>finally fell for the rick and morty meme
>started watching it today
>just on episode 3 and there already is a literal and unironic cuckoldry(not the meme term, actual cucking)with a nigger
>finally fell for the rick and morty meme
>started watching it today
>just on episode 3 and there already is a literal and unironic cuckoldry(not the meme term, actual cucking)with a nigger
Think of the children!
Do you need a safe space from the big bad alt-right dearie?
niggers lol
You know the main difference between that strip and the original?
The dipshit who made the original was sincere and actually thought it was making a good point.
>Liberals can't meme
>Get bigger rear pain than a bubbah pounding due to this
>Just add MAGA hat and call it a day
Poor lefturds. Trump victory really did a number on you
>Sup Forums actually damage controlling their own OC
How is an edit of a comic OC?
>what do you mean the meme's shit WAAAAHAA Sup Forums *SNIFF* AHHHHH
lol poor lil' bitchboi
Sup Forums is shit and should be killed
Sup Forums BTFO
The comedy lies in how this is obviously a weird and unnatural situation that would raise more than one eyebrow yet everybody acts as if this is fine and good and how the only one uncomfortable with it is suspected to be racist. How is this absurdity not comedic? What comedy do you even find comedic?
cry more bitch hahhaa
>Even replicating the mistypes from hands shaking in rage.
Very nice touch.
South Park
What are you talking about? This isn't the original comic.
Jacob wasn't a nigger, he was very kind and sophisticated
>yet another terrible /leftypol/ rip off
wow, Sup Forumsbabbies are easy to trigger
Once again, Sup Forums ignores the actual message, that cuckoldry is wrong. Once again, Sup Forums doesn't understand things because they're autistic. The episode, retards, was mocking 'fairweather liberals'. The liberals who are OK with people being gay or transgender or whatever... until it's their son or daughter. The liberals who are OK with polygamy because 'Love trumps all!!!!' but are disgusted when it's somebody they know. The episode was mocking that Jerry was all about Christmas being a time for love and family and coming together and ignoring differences but he couldn't ignore the fact his parents were doing what they were doing.
This was an attack on liberals, but Sup Forums, sorry, Sup Forums, think it's some Jew propaganda when one of the fucking creators browses Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
Go put your superman costume on
you think no-dick PickleRick fans can please a woman?
It fails because Sup Forums already co-opted the word from you when you were using it unironically.
I gotta take a shit..
>He wouldn't let Jacob fuck his mom.
Later Summer checks Jerry's white male privilege.
>making cuck jokes is only ok when Sup Forums does it
>he's a Sup Forumsdittor
>On Sup Forums
>on an anime imageboard
>he shills trump for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does this because it's the closest thing to a victory he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he will never have his own political opinions
>he will never post on topic
>he will never stop crying about literally everything
>he will never stop being a redditor at heart
Please learn how to meme.
Stop crying Sup Forumsddit
Please learn how to meme.
Please stop and go back to your containment board
Please learn how to meme.
*autistic screeching*
Learn how to live in the real world without crying over everything, faggot
>b-b-but muh r/the_donald muh biggest board we le rule le Sup Forums :(
Hey remember when during #GG Sup Forums thought they were untouchable and ran the place but then their board got nuked to oblivion and moderated until they all left for cripplegag?
Good times.
Embarrassing. Open google, type in "inspect element HTML" and learn what you are doing wrong. You don't even understand the basics.
>getting this triggered
Please learn how to meme.
>le memes are le serious business please take the conversation away from me electing a Zionist puppet out of spite for le libruls.
Please learn how to meme.
What a shit thread, R&M fans confirmed for autistic screeching about Sup Forums
>falling for a giant corporation's cash grab about sauce you can get at literally any store in the world
Fuck off retard, nobody wants you here.
Imagine being so upset on the internet you can't take simple advice. Do you know what inspect element is?
Sup Forums really did a number on you faggots.
Write another buttflustered three paragraphs about it then please learn how to meme.
Nobody wants you here Sup Forumsddit.
>Sup Forumsddit
Another failed attempt that is gaining traction nowhere. Please. Learn how to meme.
>muh fabled right memeing ability
Kill yourself, stop taking the conversation away from your board being cancer and electing a Zionist puppet out of spite and stupidity
>Hey remember when during #GG Sup Forums thought they were untouchable and ran the place but then their board got nuked to oblivion and moderated until they all left for cripplegag?
Opening with "remember when" is an immediate red flag and the fact what comes afterwards is a bizarre mix of things you have pieced together from ED and knowyourmeme outs you entirely. How's the posting on chapo going?
>I cannot meme
Yes user I know. Please learn how to do it before ruining more threads with your crippling autism. I'm sorry you backed the wrong horse but the race is run. Get over it.
How the fuck is Sup Forums triggered by Cartoon Network shows now?
>We le won so it's okay to elect a Zionist puppet
Sup Forumsdittors are pathetic every time.
How long do you intend to cry over losing an election? Will you make it through an entire term? Will you learn how to meme before then?
Fuck off retard, your "le true Sup Forums user" meme only works in r/Sup Forums, kindly kill yourself.
Go read some more ED before I out you by asking you questions we both know you won't be able to answer.
dan harmon is not infected he is just autistic
I didn't lose an election, not an American citizen, you all lost and it's hilarious to see you complain about that dumb retard every other day of the week, the entire world is laughing at you taking up the ass from Israel just because their candidate was not a "librul"
Hahahahahaha close your KYM tab and stop namedropping ED, kid, you're impressing nobody, I bet that when you first read ED it was called Oh Internet.
>I'm not American that's why I cannot stop sperging over American politics months afterwards
Cool story bro. Are you going to keep ranting about Jews it's kind of cute you sound more like a Sup Forumslack than anyone ITT.
>nervous reddit laugh
Who is Oval, what is his relationship to this board and what years was he active tourist?
Since when has Sup Forums become as SJW as Sup Forums? You can't even say nigger anymore here without whiny faggots crying about containment boards
t. guy who smashed all his Eminem albums the week before
Sup Forums stayed the same, cunny threads, ecelebs and shit taste, it's you tourists that don't give a fuck about board etiquette and think anyone left leaning of Goebbels is a liberal.
>listening to eminem in 2017
dude fell off after mathers lp
Nobody gives a shit about your namefag friends, loser, that's no proof of anything, close your ED tab.
>Sup Forums stayed the same
You'd think that because you arrived after the election.
So the message is Jerry is wrong for being against cuckoldry....wow...so this is the power of Rick and Morty
Yes, everyone arrived after the election for you r/the_donald tourists.
Cool story tourist. Like I warned you've been easily outed. Head back to chapos we're done here.
Why don't we ask you then
Answer away """oldfag"""
>You don't talk about some namefag loser so I le win
Fresh off the boat from reddit
the show is actually p decent
Yep, that's Rick and Morty.
>doesn't know who Oval is
What about Abatap newfag? He's famous do a knowyourmeme search.
>more namefags, this one obsessed with avatar, mean I've been here longer than you
It means you're cancer that enables namefagging and nothing else.
>I don't know who Oval is but I was here before the election
Kek keep outing yourself this is golden. Why were they namefags user?
Jacob isn't the problem, the fault lies with Jerry's parents for letting their fetish control their lives. If they really loved Jerry, they wouldn't have subjected him to such an obvious betrayal of what he perceived as a normal, healthy relationship between adults when he was growing up.
Shut the fuck up you fucking baby, go back to your shitty subreddit
/leftypol/ getting exposed hard ITT
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
Please learn how to meme my cancerous triggered tourist friend.
Don't (You) me subhuman
lefty/pol/ is utterly and completely devoid of originality.
If Sup Forums is a containment board for retards than lefty/pol/ is like the retard rejects, retards so retarded they need an actual retard proof cage to stay in.
>Hurr what's namefagging
They weren't anons.
Do you think Justin Roiland doesn't browse Sup Forums? Are you stupid?
And they weren't namefags you fucking cancerous outsider.
He posted on Sup Forums before it became an offsite subreddit like Sup Forums became. Context is key newfaggot.
Or what? You going to cry?
>If Sup Forums is a containment board
If this was ever true, it hasn't been true for years. Sup Forums is a magnet retards, attracting the most ill-informed children to Sup Forums and letting them slide all over the site.
Tell us what namefagging is user and why Abatap and Oval were namefags.
gamergate spike is actually the fappening
Reread what I wrote you mouthbreathing retard.
>still pretending fappening traffic is gamergate
It's interesting to see how badly the Sup Forumsermin upset you.
kinda charming how you use the ideology you support to make fun of the ones you seem to hate.
>This was also the last straw for Moot to leave.
Moot left because GG autists wouldn't stop attacking him for banning their off-topic witch hunt.