What do you think of the dark knight rises movie? No Bane memes please this is a serious thread
What do you think of the dark knight rises movie? No Bane memes please this is a serious thread
Fuck your serious thread
These dubs are evenly matched! Only trips will determine the masterplan of this thread!
my big guy
dubs confirm, time to use the flight plan force
Is it too late to start a baneposting collection? I'm guessing most of the good stuff has been posted and is hard to find.
>redditor hotheads as mods
How is this allowed in my Sup Forums?
have one OC here, created for mummyfu threads but it is baneposting
>mr Morton, I'm Prodigium
>He wasn't alone
>ugh you dont get to bring your mummies
>they are not my mummies
>dont worry, no curse for them
>and why would i want them?
>they tried to grab Your curse, they work for necromancer, the bandaged girl
>get them aboard I call it in
>the flight plan i just filled in with Prodigium, lists me, my soldiers, mr Morton here but only one mummy, 1st one to unwrap, gets to stay on my aircraft
[grabs Boris Karloff Imhotep 1932]
>who paid You to curse mr Morton
>he didn't raise so well, who wants to try next?
[grabs Arnold Vosloo Imhotep 1999]
>tell me about Ahmanet, why does she wear bandages?
>lotta loyality for a mummified gal
>or perhaps he's wondering why someone would curse a man before throwing him out of plane
>at least You can raise, who are you?
>it doesnt matter who we are, what matters is our curse. noone cared who I was untill they put on the lid
>if I pull lid off, will You raise?
>it would be extremally lifeful..
>You are old mummy!
>..for You!
>was getting mumified alive part of your plan?
>of course, mr Morton refused our offer in favour of dumb blonde, we had to find out what he told you
>nothing, I said nothing
>congratulations, you got yourself mumified alive, whats the next step of your master plan?
>crashing this plane... with 2 survivors
[army of zombies appear and attack]
>no, they expect one of our mummies in the sarcophagus, priests
>have we raised the curse?
>yes the curse rises
>calm down mr Morton, now it's no time for Set... that comes later
/dead meme/ general?
>t. hothead
Say that to my face
Best one I ever saw.
wrong pic
Dr Pavel, I'm 3D
Dubs confirm
Do you think CIA survived that crash?
yes but it was extremely painful for him
Can someone post that video with the singing miiverse characters? When CIA walks in I get goosebumps every time.
Hey, Dr. Pavel, CIA here!
forgot pic
>undercover bane thread
crashing this thread
nonononono...not masaka...izz masketa
with no trips?
digits thread?
no time for trips, that comes later
with no spoilers
you have no power here, dubsguy
step aside, small guy
Do people Banepost in order to avoid facing the fact that the movie sucked ass?
the movie is nothing but an epilogue to the plane scene, who cares
seen movie twice ever
watching plane scene twice a day
forgot there even was a subsequent movie
>he doesn't understand Baneposting
How far can you get without laughing?
as far as mosquito man suddenly remembers he's driving and puts his hand on the wheel
Complete opposite
bane :DD
Unfortunately you're still a small guy.
>No Bane memes
and you think this gives you power over me?
I need all u cia and banes memes, guys! I lost all my folder of Sup Forums. Btw, i'm a Big Guy...
don't have much, collecting only rare ones, not ones often posted
yes but about Bane?
>Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man, before throwing him out of a plane?
Isn't it pretty obvious that he would shoot them first in order not to make him go through the horrible experience of falling to his death?
Get out.
The plane scene is genuinely fascinating.
Every shot has something somewhere that is fucking stupid, and it's staggering how none of it was spotted
Dr Pavel, I'm EMB110
Nobody gared who I was undil I bud on da masg :DDD
to this tune:
We got a CIA agent on the grass
There's Dr Pavel but no runway lights
Maskettaman try to get a message through
The agency knows about plan of the flight
They're no friends, what do we do?
They were trying to grab your prize
Try to get them aboard through
We have Bane in the mask
Mercenaries on separate flight
Bane in the mask
Gonna be pain
This is a big guy for ya
Getting cought was part of his plan
The crash should be in sight
We can't see a thing here in the light
Navigator says we're on the crash path
There is Dr Pavel and CIA
Hey big guy in the mask
Will You die when I take that off
We have Bane in the mask
Mercenaries on separate flight
Bane in the mask
Gonna be pain
There's CIA plane going to crash
That's lotta loyality for a hired guns
They got no clue they gotta crash soon
We can say, he didn't fly so good
It doesn't matter who they are
What matters is their plan
Hey big guy in the mask
Will You die when I take that off
Found this Bane bobble head in a thrift store yesterday.
Daily reminder to all hotheads that baneposting is eternal
jesus fuck
checked & confirmed
Mr Rodger Im supreme gentelman
how much u pay for it?
holy shit
he has a big head
Aidan Gillen interview on his role as Bill "CIA" Wilson
I'll take one if i can get it internationally shipped from somewhere
I'll also take a CIA one
for you.
How are you guys going to celebrate the anniversary?
CIA looks like THAT?
*unzips big guy*
>dr pavel, im CIA
>there's a quality bane thread on Sup Forums after all these years
This is the moment that makes me laugh every time. It's so fucking stupid. What was he doing? I genuinely think the actor didn't realize.
>no Bane Runner