I graduated from one of Canada's top business schools with really good grades

>I graduated from one of Canada's top business schools with really good grades

These are horrible grades

To be fair, his show is basically about Marketing and he got an A- in that.

You can't be this retarded

they're good grades if you're me

>B average is horrible grades
What are you, some Chinese kid who gets whipped by his mom if he's not straight A+s? Enjoy your suicide before age 40 you overworked little insect :)

>this is what normies would consider intelligent

How can you be satisfied with anything less than a 3.7 for any subject? Especially in something as simple as marketing.

B average is pretty fucking terrible.

Oh, you got the joke then?

Anyway, they’re pretty middling grades. Realistically, you could get a decent job with a resume like his.

Mine aren’t much better.

isn't that like an 8/10?


Yeah but in Canada everything 0-6 is a fail. So really, 8/10 is like 3/10.

IDK what kind of grade inflation you're dealing with but 3.3 isn't "terrible" but pretty average.

Oops I meant 3/5.

>And with the owner on board with my plan

jesus that's weird. In my country everything above a 5.5 is passable.

A 9 or 10 is very rare.

Let me guess, you're in high school?

Welcome to North American grading, they rate video games on the same scale too.

US education has suffered a ton of academic inflation. Anything less than a 3.8 GPA is basically worthless.

That's how i felt growing up too. I was born in britain and lived the first 12 years of my life there, and as far as was aware, anything over 60% was a pass, and if you got over 70% you did pretty decent. Getting high 80s or even a 90% was considered very very good. When i was forced to move to canada and many years later had a girlfriend i was talking to about grades she was adamant that getting 60% was terrible and that 80%+ was the bare minimum. That seemed really fucking bizarre to me and still does. I mean just number wise on a scale of 1 to 10, anything near 10 is obviously high, so how people can say anything below 8 sucks doesn't make sense.

>When American students have a grade average above 4.0 out of 4.0

It would be like getting a 15 out 10 score. This doesn't make any sense.

probably depends on your college major

Think about it this way.

A building is 60% structurally sound. Want to live in it? A meal is 25% shit, want to eat it? A song is 20% deafening toneless screaming, want to hear it? You have an 80% chance of survival, want to try it? Your doctor only kills 15% of his patients, trust him?

Man,I wish I was back in college

>be a law student
>everyone respects you because that's a tough field
>whenever I finish a year,people look at me like I am some sort of a genius
>find an internship and do it
>can't find a job afterwards because the field is overcrowded
>suddenly I am one of millions unemployed young people

I want my identity back ;_;

The valedictorian in my graduating class had a 4.3 GPA somehow.

Its so they don't have to adjust the curve and make it so half the student body didn't pass.

A B average is not really good grades you under achieving piece of shit. He showed the report card as a joke.

It's a joke you mental midget.

B average used to be good, but grade inflation is out of control, especially in America. There are articles on how the average went from a B- to A- in many schools.

>really good grades
>shows bad grades

its basically a summation of the entire show

>this was a great idea
>shows a really, really bad idea

Lazy teachers don't want to restructure everything so you literally get extra good boy points.

Knowing half the knowledge is passable? You live in a shit hole.

>going to lawschool without connections

Unless you're going to a top-tier school, you fucked up

Well we have many of the top universities in the world after all.

>in Canada everything 0-6 is a fai
no, i'm canadian and the cutoff for failing was always 50%

If you do AP courses then it absolutely makes sense. It's not a difficult concept.

and they have to maintain that image.

>implying grades matter


You don't even know how it works? Seriously?

An analogy is not an argument.

I don't. Explain it please.

Our top universities are rated top in the world by people even outside America. It isn't an image. Be happy you have "free" healthcare. But us having many of the top universities is not up for debate.

Those are awful comparisons that barely make any sense. Almost ever surgery or any medicine you take at all has a small chance of harming or killing you so yes, people do take those chances.

You're claiming only knowing 55% of your material is "good." You're a fuckwit.

They matter if they're amazing, or awful, anything in between doesn't. If go to a decent school and have a 3.9 or 4.0 you have good reason to brag, but it makes me laugh when people with 3.3 or 3.5s brag, literally no one cares.

>Canada's top business schools

Do you also have this strange "students are treated like customers" in Canada?

20-45% is not a small chance.

She's a girl I just assumed she sucked a dick or two.

and some twister fries please. Thanks.


When you take an advanced placement course getting an A means more than if you get an A in a regular class. The material is more difficult and more is expected of you. Changing that would mean changing the grading curve and fucking with the grades of dumb fucks like you. In other words, their A means more because otherwise your 2.5 would be a 2.0.

No, he's claiming that it's average, which is what it is. But in the US, average is a failing grade.

It depends how it's calculated, either 4.33 or 4.0 is the max depending on the school.

thus academic inflation

Well it's more competitive here. Makes sense.

And? Don't be a moron and work hard. I'm not even that smart but I actually did the work.

education is not graded on a bell curve.

>advanced placement course

So there are entire classes where getting an A is actually getting an A+++? What a fantastic system.

>When you take an advanced placement course

This isn't high school dumbfuck.

not good. You've clearly had american education.

All the lawyers I know these days tell young people to stay the hell away. The internet is making it a dying field, and the few that are needed are those who already have a ton of connections.

only morons have to work hard

but we're digressing

I'm not the guy you replied to. But first things first passing with a 5.5 doesn't mean you only know 55%, no grading system in the world is that accurate, and second good or bad are relative terms, having a 5.5 if you're the only one that passed can be pretty good. Don't relativize all subjects and careers to the same difficulty.

Obviously, but your comparison is that your grade is essentially the same thing as living in a building that has a 40% chance of collapsing, which is retarded. How does that comparison make any sense at all?

I mean get realistic, your grade or education does not accurately portray your intelligence. It's a good frame and idea but it doesn't mean all that much. Tons of people who go to high end universities are fucking idiots and tons of people who don't even bother to finish high school are some of the greatest minds or businessmen on the planet.

>The internet is making it a dying field
What? Is the Internet going to defend you at court?

sounds like you're trying to rationalize your bad grades.

>People unironically find those decent
Do you also think 5'11 is above average?

It makes sense, for most people who don't have money to pay a laywer a consultation fee, it's a lot easier to just google something like marriage laws so you know what you can or can't do.

Better then my grades

If you're not in STEM, you're fucked.

If you're in STEM, as long as your above 3.2 you're fine.

I did have connections but they died,I am not shitting you.
It's more like I am gonna be stuck in some faceless bureaucrat position than fast food but that's basically how it is
You are right about the connections part but I disagree with you on the internet. People might fact check it but someone who does it for living every single day can run circles around you because people only check the basics.

The vast majority of the work in law, before the internet, was pouring over printed legal libraries to try to find legal precedents/arguments to win a case. Literally thousands of manhours worth of research have been compressed to one google search.

so, yea, law is dying as a field.

B average business school, perhaps
He went to school in Canada

>law degree
>going up for jobs against science professors and physics/chemistry/engineer PhD who fancy making easy money in patent law
>cannot even move country and work because it's not really transferable

lol what a wrong degree to do.

Business schools are basically obsolete at this point. socialism is a guarantee now that automation and AI will replace jobs within 15 years. What a waste of a degree.

My thoughts here or is it more to do with the simple legal work that things like legal zoom take care of? I imagine that’s what most legal work actually is rather than the big trials within courtrooms every one sees on TV and thinks that’s all lawyers do is being an attorney or prosecutor.

nice meme

Well the paralegal is dying. Automation is cucking them for sure.

>Currently a 3.192 in ChemE

Am I fucked?

>You have an 80% chance of survival, want to try it


>do more, harder work
>get extra credit for extra work

Seems logical to me

So boring. Don't care how well it pays.

we've had the technology to fully automate for at least 15 years. We haven't because its cheaper to pay some fuckwit minimum wage than it is to buy robots.

Similar to how the first world economy runs on debt, as its better to have 30 payments coming in monthly than it is to have one huge sale every couple years.

>going to law school
>no connections
>feel secure because other people jack you off (pseudointellectualism)
>unemployed now
lmao, extra tendie sauce on the side thanks

>cannot even move country and work because it's not really transferable

I fucking hate this part. I know a guy who codes and he makes 5-6 thousands euros a month and he works 6 hours a day from wherever in the world where's internet. He gets to travel the world,makes good money and can work wearing boxers. Meanwhile I am sentenced to life of shirt and ties,non flexible schedules and small salaries.

If you cannot get a 4.0 average in a non-STEM field you are a brainlet. End of story, no questions asked, there is no argument to be made against this statement. You are stupid and have no work ethic and should not have gone to school.

Sounds like you’re attempting to refute his argument with baseless personal attacks. One of the least imaginative and unengaging forms of debate. Really showing off your intelligence there, pal.

STEM is the only realistic option for a young white dude in the 21st century if they ever want to have an existence outside debt slavery. Every other field is nepotism only.

Just trying to operate on a level you might be able to understand.

>cost of the average STEM degree

you're a debt slave no matter what you do

Unless you win some sort of lottery.

>when you're applying for burger academia and they tell you to translate First-class honours as 4.0 GPA


>if you cannot get a 10 average you are a brainlet

That can be massively offset by two years of community college and going to a public school near where your parents live.

Yeah, you'll never get to live that romantic city life for two years like the liberal arts students throwing themselves half a million down the drain, but paying off 50 grand is doable if you get a STEM job and live frugally for a couple years.

uvic is a horrible business school too

>tfw dad left me 30 apartments and 2 big houses
I will never have to work a single day in my life and i love it

>just waste the best years of your life bro!


I do not know what to tell if you if you are not capable of remember some key quotes, names, and dates necessary for passing English literature and art history. PhD level courses for an English student require less studying that Chemistry 101.

>waste the best years of your life
Sounds like he's realistically investing his time

S I P B O I S 2017

BC has a weird scoring for gpa on a 9 point system

90%+ A+ 9
85-89% A 8
80-84% A- 7
77-79 B+ 6
74-77 B 5

There is no return on investing your youth, you'll never get it back.