The Dishonest Squad
The Dishonest Squad
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PTA does not belong here
needs nolan as well
Stop forcing this shitty meme
>dishonest filmmaking
lol I totally forgot about this meme
Put Malick in the middle.
he's one of the biggest offenders
Inarritu and Aronofsky are dishonest. Their only genuine drive as "artists" is self-promotion, their primary concern is to project an image of intellectualism without actually saying anything of substance, ever.
Villeneuve isn't dishonest, he's just miscategorized and overrated. He's the filmmaking equivalent of an airport paperback novelist. His films are competently made and entertaining, but completely disposable.
PTA is the real deal. He's a great writer, he falls in love with his characters and lets them guide the events of the plot, rather than straining credibility and making them behave unrealistically to make some big "point" like Aronofsky or Inarritu. The biggest criticism against him is that he wears his influences on his sleeve in his early work, but even when he's ripping off Scorsese or Altman, he's using their techniques appropriately to put us in his character's headspace and tell his story. It's never just a 1:1 ripoff or pointless mimic. And this hasn't even been an issue from Punch-Drunk Love onwards, he's developed his own style that gets less flashy and more confident with each film
Replace PTA with Chazelle
>Le dishonest meme
What are some other popular things you don't like, OP?
It's a bad scene but it's not dishonest. It's the kind of embarrassing moment where you can tell the director genuinely thought it'd be great and it doesn't come off like he hoped
Baneposting for sure
Knowing you redditors picked it up because you think its in favor of tdkr makes me sick
that is one painfully earnest and overwrought scene
Not dishonest though
Yeah early PTA belongs on there, but The Master and Inherent Vice have absolved him
Villeneuve has a tendency towards dishonesty though. Just look at Prisoners
Refn is medically retarded
Where's Godard and fassbinder on that?
But not dishonest, he knows he makes fun, pretty, hallow films (or maybe he doesn't, but the films don't come across as pretentious)
He's extremely pretentious, but 100% autistically earnest about what he's doing. Not dishonest
Imagine sitting next to an Villeneuve fan. The smell as he rubs the cheeto dust into his body in preparation for viewing his "based" movie. The flutter of his fedora as he tips ecstatically as Deakins pans shots in great numbers like one of his video game cutscenes. The sound of him vibrating at the hot pocket resonance every time "based" meme actor is on screen.
magnolia was a letdown after boogie nights desu
boogie nights was shit though
Nolan's films are bad but still honest
fucking kek
David arquette is a director?
b-but bladerunner was kino!!! blue and pink, waifus, feels it had everything!!!
dude martin scorsese lmao
Yeah, but a hundred other directors have ripped off Scorsese without making a movie half as good as Boogie Nights. Anderson does mimic his style, but he also rises to the same level of quality. Easier said then done
And the influence mostly shows in the style & structure of the film. The characters, the setting, the dialogue style, all Anderson
this is such a funny thing to have immortalized pta's waifu worship
>The Master and Inherent Vice have absolved him
The Master is a very dishonest movie
Inherent Vice and Punch Drunk-Love are his most mature works to date
>Yeah, but a hundred other directors have ripped off Scorsese without making a movie half as good as Boogie Nights
wtf i love boogie nights now
>Anderson does mimic his style, but he also rises to the same level of quality
so, not very good then, because he was emulating the worst aspects of Scorsese's filmography.
Boogie Nights might be even worse than hard eight.
Imagine being this triggered
Do you not like Goodfellas? That was the one I thought it was closest to. But mostly because they're both focusing on a large cast of characters acting as a "family" over a long period of time, and Goodfellas provides a great example of pacing & energy for that kind of story.
I would completely agree that he rips off other directors heavily with Boogie Nights, but I don't think that makes it a bad film. I've seen it almost ten times and I'm still not sick of it, that's not common for me.
Add Kubrick. He never once depicted a real human
Goodfellas is a very overrated movie, like tarantino that inspired a bunch of hacks to "emulate" them.
Boogie nights is great when you have no taste but it gets old quick when you start watching better movies.
>he hasn't watched paths of glory
dude it's inspired by another director's style so i can't like it lmao
what the fuck is dishonest filmmaking I still don't get this meme
le triggered roastie brainlet detected hehehe
remember to go back for repeat viewings my fellow anons! and don't forget to pass by the concessions stand!
PTA is a fucking fraud. Most of his movies are ripoffs.
>Boogie Nights
Ripoff of Martin Scorsese's Goodfellas
Ripoff of Robert Altman's Short Cuts
>There Will be Blood
Ripoff of Nicolas Roeg's Eureka
Easiest way to put it is that "honest filmmakers" try to make movies that they'd genuinely want to watch. Dishonest filmmakers try to make movies that critics will praise them for.
Their whole style will reflect their choice - honest filmmakers try to create each scene with emotional clarity to depict a genuine idea, their stylistic choices are designed to enhance the audience's immersion in the mood they're trying to create. Dishonest filmmakers make stylistic choices just to impress people with their abilities, on a surface level.
Inarritu is the prime current-day example of artistic dishonesty.
OP, please add Nicolas Refn to your collage next time.
I'd also request Sam Mendes, but that hack finally got exposed when that colossal piece of shit Spectre came out. American Beauty might be the most overrated movie of all time.
oh fuck off
Sam Mendes is prime dishonesty, but Refn is embarrassingly honest
what's wrong with that?
dishonest filmmaking is more about not making films that come from the heart and originality. dishonest filmmaking is not distancing yourself from other works.
I might be remembering (in fairness it's been 10 years) but I thought people started to turn on Mendes when Revolutionary Road came out
I can distinctly remember one reviewer calling it Oscar bait
>his most boring and least ambitious films are his best
This is why we can't have nice things
its literally his thing
hes like Wes Anderson that took himself too seriously
MC is a caricature of an actual human being
final scene makes more sense if you imagine an autist attempting to parse human emotion
Stop trying to make this meme something more than it is
Is Wes Anderson dishonest or sincere?
100% Sincere
How is Malick even considered a director? Doesn't he go into production without a script, record a shitload of film of the actors improvising and then hope to god he can edit together something resembling a movie?
it's a meme but it's also the truth
if you can't immediately understand why someone would call The Revenant, La La Land or mother! dishonest, you really need to watch more movies
It's not a meme, friendo.
I know it's bait, but whatever.
Someone define dishonest filmmaking.
Read the thread, goof
It's a meme invented by Armond White. It basically means "This filmmaking clearly excels on all technical grounds, but I don't like it anyway."
>being this bootyblasted someone doesnt like your favorite popcorn flick
In the case of the people in OP it's the hacks who have followed the basic guide on what makes a 'good' film to a T. All they know how to do is to copy fundamentals from other films that are considered good like a child tracing a drawing in a book, and actually managing to fool people with no knowledge of cinema that they deserve to be on the same pedestal as the innovators.
Oh so that explains why Sup Forums is forcing it. Their black overlord tells them what to think
No, it's just a fancy way of saying "pretentious bullshit," which is a real problem in the arts and always has been. Some filmmakers are really trying to tell a story they care about, and show you something original and personal. Others are just in it for fame, prestige, and accolades. If you're angry at the mere suggestion that there's a difference, you just shouldn't participate in any serious discussion of films
When will capeshitters leave this place?
Griffith worked without scripts. What's your point?
Thoughts on Lars von Treir?
Certainly not dishonest. He genuinely hates the human race.
No, it's not about pretentiousness.
Lars von Trier, for instance, is a very honest filmmaker but also extremely pretentious.
Does Ang Lee belong on the list? Oh, how I hated Life of Pi.
I think we have different definitions of "pretentious." For me, it goes hand-in-hand with the word "pretend." Von Trier is awkward and embarrassing in his willingness to publicly praise himself and his work, but I think he's 100% genuine in what he says, and in his work. His films aren't designed to please anyone, it seems like he's genuinely trying to work through his personal problems and obsessions. He's not one of my favorites by a long-shot, my cynicism doesn't go nearly as deep, but I never doubt that he means it.
Inarritu is the pretentious version of that kind of filmmaker. He doesn't mean it. In fact there's no coherent philosophy or meaning on display in his work at all, just a vague negativity or nihilism borne out of a notion that a "serious filmmaker" is never sentimental. That's what he's all about, establishing himself as a "serious filmmaker" despite having nothing serious or interesting to talk about.
What's the most you ever lost from a shitpost?
Nailed it OP
>After filming the devastating scene between Eddie Adams and his angry mother, Joanna Gleason was talking to Paul Thomas Anderson, and asked him if the material reflected the relationship between Anderson and his own mother. Anderson became very quiet, and did not answer the question. Gleason then put her hand on his shoulder and said "You don't have to forgive her."
He's /ourguy/ you cucks
Daily reminder.
imagine actually having opinions like this
Anyone else getting fucking sick of the regimented mod-enforced Blade Runner circlejerk?
Pic related
I raise an objection to the meme flick of the month and get warned? Anyone else starting to think this flick is getting shilled on Sup Forums with mod backing?
It was a meme way, way before La La Land you howling newfag
no, Korinefag has been REEEEEing about this shit for at least five or six years
Very honest thread