testing as part of a genetics unit and this kid in my class basically found out his dad wasn't his real dad because of the mismatching bloodtypes (his dad didn't know either, his mom was a lying hoe basically) and I was at his house when he found out. Granted it wasn't exactly the same level of freakout as in the movie but it was still pretty bad.
imagine 40-50 years from now when you'll hear about ryan gosling's death, he'll be just another old timer actor that died that youngsters don't care about, but you will care, you will, but you'll be crapping yourself in a nursing home slowly losing your mental faculties. Your dying thoughts will be of his kino and how it affected your life
They're thinking of introducing tax for future manufacturing robots
its not supposed to be funny, its pure refn autism. good movie 8/10 desu
I was actually thinking about this the other day lol. catch me at the retirement home hobbling along with my tiny dog and chatting about The Goose with old ladies.
see you are exaggerating your story, you said it yourself
none of you are going to even remember gosling, next year another pretentious movie is going to come out and your going to meme that movie to death
dude, that's fucked up
I mean they didn't kick anything over or theatrically scream because they aren't an actor in a movie but they started shouting and slamming things it's close enough you absolute bag of doorknobs.
gosling has been /myguy/ for years
I've been a fan of him since before I'd seen him act in anything (because I liked his band).
His smile and baseline, gone.
oh now you are going back, I see. This story seems to change and work however you want it
it's definitely one of the mos symbolism-heavy scenes out there
Its also the most philosophical too, lol
my story didn't change you enormous walnut
oh so you admit its just a story
you are being an absolute crusty shingle right now my dude and I will not stand for it
You okay buddy?
What's up with him and screeching?
I was just fine till I got C R U S T Y S H I N G L E D
You didn't laugh at this scene?
Guys how do I become cool and sexy like the Goose?
>what was Wallace's tax policy
Best scene in the movie.
Even better when it's revealed he was autistically screeching for nothing at the end.
The best thing is that we've had an hour and a half of stone faced emotionless autism, and then it all just explodes in one moment.
You say that like the goose hasn't been our guy since drive
He literally kicked her chair across the room and walked out right after he said this. She was probably more scared than anything
Great exchange fellas, this should be a banner for Sup Forums
thank you I am on sleep medication
lol you'll like only god forgives
the goose is a kino screamer man
This probably been asked before, but why did K got her memory?
Does replicants just got random memories out of a database and K just happens to get hers?
I also went to see the movie stoned, I only go to the movie theater when high now, if I'm watching a movie at home, sober or high, don't matter, but I feel like going to the movies stoned is a much better experience.
>literally sounds like one of those screaming frogs
tf are you talking about retard
Gosling has been around for years
because luv cry
Yes. There's nothing in the movie to suggests otherwise.
no he hasnt
I'd hate watching that on drugs, the scenes where the holograms would stop and start with the sound popping on made me paranoid and nervous enough
>born in 1980
hmmmm yeah ok fuck nuts
The scene where K finds the horse has to be the creepiest, most intense scene I have seen in years. That is why I don't respect horror movies, because other films can do it better. At no point in the new It was I dreading what would happen next like I did in that scene in Blade Runner 2049. The buildup was fantastic for something so simplistic.
Did he tell his dad that?
wrong again...
call me a brainlet, but I'm still having trouble understanding his reaction... and I've seen it twice...
From what I can gather, Stelline has just told him the memory is real, so he's yelling because he thinks he was essentially "lied" to about being a replicant? Because as far as I know, the big reveal that he ISN'T human is when he's talking to the rebellion lady with one eye.
Pls help me.
You can call me a faggot all you want, but I'v got wet eyes during this scene.
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The fact what he's a "chosen one" means a lot of problems for him. If people find that out, they will hunt and kill him. Also, he wanted to be that replicant, and it's dream came true for him.
Prove it in one word or less
Are you retarded? At least you’ll pass your baseline I guess.
so he would have a more mixed feeling reaction, not a freak out
Okay I'll wait
he and his dad basically found out at the same time.
What is the meaning of this test?
cells? interlinked? i did not understand
he's mad because it confirms that he is the target of his own mission, meaning he has to kill himself, turn himself in or lie to his boss (and he hates lying)
Right. It makes sense for him to be upset at the fact that he's the chosen one, given the threat of being hunted and killed. But if he WANTS to be the special replicant, wouldn't he be conflicted? Not screaming angry?
And what happened next? We need a conclusion, man.
Congrats, you’re a replicant.
congrats you got pools of blood in your stomach
Okay. Awesome, this makes a whole lot more sense now. Thank you.
And yes, I understand that a reveal like this is obviously super fucking important to the storyline, and I promise that I followed it through to the next reveal (when it's revealed by Freysa that the replicant-born is the daughter). I'm just trying to understand K's reaction to the initial confirmation.
Woo. Fuck me.
I never asked the kid about it because we weren't really friends I was just at his house working on a project but his parents did get divorced which they'd apparently been contemplating for a while anyway.
There's a lot of onions to unpack with the movie, it's fine if you didn't catch it all the first time around.
He's having a massive existential crisis no human can possibly understand, of course he's flipping his shit
>that drone version of the Joi theme during the three-way scene
The score for this movie was fucking glorious
the one eyed lady seems to imply it was a red herring to further help conceal the child
someones got to have this part with audio
why do i like this picture so much
Oh just fucking retire me already.
Because you're a man of taste as well
im trying to picture how a girl would look with this hair irl, except not blue