>ywn have a comfy childhood in the early 90's
Ywn have a comfy childhood in the early 90's
I wasn't around
nobody knows nobody knows
I didn't really like Pete & Pete.
The only episode I remember had to do with their superhero friend and it was a two parter or something.
Also great soundtrack.
Was that song about jacking off in public?
I don't know, I can barely understand what the guy's saying. Still great, regardless. It instantly puts me in the mind of summer afternoons as a kid.
Surreal shit like this was super key
Artie, the strongest man.... in the world.
And now I'm going to have that fucking song in my head all day.
It's been almost 20 years since it aired, I've never heard it more than once and it still gets stuck in my head.
Snow Day was originally the Pete and Pete movie but they made it a generic stand alone story at some point.
I actually did. Haha faggots.
and we're all better for it since it meant less danny tomborelli
But I did. Even went as Artie (the Strongest Man... in the World) for Halloween one year.
>looks up the cast now
Older Pete is a film set electrician (guess if this is unionised it's good money).
Younger Pete does random band stuff, conventions and small voice acting parts.
Ellen works in a childrens hospital
Artie actually has the best career out of all of them, appearing on a bunch of shows (he also voiced Cotton Hill) steadily since the show (he's in Halt and Catch Fire at the moment).
Dad retired after having a fairly steady career of TV roles.
Mom didn't really do anything after Pete & Pete.
Michelle Trachtenberg's career is dead now she can't play a teen any more. If she was smart with her money she possibly doesn't need to work again.
Pete & Pete was a dumb show, but I did have a comfy childhood in the early 90's. Sad to see modern kids these days.
>watch Pete & Pete followed by Rocko's modern life
>turn of Sky and put on Super Metroid, playing it when there weren't endless clones.
Man, I get so hung up about things that were shitty in my childhood I forget how comfy it was at times.
How ya jack offs not gonna post the sauce...
I waaaaasn't aroooooound... nobody knows, nobody knows
>Michelle Trachtenberg's career is dead now
Isn't she currently in some milf show or something with a bunch of other washed up former big celebs or am I confusing her with someone? Also she's had a fairly steady career I would say.
I kind of regret being a Sega kid growing up. I missed out on a ton of classics on SNES, just because I wanted to play as a raptor in the Jurassic Park game.
Always changed the channel when this came on, what would a nigga like me look like watching Pete & Pete?
I was lucky enough to have both. I will say that a lot of SNES classics hold up perfectly well today. Super Metroid is as great now as it was then.
Are there any shows with the same surreal feel as Pete and Pete?
you mean a show where Iggy Pop is a mail man?
Old and young Pete have a pretty comfy podcast senpai
I sure did, my 3rd grade teacher lived on the street where they filmed one of the seasons of the show. Mondays he would come in to class and tell us what they filmed that weekend.
>i DID have a comfy childhood in the 90's
and then 9/11 happened and comfyness died
But I did OP. I did.
was he autistic
I loved this show as a kid. I tried rewatching it and it was straight shit
>Big Pete is a libtard
Gotta be careful revisiting childhood loves. Salute your shorts and rockos modern Life aren't nearly as good as I remember them being. Still nice to remember tho.
Polaris, the band that did the whole sound track to Pete and Pete, has their whole album on YT and Spotify and listening to it brings back all the old comfy feelings.. waiting for October is a special one.
I was born in 1982 and was a kid during the same era that Pete & Pete depicted. I can confirm it was pretty amazing. No show captured the feeling of being a kid during the summer better.
>Pete & Pete was a dumb show
It was the opposite of that.
I went to school with a cousin of little pete.
Iggy Pop was Nona's dad you fool. Bebe Neuwirth played the mailwoman.
The soundtrack is still dynamite
I've met Danny Tambarelli a few times actually. He lives in this part of NJ and I've seen him at stores and a fireworks shows.
I just Binged "Danny Tambarelli" and he is just my type, I want to suck him off.
and he voiced Kahn and Cotton in King of the Hill
Pete & Pete is one of the very few that holds up wonderfully. I post this in every thread but here goes:
>actors that looked like real kids and not perfect models
>shot on location in the suburbs of New Jersey
>single camera setup, no cheesy laugh track
>sharp, intelligent writing that wasn't dumbed down
>all those great guest stars
>that amazing 90s alt-rock soundtrack
Pete & Pete was and is practically one of a kind in the realm of kids' television.
Who is this white stud? c:
>You will never have a computer port embedded in your hand.
That greentext is spot on. Everything came together perfectly
What do people think of what became of the pete and pete movie?
that road trip episode
When I was watching Nick my step-dad would come in and change it to Cinemax and make me sit on his lap.
Pete & Pete really was a show that was only able to exist in the early days of Nickelodeon. It was so weird and creative. Miranda Cosgrove's salary for a single season of iCarly was probably more than Pete & Pete cost for the entire series.
Halloweenie is pure Halloween kino.
Which is best Malcolm in the middle or Pete & and Pete?
This show had legit great cinematography at times. Is there a single show on Disney or Nick these days that isn't shot in a studio like a typical lame sitcom?
who /busdriverstu/ here?
No. Pete and Pete was pure kino, before Dan"Get in the Van" Schnieder came in in the mid 90's and turned every program into a sketch comedy show for kids, then transitioned into shitty dumb comedies for tweens. That being said, early Keenan and kel was good.
The underwear inspector and road trip episodes really stick out in my memory as ones I loved.
Malcolm in the middle ultimately has better acting and more of a constant stream of humour than P&P does. MitM also has parents and kids plots running side by side whereas the parents in P&P are just side characters in the kids' story.
In fairness Malcolm in the Middle was also produced on a budget that was magnitudes higher than they had for Pete & Pete.
Long live the Froad King
The whole family literally strips naked to beat the other family now that's a dedicated family.
loved that episode.
>Snow Day
I should give that a rewatch during winter, it's been so fucking long.
For whatever reason, the episode where Pete and his friends try to set the record for staying awake is kind of burned into my mind. I don't remember that much else about the show.
Don't be another dumb blonde
Kenan & Kel, All That and Amanda Show were pretty great, why did his shows go to shit?
What about Eerie Indiana?
Definitely the closest one. So Weird was pretty decent too.
>watching broadcast TV on a reasonably sized crt
>video tapes
>playing with toys, playing outside
>knowing nothing about the wider world except what's on tv or in the school library
>surviving long car rides
It was absolutely all it's cracked up to be.
Only the strongest man in the world!
the character John Bosworth in the forth season of Halt and Catch Fire.
Ellen was prime waifu material.
>Ellen works in a childrens hospital
always knew she had to be best girl IRL too
Same here. I miss having a trampoline and a big yard so fucking much.
83 yuropeon here by the time they ran it over here we were 14-15 and stoned and drunk off our asses. Nickelodeon was mndblowing stuff to our young minds and goes along such great memories.
>it will never be the 90s again
I hope you gave him a hot meal
Possibly, and also a pedophile.
It's about someone getting shot at the kent state massacre. Seriously.
You're referring to the main theme song. That user was talking about Summerbaby.
Artie was neither you fags.
Never meant anyone that like Roundhouse. I didn’t but just reminding you it existed.
>only watched this movie because the HBO guide listed "brief nudity"
Forgot the pic
Roundhouse was aimed at a slightly older age group so it didn't appeal to me at the time.
Why are you defending him, stockholm syndrome?
I hate the modern era. Nothing can be innocent anymore ;_;
He was an eccentric guy who only hung around with children. It's not the world that's changed, it's that you are new old enough to see that Artie was a fucking weirdo.
t. John McFlemp
I did
Underaged shitters/youngfags get out
Lmao Pete got too old or Artie. He didn't have anything more to """teach""" him.
So who was the best AYAOTD? girl and why was it Sam?
Early 90s tried to retain high school kids I keep watching nick
>dat Magnetic Fields over the credits