Saturday night

>saturday night
>literally noone texting me
>literally have noone to hang out with
>never had gf
>successfully finished the college, have a good paying job
>literally no source to find and meet someone new

I'm gonna buy some booze now, I need some film suggestions for lonely people

Other urls found in this thread:

Wow it's almost like material success doesn't correlate with social success. Oh well nice try user.

well, I had a poor as fuck parents so I had to somehow save my life. this is the trade off. what could i have done?

Friends are overrated tbqh
Money is better

Money brings happiness just be patient.

>have a good paying job
>literally no source to find and meet someone new
You're a failed normie autist.

I just rewatch sitcoms constantly because its like having Friends and hanging out with people

Send me the money I'll give you some social tips

>fucking your co-worker

fucking don't

sounds like you're living the dream



go back to re**it and kill




>What do you do when you stay inside? Inside.

>I need some film suggestions for lonely people

That image is retarded, yes doing all that shit in that image can make you depressed but it works the other way around too, you can get depressed and slowly start doing all the shit in the image.

>i'll be there for youuuuuuuu

Isn't Prozac an antidepressant?

Join an adult sports league.
Go to a dive bar and don’t be a fag.
Engage more at work stop having lunch in your car/office.

Really if you don’t have at least one buddy you can call and bullshit it’s your own fault.

Now go by a bottle and watch The War documentary all day.

If you have some money find a nice escort and pay her for the night and drink and watch movies then fuck her if you want. If she’s good at her job it will seem real

fuck off loser


Who delicious noon wine here?

Wine is for women and studied professors.

I’ve been sober since Wednesday. Feels like forever.

The point is all that shit is bad and will only make you more miserable in the end.

it's better being rich and sad than being poor and sad

But it can also offer that brief window of happiness or repreve

are you literally me

>normalfags on my Sup Forums
just go

at least you can afford booze you lucky first world motherfucker you

I'm doing morning vodka, but I didn't sleep last night so... I'm okay right guys?

lol don't listen to this scrub unless you want to waste your life
>t. richfag

you need money to live, not people

Having friends is so cringy. I just can't do it.

>didnt join a frat in college
>not even a cultural frat

you did this to yourself

Do they keep you in a cell? Cells

I'll hang out with you user. What's your area code?

Also, when I graduated college and was living on my own in a new town, I was lonely too. But back then (2012), Livestreams threads were pretty common on Sup Forums, so I'd join the stream chats and pretend to be hanging out with pals. Maybe you could try to find something like that?

Add some orange juice and call it breakfast.

Who’s that beautiful woman?

Dude just go outside lmao.


e/b/in! as if everything gets fixed when you go outside. seeing all those couples around while you drink coffee alone.

fuck off

One Hour Photo

>never played sports or played and be shit at them
>join a sports league

If you reply to this post you will get a girlfriend


All i wish for is to have free time and a well paying job in order to play computer and console games all day


You seriously expecting someone who loves you to just burst into your house and love a depressed slob?

American beauty
Tokyo Sora
Chunking Express


Why can't most people just be content on their own? I hang out with someone like once a week and I couldn't be happier. All my friends ever wanna do is normie shit like play on Snapchat and Instagram the entire time we do anything and I realized I'm just happier on my own. Goddamn im blogging


I lost about four years of my life in Sup Forums releated IRC streaming channels. Stay the fuck away from that shit

I have a gf and am now neveralone.jpg
It sucks.

whoa what an epic advice!

what do i do when i go outside user, as a lonely creeper?

I dunno after that part

Hangout with the chinks?

be ur self

The least important thing about a sports league is the actual sport. Just a bunch of dudes getting together on the weekend to have some heterosexual fun

Believe me I've been there.
>All you wanna do is have sex!
>come on I wanna go ice skating!
>let's go to the theme park!
>I wanna go do something today!
>all we do is stay in bed..
>why do you talk to my dad like that?
>leave my sister alone! She didn't do anything but speak her mind.


who the hell is noone

Happiness is within you.

Sometimes I forget how fucking annoying that shit can be and then I don't want another GF

I started volunteering with a local conservation project. I thought it would be full of regards, oldies and rehabbers but it's actually full of 6/10 soft science majors.

So you know, do that.

Trees lounge
Oslo August 31st
Blade runner 2949
Paris Texas (nice sombre movie)
Chunking express
Mary and Max
Punch Drunk Love

Behind a locked door in which drugs are its key.

> Hey I notice you don’t have anything planned this weekend. Well why don’t I fill that up with shit you hate to do.

Blade Runner 2049 mane

Fuck, all the time that I love spending on me, developing talents would be wasted! There will always be young women around too! I'm fine now.

House of sand and fog

For when you absolutely positively want to feel like shit.

I love it. Complete quiet. No bullshit. No drama. I work, drink and get high. This is my life. This is the new way of life for people in their early twenties.

The problem is I like to do things like hike, bike, camp, shoot, play vidya, go to shows, visit friends, have friends over, and work on /diy/ projects. Pre-dating, she presented herself as a bit of a tomboy, now it turns out that isn't as interested in any of these things, and often opts out. Since she's kind of klingy and needy of attention, if she opts out, that means I can't go do them on my own, or else she gets pouty and difficult. The result is that we spend all our free time together doing... very little.

this is unironically true

Im fit as fuck and I still dont have friends or social life

Blade Runner 2049

You don't need any other movies.

>having money
>not being able to find some cunt to fuck
God fucking damnit, how retarded are you?

Oh boo fucking hoo you big baby.
Buy a gun too and shove a bullet through your skull.
Fucking loser.

Relationships get to a point that when you are relaxing and watching tv you hear your significant other from the other room say “hey babe?” And you just think to yourself “Now what does this butch want?”

Hey, same. Sneaking some whiskey into BR2049 tonight though, should be fun.

>finally got a gf
>user when will you introduce me to your friends?

>boo fucking hoo

can you go back to 9gag or tumblr or whereever the fuck emo shit you have come from?

>get a gf
>user, when are you going to tell me your real name?

>>user when will you introduce me to your friends?
>>user when will you introduce me to your friends?
>>user when will you introduce me to your friends?
>>user when will you introduce me to your friends?
>>user when will you introduce me to your friends?



I'm at such a point that even if I finally get a gf, her admiration will instantly decrease when she finds out I don't have a friend group.

Synecdoche, NY

Depends on the area. If you’re by the ocean, go snorkeling. If you’re landlocked, try trail running. Basically something where you’re out in public but to distracted to pay attention to others.

>getting dubs

eat my shit

Why is being white usually correlated with being a friendless virgin? You know, like being black is correlated with being a criminal.

At least you can get sex without any effort.

It won't decrease. It just stops at that point.

>you didn't have to bring friends, user
>they're no my friends

The worst part? Even if she will accept you as you are, there is alway that one bitchy friend/family member that will try to persuade her that you are a sociopathic creep.

Because white people are fucking faggots.
Hell just look at Sup Forums bitter anti-social losers, every last one of them.
Mexicans refer to each other as blood - family
And blacks refer to each other as fuck word filters.
White people just refer to each other as asshole or faggot. Like they're all submissive pussy bois to that powerful brown and black cock.

>You don't get to bring friends.

You need some time travel mindfuck movies



Not him but I think the "getting fit" part counts as effort

Because blacks can join gangs and whites people can join clubs?

can you send me cash, like $500

i have friends and a girlfriend and i feel i would make better use of the money than you

>successfully finished the college

gave me a chuckle. I'll be your friend user.

>mfw I legitimately thought this was a jav code at first

Give me some jav code you sissy fucboi