Is it as KINO as everyone claims it to be.
The Shining
Definitely kino thriller.
yeah, it's good. go in with no expectations though.
What does it actually mean?
Can’t complain....
A protagonist finally becomes a part of the story!!!
Originally I thought it meant he died and his ghost joined the others in the Overlook Hotel, but recently I think that was the conclusion of the novel Jack was writing.
Just realized that in every shot where Jack sees ghosts there is a mirror behind them. He could have easily imagined the whole thing.
>watch this movie with a bunch of teenagers
>they dismiss the quality of the entire film because it "wasn't scary"
Waste of time
I only watched it because it's a Le iconic classic cult le
was disappointing compared to the book desu
The book handles Jack much better, but the movie fully delivers on absolutely everything else the medium can possibly do.
As has been said a million times before, The Shining is one of the best atmospheric horror movies of all time. The hotel is a character on its own. It's a little hokie toward the end, but the build up is great.
Been a while since I’ve seen/read both but I felt like since it was paranormal it was more enjoyable in book form where you can imagine all this great stuff, like the bush monster things.
They did a good job with the movie too but the book was so much fun to imagine all that creepy shit slowly going on, along with the hotel slowly evolving it’s own personality instead of just Jack going crazy.
No one knows. Sometimes I think it means that his soul got sucked back in time or something. But really there's not enough information to build any sort of real theory. It just comes off as a weird ending shot that seems to mean something but doesn't.
Literally the worst part of the movie.
Other than that The Shining is KINO classic. It shouldn't be on our top ten, but it's undeniably great.
>The book handles Jack much better
No, in the book he's just another Cuck King alcoholic cheater white male meanie. In the movie he's the same, but Jack's performance and Kubrick's directing make him interesting in ways that Cuck King's generic prose can't.
this movie is a nuke dropped on all the best people
>Cuck King
I wanted to sperg about this, but Stephen is really something. Is there a more cucked man than King?
Reddit as fuck.
Easily Kubrick's most overrated film by a long way. It's also his most pleb-friendly and the subject of so many stupid conspiracy theories, so that's probably why.
Shame really
It's kino.
what do YOU like?
>most pleb-friendly?
Have you not seen A Clockwork Orange or Full Metal Jacket?
The Shining is definitely more pleb friendly than either of those.
>A Clockwork Orange
Friendly to edgy teenagers (ie people on Sup Forums). For normal people, it's incredibly extreme and off-putting. The protagonist literally rapes a woman in the first five minutes of the film
>Full Metal Jacket
You mean that film that plebs refuse to watch the second half of?
you guys are retarded
Plebs love The Shining. They just watch it like any other horror movie.
If you haven't seen it at this point and you're using the word kino on Sup Forums regularly you're probably too retarded to enjoy this movie
not true, the shining is "not scary". only kids interested in movies actually end up liking it. Full metal jacket is loved by granpas everywhere and is seen like every other vietnam movie
>Literally the worst part of the movie
Why? Just because it didn't give you a definitive answer?
just another perfect kubrick film
not everyone likes his slow pace though
i've only seen the more common, shorter version. apparently there's a longer original version of this film?
is it worth a watch?
Are you sure that's what you saw? I'm pretty sure most releases are the full length version, not the edited one.
>tfw just found out Kubrick had an iq of 200
fucking hell, im convinced that if you dont like it, its because YOU are Too stupid to get it
need to rewatch it
after some further looking up, the longer version is referred to as the US version, and i'm a bong. from what i can tell, the most common version is the shorter version, at least over here
Oh, a bong, yeah you probably saw the short version then. Long version is the one most people are familiar with so you should probably watch it.
> the shining is "not scary"
People don't actually like scary films. How have you not realised this?
>seen like every other vietnam movie
So ignored by 99% of the general population?
yeah, because shitty horror movies aren't huge. Also, you're telling me apocalypse now is ignored?
I guarantee that far more plebs have seen The Shining than Apocalypse Now.
>>that moment you realize Jack has been sexually abusing his son
The hotel absorbed his soul, making him one of its ghosts
>Bophamet's holy hands.
What did Stanley mean by this ending pose?
>A Clockwork Orange
Only pleb friendly if you want something easy to watch, but actually understanding it isn't that straightforward if not paying close attention.
I think it's a psychological thriller filtered through Kubrick. That is it, the fact that everybody has a theory to express about it irks me so fucking bad.
*baby cries*
I've never been fully taken in by the movie.
I read the book recently and enjoyed it more because of the characterization. I might go and see a rerelease soon to see if it changes my opinion.
By all means continue. The theories crack me up.
Kubrick confirmed that it's Jack reincarnating as another life in the Hotel and becoming the permanent care taker.
it's incredible. people will tell you it's in the movie for forever but you'll kinda balk at the suggestion until you notice something tiny that flips the switch and then bam, there it is, right in the open, plain as day. it never diminishes, it only seems to magnify.
>tfw we're not gonna get another kubrick
Out of everything it could be, it's some dumb le spooky time warp.
That just sounds like you were conditioned into believing their opinion.
You're a redditor
then how do you explain pic related?
Well except for the part where somebody opens the door and lets him out of the pantry
Wendy saw them
I think there's a chance we could fuck Shelly Duvall. Apparently she's single and wanders around her town of Blanco, Tx talking about aliens and shit.
>A Clockwork Orange
This is one of his best though.
Did you guys even read his post? He said when Jack sees a ghost.
But do you really want to?
Where's his tits
Well I think I do at least. Wouldn't it be cool to say you fucked Shely Duvall?
also, the original photo was from a ball held by some banking organization- nicholson's face was edited onto the guy's body
make of that what you will
Didn't you get the memo? One or two people have a full theory, the rest just post coincidental dumb shit like that.
And what do you make of it?
Maybe 30 years ago, but just look at THAT
Kubrick really fucked her up
Well yeah thats why I'm saying I think we all have a chance with her. I dunno just fyi in case anyone wants to go for it.
She's literally dried up and her sex drive went into neutral years ago. Anybody has a chance if they rape someone.
No way, old women are horny as fuck.
> (You)
>No way, old women are horny as fuck.
Kek. Have at it bro.
Who lets Jack out of the freezer?
no. good movie, over rated as fuck
the thing is much better