cast it
Cast it
Other urls found in this thread:
Idris Elba as The Boss
Hire David Hayter and then replace him with Kiefer Sutherland shortly before shooting
Big Boss
t. Konami
One of these fuckers for snake
it's being filmed, and hopefully unknowns.
or alternatively, Scott
> All the promotional material, the briefing and intro make snake seem like an ultra manly superhero
> Is actually a pawn and judging from the end, too dumb to understand how he was played or then he is in denial about it
Tom Hardy as Snake
Jai Courtney as Liquid
I was thinking one day that filming MGS V by having an uncredited celeb lookalike play Venom and the original actor only appearing in the beginning, with the blur between the two happening without audience noticing. Have a scene with the lookalike removing makeup or wig or something that will make the audience realize the real lies with real eyes.
Aiden Gillen as Meryl
Jared Leto is in there somewhere, I just know it.
If he can do a British accent i would day THIS
Young Kurt as Snake and young Jeff as Liquid
Obvious answer right here.
Not even joking he would be a good Ocelot
This could honestly actually work.
Too bad he can't pull off a British accent to save his life
Tbh it's impossible to cast Snake. He needs to be 6'3-6'5, be able to grow a great beard, be able to pull off a mullet, have a deep masculine voice and piercing blue eyes. He also needs to be an American, and oozing masculinity. There are few men in this world who fit this description, and they're most likely not actors.
>He needs to be 6'3-6'5
Isn't he a manlet tho
I was under the impression that Liquid was quite a bit taller than him
Getting snake is easy. Just have a rough dude who can act though.
Liquid on the other hand has to be done perfectly, he could easily come way to over the top.
The Sorrow or Volgin
as if it wasn't obvious
Liquid coming through
>The Sorrow
That nerd cunt from Enemy at the Gates
JJ abrams to direct so he can destroy another fanbase which is his specialty.
Him or Brosnan for Major Zero
Neither could Liquid's actual voice actor, so it fits pretty well
Raiden should be played by a girl though.
Lets be real here. For the movie to work they have to cut this:
>Psycho Mantis
>Vulcan Raven
Switch Tom Hardy and it would be perfect.
The boss