As the new street-level superhero on the block...

As the new street-level superhero on the block, would you rather deal with a infestation of xenomorphs in your city or the Thing running loose in your city?

How the fuck are both of these street level?
Also which powers do i have?

You are similar to that of Daredevil, Batman, Deathstroke. A normal human at peak levels. Those are your powers.

With my powers, i call a carpet bombing run on my position and pray it suffices.
The Thing infects on contact and Xenomorphs blood is acid, also, there are thousands of them.
So, napalm. Tons of it.

No user, you get to choose between dealing with xenomorphs or the Thing. Unless you want to take on both?

I feel like Xenos would be easier to deal with. There's a single nest with a guessable location (sewers, abandoned buildings), you can monitor the routes and areas they're likely to use, and until the nest hits critical mass, you can generally have control over the situation.

But Things? You're completely fucked from the word go- there's no easy way to root them out, they have no HQ where they gather, each one can reproduce into an army without difficulty. By the time you find a single Thing, there are almost certainly going to be more running amok and multiplying. Impossible for any single person to manage, on any level.

I would cordone off the effected area while I held them off with whatever survivors are left then call in nukes.

Same as before except I'd ask for a nuke in 6 hours and tell the survivors the nukes arrive in 12.

Thing doesn't infect on contact. It requires biomass to infect and a single cell isn't enough if you watch the movie. Fun fact bacteria 'talk' to each other so the Thing probably just waits until it has enough cells to go into virulence.

>Thing in a city
There's a thread with this exact premise on /tg/ that you might have also made.

If The Thing makes it to a city it's already too late.

I'd probably deal with The Thing.
Xenomorphs are like giant space bedbugs that can kill you.

That depends... which one of them will fuck me but not kill me?

Do you understand that the moment the Thing makes contact with area that isn't freezing cold wasteland stuck in plantless permawinter, it's game over for humanity ?

People seriously underestimate how much life there are in cities. The moment you manage to nuke the area to oblivion (if you can manage to do that) the goddamn abomination has already spread over the continent disguised as billions beyond billions tiny insects, birds or regular joes who just suddenly decided to travel to another city.

Not to mention that the Thing has literally no reason to even reveal itself. Remember that it could perfectly impersonate people and even and is intelligent enough to manipulate humans through social interaction. Opposed to the "cunning predator" style intelligence The only reason they got clue of its existance was because they locked it in a cage with dogs, and it still managed to beat the whole camp despite of being discovered early.

So yeah, I will take a pack of acid-blooded, somewhat cunning space-tigers with parasitic lifecycle over that any day.

See Aliens vs Predator 2 for an infestation of xenomorphs in a regular city.

Just imagine if you set that thing loose in a city like New York. It's probably gonna spend the first underground amassing as many rats as it can to spread it's influence around the city.

The second the thing gets the sea and infects a tiny fish its all fucking over.
It will spread to fish to shark to whale with no way to stop it and would quickly spread to ever land mass
no were would be safe and everything would be doomed
To date there has never been an alien more terrifying and powerful then The Thing.

The Thing, it's easier to deal with Ben Grimm than aliens

You realize that Antarctica a crap ton of krill under it right? If it just slipped under the ice into water it would have been fine as long as it didn't go into a vegetative state. Imagine a whale beaching itself and then everyone who pushes it getting either their arms merged or broken off?

Also it isn't instant or one cell infects everything. Half the guys had AIDS because the cook jerked off into almost everything. Why do you think MacReady and Childs were the last ones left? MacReady survived only on J&B and Childs seemed to sustain himself through a mix of photosynthesis because he was Black in the Antarctica and lust for MacReady. The symbolism was all there!

The Thing is a Cosmic Threat. I feel like Dr. Strange would be the first fucking guy they'd call.

Hell, imagine if it infected like an ant or a butterfly or something?

The Fantastic Four is shit and I hate that when I want to look up The Thing film all I find is that crap series that is deader then Prince

The sea is mostly inhospitable. It could in theory become a leviahthan, but it could just as easily get frozen again or get lost and sink into the abyss assuming it avoids ice.

Oh god, an infected butterfly. It'd be like that scene off the simpsons where the butterfly burrows into homers arm.

Yes if it was any other mammal it would freeze
but if it infects any sea life then well its won
it will have all the ability of a fish and would quickly spread through sea life till its assimilated everything.

>A butterfly lands on a man in a park
>and another
>and another
>an entire swarm of them
>He's covered from head to toe, starts shaking and wailing
>None of this man is visible anymore, it's all butterflies
>He suddenly explodes outward as every butterfly merges into one
>He's left a squealing pile of gore, merged with dozens of insect parts

>Your sitting at your desk typing
>Suddenly you feel something on your leg
>You look down and see a tiny ant on your leg
>You casually flick it off.
>You try to get back to shitposting but another ant is on your leg.
>Your about to flick it off when suddenly tiny tendrils sprout out of its mouth and back
>Before you can react it digs into your skin.
>It hurts like hell as it burrows deep under your skin.
>You freak out and try to squish it but its in too deep and going through your muscle.
>You fall to the floor in pain.
>You cant feel your leg and it feels like its going up into your body.
>You then feel crawling all over your face and body.
>more ants come up you and rush down your mouth and ears.
>It digs into your face chest and arms.
>One even digs into your eye.
>Before you black out all you feel are millions of tiny ant like creatures eating from the inside.
>The last thing you feel is them crawling over your brain and digging into your frontal lobe

See, shit like this makes me feel like there's potential for more Thing movies set in places other than the Antarctic, but that and space are literally the only locations that make any sense for it not to immediately win.

infestation of xenomorphs, because at least then I don't have to question everyone and everything I see.

The desert.

Xenomorphs at least I got a fighting chance.

A lot of things that lives in the desert.

Bugs, reptiles and some small mammals.

Which Thing? The John Carpenter one or the original Who Goes There novella one?

Because if it's the former, then the entire planet is already fucked. All JC Thing has to do is walk into a crowded room, drop trou, and fart really hard and everyone is infected because it only takes a single cell to fuck you. If it's the latter, then everything's cool because Who Goes There Thing was a more classical doppelganger where it actually had to kill you in secret, hide your body, and then change itself to replicate you because it was a weak, cowardly infiltrator.

>Lol no, shits fucked

>When you learn John W. Campbell wrote Who Goes There? because his mom's identical twin sister who hated his guts used to drop by his house constantly when he was growing up.

>When you realize it could've been his mother who hated him all along...

Your moms vagina

There was going to be a sequel set in a tiny village in Mexico that would show how quickly The Thing would spread throughout the small town.
but it was sadly cancelled
Shame too it had great ideas for example.

The Thing would infect a chicken farm.
No knows this and a characters buys some eggs.
He's about to cook up breakfast but when he cracks open the egg the yolk screeches as it hits the hot frying pan.
It jumps up to get away and then forms tendrils to attack the guy trying to cook it.

Would of loved to see that shit on screen.

The Thing. It took hours to take out a station of like,10 people? And that was a small enclosed space where people can't get away. It's just a matter of time before city wide quarantines an blood testings track it down and kill it.

xenomorphs can be killed with bullets, and can't make more xenomorphs without large live animals to gestate in. The Thing is as far as anyone can tell more or less a biological grey goo event. As a street-level superhero, my plan for dealing with a Thing outbreak is to find the nearest active volcano and jump in.

Calling either the avengers and/or justice league.

>Half the guys had AIDS because the cook jerked off into almost everything. Why do you think MacReady and Childs were the last ones left? MacReady survived only on J&B and Childs seemed to sustain himself through a mix of photosynthesis because he was Black in the Antarctica and lust for MacReady.

You think that matters against The Thing?
any organic beings will be consumed by it and will also gain all there ability's
Unlike most Marvel villains The thing dose not need to use strength it just needs to hide in plain sight spread through the population and pick off the heroes one by one
the MCU is fucked.

Nigger is too late when the thing makes it to a planet

Good setup

It could conceivably land somewhere it wouldn't be able to survive, such as the arctic or maybe an extremely arid desert, but even in that case it's inevitable that it'd reach civilization, it's just a question of 100 years or potentially 10,000, at which point humanity might actually be able to fight back.

>You realize that Antarctica a crap ton of krill under it right?
you do realize that Antarctica is a continent right and there isn't an ocean underneath it?

The entire premise of The Thing is that once it reaches the rest of the biosphere, say the ocean or some birds, everything is proper fucked. If it starts in a city it's already over, humanity is as good as extinct.

I'd pray to God at least the angels would be uninffected oh wait

>A superhero/villian with the thing's powers would instantly become a meme

It exists (kind of)

Too bad 2 completely fucked his character up to promote the cooler black guy version. Just like in comics!

Most gracious sistah I concur Wem'rakul

I thought he could only manipulate his biology and was incapable of infecting others


Not "Infect" so much as "fucking absorb like a sponge does water". That was this chick, he was a different strain of the virus.

In 2 isn't he the one who infected everyone else? I don't remember much of that one.

The Thing. Xenomorphs will fuck you up, but as long as you've got some tin string and a trusty match that Thing will be deader than a Fantastic Four ongoing

>He starts vibrating and hissing as the Eye of Agamotto sprouts fangs

I don't know dude, i only played the first one like a decade ago
Still a guy with the thing's powers and enough creativity would be more of a fusion between alex, majin bu and beastboy with the superpowers of other heroes/villians he comes across if you wanna make him even more overpowered

Gonna go get blood samples from every fucking roach, rat, and pigeon in NYC then?

Anti-ppl now uve gone 2 far Jeus Krist Superstar

shut up prepz

Aliens, because bullets work on them.

Fuck that, no. But I've seen The Thing like 5 times. I know it's weakness. Hell, just give everyone in NYC a haircut and we'll be able to find out who's infected depending on if their hair screams out in agony when its cut

shut up ok

Good luck with that. By the time you get to haircut #50 the Thing would be out of NYC by then


If I don't know anything, Xenomorphs.
If I have some idea of what I'm fighting, The Thing.

>Locking yourself in a cage with the shapeshifting lion
That's very generous of you user, hopefully the thing isn't faster than the lockdown/doesn't manage to make it out before the place gets napalm'd

how do you stop fishes in the harbour, pidgeons in the parks, rats in the sewers, etc. from getting out? Also if you can quarantine the city so that literally no organism gets out just scorch all of it don't even bother testing for the thing because it's going to spread faster in such a big populace than you can test/eradicate it.

The Thing vs Aliens. Pic related.

Speaking of sequels, was the videogame canon? The idea of the government using The Thing's cells for biological warfare was pretty cool. But kind of horrifying too looking back and after reading this thread.

Alright: time for Plan B. Light myself on fire and run through the streets

It would be like watching a bunch of panthers inside a burning building

what is it with dumbass governments trying to militarize alien genetics?

To be fair, The Thing is a bitch to fight anyway. It's one of few movies where the protags are outmatched because their opponent is so much better.

That said, if you had to do something, total annihilation then a quarantine would be your best bet. But as soon as that shit is broadcasted on the TV, game over.

Don't feel bad user
The thing was specifically created to be a virtually unstoppable doom device
Which is why would happen regardless of how good the writer is

I feel like Xenomorphs are naturally impervious to The Thing. Their blood is acidic, not like The Thing's digestive acid, no it's Molecular Acid. Extremely powerful stuff. They're impossible to absorb.

Quarantine is pointless unless it's perfect, you need to be able to stop gnats from getting out. I really like how well the premise of the thing is thought out, that it literally could only occur in that virtually sterile enviroment and have a plausible ending where the humans "win".

That's why it's a best bet. If the hero had to do SOMETHING, nuke and lock. But, yeah, The Thing would survive, especially if news got out that a nuke was happening.

Since we are looking for ways to defeat the thing
How about using a robot?
I'm pretty sure the thing can't absorb a robot
The thing vs terminator

user, your plan B is my Plan A. Fuck this shit, I'm out.

>The tough exoskeleton and molecular acid of the Xenomorph makes them impervious to The Thing unless it pulls some long-con bullshit to progressively adapt until it's strong enough
>The Thing can't exactly be killed by blunt force, though acid may have a similar effect as fire
>The Thing infects a Facehugger, which hugs a Marine, birthing a Thingburster, which evolves into a whole new organism, a Thingymorph

This is an idea with the potential to be like a good version of Prometheus.

No idea. I guess they see it as less work. Why waste millions of dollars to bomb your enemies when you could just use a modified biological weapon that spreads fast and kills your enemies one by one(slowly too) while you watch and smile in the distance. Then probably shit yourself after realizing the weapon you used on your enemies is coming for you next.


And then the Predators had a collective boner.

I didn't realise Joss Whedon was writing this

Xenomorphs, no contest.

You can actually find those things (relatively) easily.

>Ripley tries to fight the Alien Queen, but it beats the shit out of her and she has a good cry where her mascara smears all over her face because she's a strong female character
>The rest of her lines are smartass remarks about how the rest of the Colonial Marines are boys and she's a girl

The only sure fire way to kill a thing infection. Is nukclear detonation with half an hour of confirmed infection followed carpet bombeing and burning every living thing within I'd say around 100 niles

>Alien vs Predator vs The Thing, ft. Colonial Marines and Weyland Yutani
>WY sends Marines to spooky new planet
>Turns out the Predators own it, oops
>It's an old game reserve, so naturally it's swarming with Xenos
>Preds show up to defend their propertah
>Surprise, they're actually there because the whole planet was quarantined
>Turns out The Thing was the ultimate prey before the Xenos, but some old-ass Predators deemed it too dangerous
>Potential extinction of your race and everything else trumps a really sick hunting party, apparently
>Company is there for the Thing, because of course they are
>Marines are expendable
>Thing gets out, starts a-similatin'
>Marines and Predators have to team up against Xenos and Things and Xenothings
>But they also have to kill each other because who knows who's infected

This thing writes itself.

And then a Terminator shows up.

>This thing writes itself.
>This thing

Yeah fuck you, OP.

At least I have a chance with the Xenos. The Thing? I need AT LEAST a Green Lantern ring-class weapon to have a chance.

This is some ultimate showdown tier shit

Biollante appears midway
The secret is that this is Space Godzilla's origin story

It's rock paper scissors really.

>Terminator kills Thing
>Xenomorph acid burns Terminator
>Thing kills Xenomorph

Oh Sigourney Weaver, my Lady and Savior, what have I started! Forgive my trespasses and nerd sins.

>what are the Bydo
Read the fluff from the game manuals. Shit's insane.

>If it's the latter, then everything's cool because Who Goes There Thing was a more classical doppelganger where it actually had to kill you in secret, hide your body, and then change itself to replicate you because it was a weak, cowardly infiltrator.
i'm pretty sure that the thing in "who goes there?" split itself to make a dog and the other part carried on being a threat after the dog was dealt with, so it's essentially the same as Carpenters.

That would get really convoluted really quickly

>TFW we'll never see Alien vs. Predator vs. The Thing arcade beat em uo.
>Lt. Linn Kurosawa
>Maj. Dutch Schaffer
>Pred. Hunter
>Sgt. MacReady, badass human Marine that's a descendant of R.J.

>There's a slight chance to get a secret ending were one of them was a thing all along

>Whichever character you didn't choose was the Thing all along
>If 4 people are playing, one of the players is randomly chosen to become a Thing and betray his friends

That's kinda the point of AvP media though