What the FUCK? Why are Mr. Robot's ratings so low? It's a critically acclaimed, entertaining show.
What the FUCK? Why are Mr. Robot's ratings so low? It's a critically acclaimed, entertaining show
Season Two was a little disappointing and I was hoping season three would pick up the pace. I'm watching it on my own schedule now.
Season Two wasn't quite as good, but that's only because the first season was some of the best TV I've ever seen. Season Three is shaping up to be great too.
dishonest and preachy, cringey creator
The first episode of season three had nothing as great as the other two season openers
That's true, but the second episode was back to what I love about the show.
Season 1 was original and interesting. Season 2 tried the exact same gimmicks and failed. I dropped season 3 after the first episode.
Season 2 was truly bad, and clearly the series has taken a big hit because of it.
That's too bad because this season is already off to a great start, and it promises to be the best season yet.
Still this is the USA Network. Their biggest hit back in the day was the Cartoon Express. This is a big draw for them.
I didn't like the first episode of the season either, but the second episode was back to normal. Give it a shot.
>Season 2 was truly bad
Yeah... if you're stupid.
You're confirmed to have completely shit taste
The show is garbage, that's why.
Who praises this show? I need to know so I can never listen to them ever again.
who watches live tv?
it's a netflix world
3rd season has the budget of like a couple thousand dollars
its pathetically low
their last episode they used a mannequin with no makeup or anything during the "autopsy" scene, and they did a close up of the face, it was like, 8th grades home made video it was so bad
most their scenes are like ultra low budget ultra low effort,
when your show is just a worse version of fight club that is also pretentious, it sucks
i enjoyed the first season but the show didn't give me enough to want to see season 2.
people often think that it's the story or theme that gets people watching a show. while that might be what gets you in it's the characters that keep you invested. while mr robot had some interesting plot points it never got me to empathize with any of the characters. the whole unreliable narrator that was season 1's arc completely ruined any empathy i'd developed for the mc.
go ahead and call me a pleb but a show needs one or more characters that you can reliably invest in to be interesting. it's not a movie it's a tv show. it's why sherlock and hoc went to shit too. you no longer cared about the mcs because of all the asinine shit they kept pulling off and having no semblance of human nature.
because no one watches things during the initial airing anymore
I would suspect that trend matches that seen with any non-sports cable program over the last few years
>I dropped season 3 after the first episode.
You didn't. It was episode s03e00, the actual first episode was back to form.
S3 has been pretty disappointing, not sure if my taste has gotten better or the show has gotten worse.
>comfy hacker program
Glad it's dying, let it be a warning
>oh so its doing fight club I wonder where they'll go with that
>big deal reveal that its doing fight club, like it wasn't totally obvious, does nothing further
>oh so he's in prison but constructing a fantasy reality to hide that fact from himself, I wonder what they'll do with this
>big deal reveal that he's been in prison the whole season, nothing further is done with the concept
this show is fucking stupid beyond words
s2 was dogshit
"lets do nothing while we guess if the show gets cancelled or not"
I thought there were some interesting concepts in S2 but I just didn't see where they were going with it and with the introduction of new characters on the fly I realised it was going down the house of cards route where new characters that you don't care about are introduced at random points but they don't have any payoff
I skipped season 2. As i see i haven't lost much. Season 3 is git gud.
the prison thing would've worked fine if it was for a couple episodes, I don't know why they dragged it along the whole season
Its reddit tier fedoracore trash. Its portrayals of hardcore social phobia, grey area web activities, and drug addiction is insincere at best and serves only to give fat fuck basement dwellers a false sense of understanding life on the fringe underbelly of society. If that wasn't bad enough "evil corp" and the blatant guy fawkes mask ripoff is so cringeworthy it feels like the product of middle school larping.
Any supposed fan of this show is simply a turbo pleb trying to be a part of the newest coolest bulllshit. Just like LOSTfags and Breaking Bad fanatics before them.
Well then, tips fedora.