That's right. Don't grow up. Obey. Don't have children. Play video games. Obey. Watch movies. Buy, toys. Don't watch intelligent movies. Obey. Watch fantasy. Watch comic book movies. Watch sci-fi. Obey. Everything is happy. Pursue instant gratification. Obey. Talk about fictional things for they are more important. Masturbate. Don't save money, spend it all. Live paycheck to paycheck. Take out a loan to pay for your internet and Netflix and video games and movies. Feel good. Everything is happy. Pursue happiness. Obey. Obey. Obey.
You're such a special snowflake OP, being all enlightened and insightful and stuff. If only we were as cool and woke as your truly original mind.
if i wasn't white i'd get a kick out of how badly white people are getting cucked. interlinked.
Same, I almost feel like we deserve it for becoming such a cucked race or whatever you wanna classify us as,
Why you so triggered, though?
As an adult, having fun comes from you life's main accomplishments like watching your children grow up and babysitting your grandchildren.
>son wants to go see Star Wars 8
>too pretentious to watch movies for families
>make him watch it by himself
>he gets molested in the theater while you read a book in the lobby
or just take him to see triumph des willens (1935) (subbed)
>allowing your children to watch Jewish social propaganda in the first place.
If they are never exposed to it, they won't give a shit about it. You are responsible for raising your children. You're fantasy post shows everyone exactly where your head really is.
woah this is deep
really made me think....
>growing up and just accepting the hamsterwheel is much better
That's just sad, I'm so sorry.
Kinda this here. Today and maybe 200 years ago, growing up meant be a good worker and do as you are told. Have no Hobby other than work for your boss or leader.
Growing up means having children.
>growing up even more and finding meaning in beauty and human interaction
people are so job obsessed, it doesn't really matter, it's better if you can do something you are content with but even shitty wageslave jobs aren't that bad cause it's such a minor part of who you really are
>Have no Hobby other than work for your boss or leader.
people worked on their families and homes. they worked all day to earn money and worked all evening to ensure their home was well-kept. Fix a fence here, clean a rain barrel there, etc.
Now people let their shit fall into disrepair and replace it when needed, or have someone else do it for them, and all their non-work time is hedonism time
Thank you so much Disney and J.J. Abrams for finally making me grow up. I'm not into Star Wars anymore after watching The Force Awakens. Now I can go on and be a mature, normal adult.
Too bad literally every other adult around me coincidentally became a manchild "geek" after watching The Force Awakens...
>even shitty wageslave jobs aren't that bad when they are minor part of who you really are
You'd be surprised how many folks out there can't "find themselves" and thus struggle to define themselves outside of one major trait of their life, which is often their job as it takes so much time.
>work at mcdonalds 8 hours a day
>commute 1 hour a day
>sleep 8 hours a day
>shit or eat for another hour
>the remaining 6 hours are split in half between working
>you spend most of those browsing Sup Forums or consuming media
who "really are" you?
Defeatist shills. The backlash against left-wing cuckery has only begun.
>rain barrel
only terrible places allow these
i'll gladly put on my jackboots and march down MLK blvd but we're not even close to that point so in the meanwhile don't blame me for keeping my hopes low.
you need to learn to schedule your life better if that's how you feel about your job
or get a better job, something manual labor is great, doubles as work out so no need to hit the gym afterwards unless that's your thing and it keeps you almost scarily content about what you are doing
I have absolutely no drive to reproduce. I despise children.
The only ones I'm not okay with are
>Buy, toys
>Don't watch intelligent movies
>Watch comic book movies
>Don't save money, spend it all.
>Live paycheck to paycheck.
>Take out a loan to pay for your internet and Netflix and video games and movies
Everything else is fine
Same here. I want to eventually have a serious romantic relationship though. Like the Disney manlet and the blue hair tranny.
Funny how that's the one thing you zeroed in on. Just like that is the one thing that's nagging at you in the back of your head. Like you are a failure for not having children and you know it but desperately try to ignore that and show other people how much you don't want to have children.
Reminder that OP is under the age of 25.
He literally doesn't matter, so yes, give him a maturity medal.
>t. nu-male
you were socialized to hate children, and disincentivized from having them by government policies making them expensive and demanding. it's logical to not want them, but only because the cards were stacked that way by someone.
Why you so triggered, though?
it's a shame that despite resisitng all those temptations you're still stuck on Sup Forums, posting on one of its most degenerate boards no less
whats wrong with science fiction?
t. triggered projector
Good goy!
Get off your fucking high horse, pissant. Stop being bothered by other people doing things.
The rest of that shit I either don't do or nobody gives a fuck except for you. Not caring about kids is the only thing I get badgered for.
>having children only so that random anonymous posters won't call you names on some weaboo website
Because its the only thing in life that actually matters and you know it.
Or just the autism
I give it a 2/10.
all thanks to israeli-made vaccines forced on you by the kike ZOG government
>telling other people to have kids because a frogposting board told you despite not having any kids of your own either because you're beta looking and no woman would have you
Get fucked
I guess?
kek, this
I've never wanted children, but I've always had names picked out for them anyway. Some might say that's a sign that I live in some sad state of unconscious regret now that, having freshly turned 45, I haven't had them. But it mostly just means there are pets I've wanted to call Lucy and Thomas but didn't because I was irrationally inclined to save those names on the off chance they might be put to human use one day. I say irrationally because this is basically tantamount to holding on to a pair of ankle harnesses in case I suddenly want to go bungee jumping—something that ranks about 500,000th on my bucket list. But that's how deeply the motherhood mandate is imprinted in women's brains. We try to talk ourselves into it. Sometimes we even let others talk us into it. Even those of us who aren't programmed for it are prone to try to overwrite our code.
Some women who grow up ambivalent about children have an aha moment, when they realize that they want them more than anything—or, less commonly but no less intensely, that they don't. For me, the journey to "no" was more gradual. As a child, I exhibited many classic traits of a future nonmother-by-choice: I eschewed toy baby carriages and preferred stuffed animals to dolls. I babysat in my teens solely as a moneymaking venture and quit the business as soon as I could for a job at the smoothie stand in the mall. In my 20s, not wanting to be a mother felt like a condition I might grow out of someday—like my distaste for bell peppers. By the time I was in my 30s, though, nothing had changed. I tried not to dismiss people who said, "You'll feel differently when you meet the right person." But now that I'm in my 40s and married to as right a person as anyone is likely to find, I can see that this condition is simply part of my coding.
It's pretty easy to just ignore this shit but you chose not to because you need something to bitch about
My husband, for his part, has occasional moments of envy when our friends' children do something particularly impressive or charming (such as leave for college), but I am grateful to have found someone who loves me enough not to talk me into something that is not in my heart to do. I was nearly 40 when we married. A man whose top priority is having biological children does not marry an almost 40-year-old woman—particularly one who's about as interested in IVF and donor eggs as she is in, well, bungee jumping. Egg freezing now is a game changer for women—at least those who have the resources. But I am endlessly appreciative that the technology wasn't as readily available when my eggs were at their optimal freezability. I suspect I would have been tormented by yet another opportunity to doubt myself, to worry more about changing my mind in the future than knowing my mind in the present.
I know: Plenty of people who think they don't want kids wind up being happy they had them anyway. Even women who become pregnant at the least convenient time often say it's the best thing that ever happened to them. And in a lot of cases, I believe them. I realize there's a danger in overthinking things. But when it comes to the decision of whether to create a human being from scratch and deposit it into a world that's wondrous in some ways but chaotic and terrifying in others, I'd argue that there's an awful lot of underthinking going on—and not just from the people most frequently accused of it. I'm not talking about the pregnant teens, the Octomoms, and the fecund lotharios who occasionally turn up in the news, such as the 33-year-old Tennessee man who requested a break in child- support payments for the 30 children he's fathered with 11 women. I'm talking about the underthinkers who have children not so much because they want to but because it's what you do, because not doing so is (wait for it) … selfish.
I'm talking about people who have children to improve their marriages, to please their families, or out of fear that they'll regret it later if they don't.
If I had a child today, I'm sure I would love her more than I can comprehend. But I'm also pretty sure I wouldn't love my life. I'm lucky. I have an extraordinarily satisfying life as a writer. My career is not just a career but an expression of the very things that define and nourish my existence. I could probably find a way to balance it all with the joy of motherhood but, to be honest, I don't want to. That's not an equilibrium I'm interested in finding. I love the spare, quiet rooms of my grown-up house. I love teaching and traveling and having long conversations with people I've never met and may never meet again. I love the idea of contributing to young people's lives without being anyone's mother, of feeding their souls in ways that mothers, by definition, cannot. And while it's entirely possible that I don't know what I'm talking about (this also applies to bungee jumping), I can't think of anything more unfair than having a child for the sole purpose of finding out what I'm missing.
I can, however, imagine what I'd miss if I'd taken a different path: the tranquility of my morning coffee, interrupted only by the singing of the birds and the roar of the neighborhood leaf blowers; the late dinners that allow my husband to stay at the office until 8 P.M. while I catch up with long-distance friends and leisurely prepare a hodgepodge of a meal. I'd even miss the perverse pleasure I take in answering "no" whenever someone asks, "Do you have children?"
"No, I don't," I say with a smile. "It just wasn't for me."
And guess what? There's so much else out there that is.
This thread has nothing to do with television and film and op just wants attention and to antagonize people
>Even women who become pregnant at the least convenient time often say it's the best thing that ever happened to them.
That's just because they lie to themselves so that they can play the part of happy mother and survive society.
Nice pasta btw.
Man we got a lot of assblasted NEETs on today
who cares about television and film?
I'm calling pasta, no way you typed all that shit in one minute
>don't look at me. look at him instead. don't look at my failures, they hurt too much. look at him instead, look at his one obvious failure. ignore my failures, please
Pretty telling, really.
t. reddinigger
This lmfao
Most people type up big shit then post it all at once like hat, regardless if it is pasta or not.
but he's not the one giving orders to other anons as if he owns the truth
Mods get this fuckface off my board. Now.
lotta ass blasted rick and morty fans ITT
>you're not my father!! you can't give me orders!! i'm an adult now!! i can do what i want!! i'm going to watch movies and you can't stop me!!
No one was ordering you around ITT, but the truth is always the truth.
>purposely getting your picture taken when you're fat
I wish I was that shameless.
Actual adult weighing in here. I'm 35 and probably at least a decade older than posters like OP and . Anyway, I'm married and have a house. No kids yet and we're not sure if we will. Frankly if we don't, meh. I've checked off most of the adult milestones at this point.
I wonder why?
For someone who's allegedly so mature I don't understand why you get so mad when someone politely questions your point of view.
i feel happy i can only recognize the sw reference there
>"Nerd culture is the product of a late capitalist conspiracy, designed to infantalize the consumer as a means of non-aggressive control."
- Simon Pegg
>"A sweet-faced boy of twelve told me proudly that he had seen Star Wars over a hundred times? I said, 'do you think you could promise never to see Star Wars again?' He burst into tears. I just hope the lad, now in his thirties, is not living in a fantasy world of secondhand, childish banalities"
- Alec Guinness
>"I don't think they are making [comic book movies] an elevated art form, I think it's still just Batman running around in a stupid cape.. It's for kids, it's adolescent in its core. "
- David Cronenberg
>"I don't want to see or make films about super heroes that fly around in spandex and a cape solving the problems of the world. I think it's fine for children, children of all ages by the way, but it's not for me."
- William Friedkin
>“They have been poison, this cultural genocide, Because the audience is so overexposed to plot and explosions and shit that doesn’t mean nothing about the experience of being human.”
- Alejandro Iñárritu
>"Superman makes me vomit, Batman and all of that. That whole empire... this religion... It is so important that superheroes suffer... I don't give a damn, I shit on the United States."
- Alejandro Jodorowsky
>"To my mind, this embracing of what were unambiguously children's characters at their mid-20th century inception seems to indicate a retreat from the admittedly overwhelming complexities of modern existence"
- Alan Moore
>"The movies are for children but they don't want to admit that... There is a small group of fans that do not like comic sidekicks. They want the films to be tough like The Terminator, and they get very upset and opinionated about anything that has anything to do with being childlike."
- George Lucas
So is life basically just about checking off meaningless mundane milestones?
If your bitch is over 29 DO NOT get her pregnant. She WILL make a fucked up child.
It's my day off. I'm seeing Blade runner, and after I'm going to my local card shop to play magic the gathering. I just got paid and got this months rent covered so I'm buying a few diamonds for the final fantasy game I play on my phone. I'm also pre ordering my ticket for justice league.
Fuck you.
>No kids yet and we're not sure if we will. Frankly if we don't, meh. I've checked off most of the adult milestones at this point.
There's only one adult milestone. That's having children. You and your wife will have children, but they won't be your children. She will either cheat on you or after she has menopause you will adopt.
Remember, your life is probably half gone already.
yes. what else are you going to do. invent something? be a leader? you're not extraordinary.
Literally me.
Is there a qt at the card shop who you are trying to date?
Fuck you
how do i break this cycle?
If you want kids, go for it, buddy. Sup Forums has gotten weird lately. I'm not even sure what lifestyle guys like you are currently romanticizing. How old are you if you don't mind me asking?
>Don't watch intelligent movies.
Be an autist. Obey.
That's actually after 40yo. Hence menopause stopping that train ASAP so that no fuglies are made. Those two are on the road to loneliness more horrifically poignant year by year.
My girlfriends been living with me for three years
My mom started having kids at 30.
Looks like I win the argument once again. You pitiful little nerds are too easy.
According to you then I can only watch action movies if I'm a male and if I'm female I just have to watch romance
Having children is unethical
35 seems like a safer cutoff. 15 to be sure.
Try 39.
Pregnancies for a woman in her 30s are still safe. You don't start to run into serious chances of complications for mother and child at that point. It's more common than at 29, but still very low chances.
Talk to people face to face instead of through electronics.
Get rid of all toys, fiction, and nostalgia items.
Clean your computer and devices of all fiction and porn.
Get more sunshine
Exercise by doing work to improve you place or helping your friends & family with theirs.
Travel and meet new people.
Things will work out on their own.
>So is life basically just about checking off meaningless mundane milestones?
Of course not. I'm mostly responding to this weird subset of /r9k/ and Sup Forums posters that insist that if you never have children, you're denying your biological imperative or whatever.
As for my wife and I, my sister and brother-in-law live close by and they have kids. We babysit my niece and nephew quite frequently so maybe that's a reason we're not in a rush to have kids of our own.
>3 years
When are you getting married?