Post your top films of 2017 so far

post your top films of 2017 so far

Probably the worst taste I have seen in months seek help

good taste


Jesus Christ

Shit taste

Personal Shopper and Get Out are really the only two that have left any sort of impression so far.

It's been a fairly shoddy year all in all.


I forgot the Final Chapter came out this year.

Wheres logan and bladerunner2?

This thread is obvious shitposting

what movie is 9?

it's tangentially associated with Letterboxd, so of course it's 100% shitposting

it cums at night

like me

It's comes at night

it's been years, but why not crank one out to aletta tonight? thanks user

I guess it's definitive

I keep meaning to check out The Beguiled. I really like the old Eastwood version.
Song to Song was fine. I think I prefer Knight of Cups to it

do the one when shes in that indoor pool, thats a good one


>The Stall
holy shit lost

this is a wind up right?


You sound like someone who has no idea what they're talking about. It's beyond pathetic. Do you understand why?

Based except for Get Out and Logan. They shouldn't be there.


Get Out
Blade Runner 2049
Spider-Man Homecoming

I'm sorry but Logan being in all the lists is another proof of how fucking little idea about cinema anyone on this board actually has.

>atomic blonde

I'm sorry too

Films I saw this year even though some came out 2016:
1. Your Name
2. A Silent Voice
3. In This Corner of the World
4. Dunkirk
5. All These Sleepless Nights
6. After the Storm
7. Personal Shopper
8. Blade Runner 2049
9. Baby Driver
10. The Villainess

>Smocaine 3