What if Weinstein looked like this? Do you think all of those women would have come out crying rape?

What if Weinstein looked like this? Do you think all of those women would have come out crying rape?

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Yes they would, but the women would be much uglier. It has happened before.

If they had something to gain from it, then yes.

Its just hilarious in the first place that they're doing this. They don't realize they're burning down the house with themselves inside. Imagine how things will go now. You'll actually have to be a competent actor, with actual skill to advance. You wont be able to fake it until you make it anymore. Your pretty face won't get you anything.

Women continue to devalue the pussy. They're going to learn what its like when that value is gone.

Can I just say that the woman who secretly recorded Harvey was hilarious.
The way she said the word breast its was like "you touched my breeest?"
I mean fuck police sting operation maybe coach her one time before you start

What do you think feminism is?

Its not about benefitting future women. Its about destroying men for selfish reasons of old bitter hags.

He is gay, tho. He kisses men in the mouth and also puts peepee inside his mouth.

lol, absolutely not. all those women who cried rape at Weinstein were fucking guys that looked like this on their own time. it would be just another lay for them.

actually if Weinstein looked like that, he wouldn't give anyone roles for fucking him.

Every time I see a variation of a meme I think "did the person posting make that" then I think surely they didn't but I never see it again.

The guy in the OP?

Yeah, he's too good to be wasted on a female desu.

no, not until his success and looks had waned after 20 years. that's how it works. everyone is complicit, no one in innocent (until there's something to gain by being a victim)

Because they would have gladly fucked that.
Women don’t want to have sex with men who are
>probably smell
>are autistic
Women want Chads not losers.

Serious question: why does this /r9k/ reddipol board act high and mighty whe they are
1. Losers
2. At least half virgins
3. Literally care about capeshit
4. Act like tumblr: polfags with an affinity for lowest common denominator celeb gossip

And yet they criticize others.

Yep. They even made his character gay on the last season of teen wolf(he wasn't gay)

He's supposed to appear on an episode of Arrow this season, i wonder if they'll suddenly make him gay there too. I wouldn't mind that.

Well I think its like how they beat up pedos in prison.
Everyone has the need to feel superior to someone, even those with a lot of good boy points.
Plus sour grapes

Honey true feminists are for men's rights and your mental health and suicide epidemic.

It may be hard to believe for you virgins but even guys who look like that can't force womens heads onto their cock without atleast a little bit of sweet talking.

They beat up pedos in prison because even criminals know fucking diddling kids is fucked up in socoety.

Yeah, no one will ever hire a pretty girl for a role again!
Hollywood is finished!
Drumpf wins again!

agreed, these misogynistic virgins need to know their place. it's not like they are Chads or anything who deserve to be listened to. us women will be the judge of that!

I'd give anything to have a jaw like that.

Really? from what I've seen you're all a bunch of uggmoes that are really mad to be born unattractive and hate on men and prettier women.

Back to /r9k/, anyone who uses the C word is a fucking dipshit

That pic is such bullshit, men can't help notice the type of women that sleep around tend to cheat. Its evolution, men don't want to raise other men's children

Honey I said true feminists not lardass females. The kind of normal attrative female that gives birth. They do exist.

>food analogy

What a retarded analogy

t. numale

Women only want Chad.

Men sleep around just as much

Go outside. You can be good looking without being a chad

Why do you feel the need to say Honey or sweetie all the time? Its dismissive.
I find it hard to take any movement serious that hand waves the real concerns of people.

this. there are women who use tinder and go to shitty clubs and yes they would all sleep with this guy if he asked but a lot of girls are actually more modest and require some investment on the guys' part.

Yes and what are the consequences for their wifes? nothing much really.
They still raise their own kids.
I still think those guys a assholes, but women like to have it both ways.
They want the benefits of being seen as a women that makes good choices.
Who wants a girl with low self esteem thatll fuck some dude at work that shows just a little bit of interest in her

>this is what nu males believe

I do it because it upsets you and most people here are literally from /r/movies or r/MGTOW

I'm waiting for you to admit pol is tumblr tier

t. Forever alone and never had a long term relationship

The majority of women have rape fetishes. I wonder how many masturbated to the thought of Weinstein.

You kidding me? The better looking the dude the easier woman get self-conscious around them and find ways to lash out in compensation. He actually be imprisoned if he looked like this

I find all these groups to be divisive
Who brought up those places?
you did.
Pol is dumb anyway, Am I really supposed to believe all their posters are from that many different countries?

Cheating is wrong no matter which party. Esp if married. The only time its acceptable is when the relationship is basically over but you haven't broken up yet


Long-term relationships aren't worth it because all women cheat. They're only worth it if you're into open relationships.

you are so gullible dude

>The only time its acceptable is when the relationship is basically over but you haven't broken up yet
Funny how some people use this logic despite stretching this period over 6 months or more and not telling the other person.

Reminder that if you prefer right over the left you should get the fuck off this board.

Well they are just assholes I'm talking the last month of a relationship. Not saying its right but if someone feels unloved and unwanted they can do what they want.

I was in a four year relationship and none of us cheated. Why the fuck would you want an open relationship when relationships are for finding a soulmate to have kids with.

Not true

Idk but they surely are stupid and stupid people exist everywhere.

>but if someone feels unloved and unwanted they can do what they want.
Oh of course I was only working overseas to support us you stupid bitch, you couldnt even make it three months you dumb cunt.
I loved you you dumb bitch.

I am not stupid!

I prefer OP's what now?

I wonder if he had a daughter, would she have his massive chin?

>What if Weinstein looked like this?

Looked like a homosexual man?

I'm sorry user. But I meant a relationship that isnt healthy ie the person clearly doesn't care about their significant other

were you the one to end it

t. ugly jealous virgin

Gas yourself

Keep telling yourself that.

if winestein looked like this
he woudn`t be forcing himself
the pussy would be swimming around him for that chad look

But Haynes IS a homo though?

>ywn have a bf like Haynes
Just kill me, Pete.

He is gay...

Speaking of. There's no way Colton Haynes hasn't prostituted himself for roles. I mean Jeff Davis has actually hired gay porn actors for bit parts in Teen Wolf.

There is an audio recording? Link?

No, he's pure! He probably did though.

Maybe he had to suck Johnny Cage's cock

you westerners are lost cause.

At 102 she says it.
I know she's italian but I thought the word breest
was the funniest thing

>Teen Wolf.
Never watched that but, how many of its actors turned out to be gay at this point?

Just Haynes, and one of the Carver twins from the main cast I think.

She most definitely cheated.

That statement my john greene was such bullshit.
God I hate "nerdy" faggoty men.
Really? you really cant see why promiscuity is a turn off for relationships?
Sorry but ive tried it your way, fast girls burn through men till they are used up

>apply Marxist rhetoric to society
>suicide rates rise
>the solution is more Marxism
Why didn't I think of that?

Holy shit, dude sounds desperate as fuck.

The guy who played deucalion has an amazing voice. He is a VA. He played fenris on dragon age 2. please, hire me

you retard, he meant you'll have to be actually able to act along with having a pretty face.

>be a tease and allow yourself to get fondled when it benefits you
>rewrite history and act like you were a victim all along when it benefits you

And then you have the marketing image feminists like Meryl Streep that have been cozy with Weinstein all along

She has a body of work that shines

>Meryl Streep
Her statement saying "no its not true that everyone knew about it"
Bitch if I knew for years and I'm a nobody you fucking defiantly knew.
I wonder if this will lead to them patting themselves on the back slightly less

Yes because that doesn't stop it from being rape.

You cunts should just talk to women once in a while instead of being afraid of them.

Many actors do. Remember your drama club in high school? No way most male Hollywood stars are completely straight.

If Weinstein would look like that, he wouldn't rape anybody because they all would fuck him regardless, because every single woman on the Planet get wet through Chad.

Yes of course rape is bad, but speaking from an evolutionary biology perspective; would these women even feel a slight hesitation owing to this mans looks?
I mean you can't rape the willing?

How much longer before wojak just doesn't exist?

No one ever mentions the pot plants he left Christmas decorations all over, no one ever thinks of the plants.


fucking Sup Forums has been making meme and post picture of actresses look uncomfortable as fuck near this guy for years

so when will dan the man got clocked though?

>Christmas decorations all over
are you retarded?
pick one

the most 'damaging' aspect about rape is that women hate themselves over enjoying it, it's what makes it so thrilling

That guy will never be as ugly as Harvey.
The Harvester actually looks better now with age for some reason.


oh come on dude, yes I'm sure the amount of women that enjoy rapes isnt zero, but havent you had an unpleasant sexual encounter?
A women in india got gang raped so badly they destroyed her anus and ripped her cervix.
Rape aint fun a lot of the time

White Chads like him are more innocently/naively hedonistic and would never reach the level of sheer power-tripping degeneracy and deviancy a kike mogul like Weinstein has.

I'm usually the one to make the sexual encounters unpleasant
>Rape aint fun a lot of the time
don't knock it till you try it bud

Thats the biggest bombshell of the whole thing. The hollywood veil of elites is a fucking joke.

The guy isnt some suave rich guy hes a begging fucking pussy. Ive never groveled for pussy like that and I dont have millions of dollars, mansions in hollywood and a position to produce movies for a company that I started.

He actually fucking pulled the
>Im famous please sleep with me
Card. You cant make this shit up its so good.

Lol, the worthless whore probably deserved it. Women are things, not humans, rape is like breaking a glass.

>speaking from an evolutionary biology perspective would these women even feel a slight hesitation owing to this mans looks?
I mean you can't rape the willing?

The idea of people enjoying rape is more of a fantasy than a reality. No matter how beautiful a person is, violating somebodies autonomy is still a severely psychologically damaging thing.

It's a mindset like yours why so many men kill themselves as victims of rape because you're encouraged to act like you enjoyed it if its a woman.

I don't know, usually I don't care about Sup Forums's shit but I work in this area and it is awful. Weinstein and anyone who does shit like that deserves to have the worst shit happen to them. This isn't the case of women being whiny or playing victims. It's about people being shit.

Reminder that if you have sex out of loving committed long-term relationships you are contributing to the problem plaguing modern society.