Pandering to the Chinese

I've noticed and been made aware of several examples in this decade of Hollywood pandering to the Chinese market. What's the worst example you can think of? Is it as bad as it seems?

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OP here, the worst I can think of that I've seen is in The Martian, when for some reason, the U.S. needs the help of the Chinese, of all nations, to save Watney.

>the Martian
>the Chinese govenemtn gets involved in the rescue mission of a single American astronaut stuck on Mars

2012 - chinks make arks to save human kind

Yeah, now that I think about it, besides their horrible engineering, another problem with the idea of them helping is that that would require tremendous care for one who isn't their own. They have trouble enough caring for each other.

Iron Man 3

Would you guys count the Karate Kid reboot being in China instead of America, and not being about learning Karate?

Jackie Chan is honorary American

How? Serious question, because that movie was pretty forgettable.

independence day 2 panda'd to the chinks more than anything I can think of.

Isn't karate a japanese thing though

Ending has ching chong doctor appear for no reason to remove the glowey thing from his chest, which has absolutely no impact on the rest of the movies

Not disputing that, he's awesome no matter what. But he could have taught Daniesha-san Karate, in America. Yeah Jackie's a Kung Fu guy, but I'm sure he could pull off Karate.

China and Japan are VERY different things, At least, according to my American born Chinese friend. They will never let you forget that. Also they really hate each other. Regardless, he could still be taught the martial art in America. They could go to Japan in the sequel if they like.

I've only seen reviews online of it, but I heard Transformers 4 tried really hard to get that Chinese market. Really, really hard.

>12 replies
>6 posters
Why are you so butthurt OP? Did a small peepee chink fuck your whore mother?

It's a case of if you can't beat em, join em. We knew a year ago that China was going to overtake Hollywood eventually, and it seems to be happening sooner than later as Hollywood is tearing itself inside out at the moment. Frankly I can't wait for it happen, maybe the chinks will put some creative effort into their movies.

That shitty cgi filled flick about the great wall where they were fighting against a cgi monster horde.
Also matt damon was in it.

We'll have shitload of movies based on the fist of the north star instead.

Good. Maybe some new studios will try a bit harder knowing that the typical Hollywood tripe won't cut it in the next few years

The japanese already like american movies, therefore Hollywood doesn't feel the need to pander to them. It's like NuWars. It's a male, mostly white, therefore they're focusing all their pandering to females and minorities because these stupid white males will keep watching because it's calle Star Wars

T. Jack Ma

>Creative Effort
I don't know about that...

That was made by the chinese you nitwit

In King Kong, there's a cute Chinese girl that has like 2 lines for the whole movie and does jack shit

>strayan lashing out at the golden horde invasion of his schools, workplaces, theaters and neighborhood
checks out

I wouldn't mind being an Aussie, but I'm an American. Australia is pretty cool though. Don't screw it up, Lee.
>Golden horde
There's nothing golden about any of it. Except the color of your water, sometimes. Might wanna get that looked at.

Valerian - opening had chinese astronauts heavily featured and the end fight had a chink as a key (unnamed) character in resolving the conflict.

New Independence Day - chink fighter pilot heavily featured and other chink military officers.

The Martian like you noted.

Looper had some heavy handed china references.

Rogue One obviously had the chinks who did nothing that were included for no reason.
Probably a lot more. Don't want a lot of kikewood films

Something really weird I've noticed lately are morbid jokes and a casual disregard for life. Deaths are done as a one-off gag and rarely matter, and it feels completely different from the villain killing his henchmen in an old 80's movie or something. A lot of the time these deaths are accidental or playfully malicious. A couple examples from recent, Chinese-targeted movies:

-Spiderman Homecoming, where Micheal Keaton's vulture accidentally kills his henchman and shrugs it off
-Salazar in the new Pirates continuously kills Barbossa's crew and it seems more played for laughs than menacing
-Jake Johnson's dead character in the new mummy. He's killed and casually brought back to life with none of the other dead characters really mattering. Death is used in a weird supposed-to-be-funny way, but the humor doesn't land
-There are tons of examples of this happening to both human and robot characters in the later transformers movies, with characters introduced only for the sake of humorous deaths later

It rings of a weird Chinese disregard for human life, and it's only something that I've started to see within the past few years.

>Movie goers are then blasted with the words "Gu Li Duo," a milk drink in the country.
>Last year, Yili, the manufacturer of the drink withdrew baby formula tainted with mercury.

kek, china in two sentences.

How embarassing.

I second this. This is everything an alien race would need to know about modern China, right here.

I think you're on to something. It's really deeply messed up. I can't think of any time that sort of good guys were killed for laughs in the other Pirates films. Bad guys, sure. Good guys, never. Until this decade. This decade sucks for movies. At least Hollywood is slowly dying. That's satisfying. Not as satisfying as good mostly apolitical movies being released every year, but satisfying nevertheless.

you're too triggered to be taken seriously, all you know is from the surface level propmill of Sup Forums, that's why the reference flew by you. strayans have a lot more vested interest at lashing out on chinks than your distant, outside-looking-chink ass. so do i for that matter.

Reference to a "Golden Horde", you mean? Is this what you're talking about?
It's not even Chinese. Your reference sucks.

wtf i'll profess to hate the chingchongs now
now we are prepared for war foorting. good work lads

it's not pandering

it's hollywood simply adjusting to a global audience (about time)

I noticed this in Colossal with Anne Hathaway and Jason Sudeikis. Maybe it was just me, but the ending in which she just takes the opportunity to kill him in cold blood by throwing him off into the distance felt like it was supposed to be more funny than it was dramatic or necessary. Maybe it's just weird to see a protagonist kill the antagonist without their own life being in danger first?

I looked it up after watching the movie and yeah, Colossal was bought and distributed by a Chinese company.

new pacific rim

no, about the chink diaspora in straya, horde was just a throwaway nomenclature that you fixated on because the internet mill and, maybe, schoolbooks are all you know, that's why your material suffers from a lack of nuance and is indistinguishable from what voice of america churns out. ask a bonafide bogan on 8/pol/ they'll tell you more

Not that guy but you're a faggot or a CIDF shill. China is a shithole. Deal with it.

No shit you were talking about Chinese immigrants trying to become a majority in an Anglosphere nation. The same thing is happening more or less in Canada. Why did you call it "Golden" though?

I'll be sure to relay your emotions to my superior Wang

>pacific rim 2 is going to flop even harder because the chinese don't like niggers in their movies
It can't be that bad desu

Because their skin per capita holds more value than yours so even hollyjews can't stay away.

The chinks will be royaly fucked once the white man finally dies.

I'm not sure if you're serious. But the "global audience" shtick just means crappier movies overall, for everyone. It's like that saying about trying to please everyone.

It's also more expendable, if you see how they treat each other.

This. Africans and Nips will rape them mercilessly. That's why an anglochink alliance is the only forward-thinking vision.

They are out-expending you for sure.

>discussion about how movies are changing, possibly for the worse
>nothing but racebaiting shitposting instead

I think they may stagnate, but I can't see them having any strong rivals, unless you aren't counting Jews under white. If anything, if they encounter current white nation problems in the future, like terrorism, they'll deal with them more efficiently and ruthlessly. Especially ruthlessly.

Independence Day Resurgence.

The Chinese Actress and her father/general + humanity now uses the chinese Instant Messanger "QQ"

Oh NOW I get it, pandas!

Okay, NOBODY in the Anglosphere talks like that. You just outed yourself for good, Ma.

Besides a little name calling, everything was good and productive here, until the shills showed up.

>Day of the Rope larpers found another race on the opposite side of the globe more ropier than them and feel threatened
I'm having fun, actually

nah. the "elite" is already trying to abandon ship in the western hemisphere for china. Deus Ex will be reality in 30-40 years. China is the new Hub for the top 10000

When did I ever say I was cuckasian? I'm not even the first poster that responded to you. You really are so far away from what you're talking about you think you're the only one with an agenda against the chinks. No wonder you dumb fucks are losing.

isn't china the biggest manufacturing powerhouse in the world and in history?

transformers 4

When they make products on foreign specifications for foreign companies, it works out alright. When they make their own stuff, you get problems like:

>go through portal into alternate universe
>wind up in a post apocalyptic shanty town filled with beautiful multicultural 30-something's
>suddenly the Asian psychic woman comes up to the protagonist and explicitly tells him everything that is going on
>shes telepathic so most of her lines aren't spoken, and can be dubbed over without matching mouths
Just figured out she's Korean, but she was also the out of place Asian in Avengers 2

it was in the book you dumb faggot

>maybe the chinks will put some creative effort into their movies.
Anything and everything that could possibly deviate from government propaganda will have a difficult time seeing the light of day. It's already a problem there, and I don't expect it will get any better in the future.
>inb4 hurf durf burgerclaps make propaganda toooo
Any retard that thinks American shit is on the same level of jingoistic bullshit as Chinese movies is an ignorant shitter that hasn't watched chinese movies.

That's really been part of cinema for a long time. You could find countless examples from movies in decades past.

When ever someone says this, we're pandering to the Chinese you have to remember that the Chinese are racist as fuck.

As long as the movie has diversity shoehorned into it, ala star wars, you have nothing to worry about

Okay, that excuses Hollywood, but not the author for being a Sinophile. Also this isn't Lit. We aren't expected to know the source material for adaptations.

ooh sounds like you're ready to name your top 5 Chinese films of the decade. I'm looking forward to new viewings.

Making a bunch of cheap stuff for other nations is not equivalent to advanced space faring tech.

Hello ignorant shitter

>Rogue One
Literally the only act of "good" Jyn does in the first half is saving a voiceless cute Chinese boy from some stormtroopers

She as a monster kills Jason the character? Or is the climax a monster throwing a monster?

Think before you write, changing your product purely to profit from a specific group is the very definition of pandering.

Yes you are
If you've seen the Marian, you should know about the book.
If you're going to complain about the plot being determined by Chinese companies, you should probably use an modicum of investigative thought

Jason finds out he controls a monster and uses it to destroy Korea, so Anne Hathaway goes to Korea, which makes her a control monster in Jason's hometown, and just kills him. It's a really weird moment in a pretty bad movie.

It's almost like you unironically think Hollywoods main motive is to make good movies instead of making money

Isn't that insulting to them for them to waste millions of china dollars to save an American?

Wouldn't pandering be more like America wasting money to save a single Chinaman?

>I have no idea what moving up the value chain means

Japanese guy once told me
"You wanna know the difference between chinese and japanese women?"

"The chinese woman is the ugly one"

jap bantz are pure

I haven't thought that about the majority of filmmakers for a looong time. How could anyone think that's the case? That doesn't make it any less awful of a practice.

>Brag about his breadth of knowledge of Chinese movies
>Reacts with hostility to a request for recommendations on the television and film board
fuk chinks chonks dey goin after ur mobies xD

Get used to it, cuckold

Meh I disagree.
There's many other things you can complain about in hollywood, like lack of diversity, lack of creativity, capeshit, etc. seeing a Chinese product for 2 minutes or a random Asian side character is the least of Hollywood's problem

down-playing the presence of negroes in movie posters

They hate them and aren't gonna get bullied by a bunch of leftists in the west

It's called capitalism, you leftist Socialist Communist Muslamic immigrant nigger. Chinks have money now and they want to watch films with Chinks in them. Choke on it.



That makes it sound genuinely watchable. I was just butt hurt at the lack of fetish but if it has convoluted rules and it's not just a love story I might be in the mood for a bad movie

The left is full of "limousine socialists" who preach economic equality for everyone but the party. They like being rich.

Is it possible to use these Chinese state-enforced botnet apps outside of China?

I always thought Pirates 3 was pretty embarrassing with the pandering

>If I type “this” it means I’m still relevant
Gas all Thisfags.

I'm literally non of the above. I just like it when my country, America, makes movies with America and our friends in mind.

I don't get your point
How does that relate at all to making good movies

>projecting this hard
Man your life must be a shitshow

you mean how they pandered to....singapoure?

It is that bad in things like action blockbusters and other huge movies designed to have broad international appeal. This is due to the simple fact that China is a huge market and corporations are not your friend. Sony Pictures isn't going to make a movie "better" when it can be made blander and more mass appealing.

However this isn't much of an issue in most movies that aren't completely under the thumb of a studio's billion dollar budget.

This XD

> tfw you see an Asian person on screen