How're you holding up Sup Forums?

How're you holding up Sup Forums?

i'm a survivor

i wish i could grow a beard

I just masturbated and now I've got nothing to look forward to.

im thinking of canceling netflix, it has become a liberal propaganda machine

watching football on my 70"


>feel lonely when I spend a Saturday night alone
>but when friends try to make plans with me, I make an excuse to say "no" so I can be alone instead
W-what's wrong with me, guys? It wasn't always like this

neurotypicals out




>friend recommends some horseshit show on netflix
>don't have subscription myself because it's a shitty service
>gives me his account
>cancel it as soon as I log in


fucking numb
paranoid and lonely holed up in my apartment

Actually I've been depressed for like 4 years now but on Wednesday I woke up and just felt better. Like the depression just got bored and went away. I'm starting a small business from home, I'm learning German. Turns out I'm a great guy.

I don't care about the propaganda if their shows were good. If they keep their focus on original shit instead of buying other companies shows we actually want to watch they are fucking themselves. They are abandoning what made it great in the first place for their own shit shows

>he likes watching his country fall to communist jews
we'll be killing your kind off first

With your birthrate, we will outnumber you

Not with that smoking habit.

I missed almost every movie from 2012 until now. What do i watch now that i have time ?


Batman v Superman

My family abandoned me. Apparently in 2017 having libertarian views makes you a "nazi". Now I live in a one bedroom apartment, alone, single, no friends.
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel but it's way dimmer than it used to be. It used to be as bright as a galaxy, but now it's like an energy-saving florescent bulb that hums and flickers annoyingly. The meek light makes me consistently second guess whether or not the drudgery of the tunnel is worth reaching it.

Fury Road
Blade Runner 2049
Tree of Life/To the Wonder/Knight of Cups/Song to Song/Voyage of Time
Only God Forgives
Under the Skin

Pick yourself up by your bootstraps

its just not even subtle and its so forced because its in every fucking show starting in episode 1.

gays are okay,
transgenders are okay
fat poeple are okay
lets put a nigger role here, here and here no matter the purpose nor his acting capability.
women are strong
straight white males are weak and stupid

>If they keep their focus on original shit instead of buying other companies shows we actually want to watch they are fucking themselves.
They don't have a choice, not with their subscription-based business model. The other studios & networks have realized there's real money in streaming, and Netflix can't afford them anymore. Amazon has a much smarter business model for streaming, with the $3.99 rentals and individual "channels" you can subscribe to.