A warning for all of Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't know or care what neogaf is, but they can't be any more autistic or stupid than you are.
Epic twist: OP is their leader
Neofaggot is extreme autism. Someone post the 'a girl looked at me at the store thread'
Also rundown op?
Those autistic retards. I doubt if they even come.
You have no idea.
They can't ruin this board even more than the redditors
Get the fuck off of Sup Forums, Sup Forums
Oh how naive you are. Neogaf is pretty awful, think of the sheer retardation of Sup Forums combined with the amount of autism from places like /mlp/ and that's neogaf.
They've been here since 2013
Is he gonna take my birthdays?
Apparently, multiple moderators of the site are quitting after the admin of the site was accused of sexual harassment.
Now all the fags there are flipping out and trying to jump ship to other sites and Sup Forums is apparently on their list for some bizarre reason.
Progressive trash have been raiding this board ever since Hillary announced she was running for and winning the presidency, every time they've come here they have been laughed off the board in shame. If they want to further humiliate themselves I say let em.
WHite people should all kill themselves en masse
link the thread talking about Sup Forums
>let me try on this Sup Forums vision
>everything looks the same
No. He will snatch them.
Can't be worse than what happend with the 2016 elections and Sup Forumstards shitting up everywhere
>Also rundown op?
Not OP, but the site owner has been meToo'd by some random gamer gurl with colourful hair
Thus exposing the nature of male feminists yet again
Mods are resigning from the site 'en mass, and the userbase wants nothing to do with the place while a person accused of being a creeper, is in charge.
So their assorted lefty userbase is looking to spread elsewhere. One thread said Sup Forums wasn't too bad so far as Sup Forums goes
This is neo/tv/ you won't notice a difference
If you think Sup Forums is good right now you need to very urgently kys yourselv
I can't link it right now as the sight is currently down for "maintenance" but the thread is titled "Gaming forums like Gaf".
Right now their main 3 choices of where they are gonna go are: Sup Forums, reddit, and gamefaqs
>Sup Forums wasn't too bad so far as Sup Forums goes
You faggots brought this on yourself. This board should never have reached the point where it was seen as they see it
>You faggots brought this on yourself
"we" tried to fight against it but they had gingers help and won
>gaming forums
>Sup Forums
That's the weird part.
I have absolutely no fucking clue why they would think this is a "gaming forum".
Keep moving Neos, this is a white man's neighborhood.
>not using "n00b"
How many year have you been here, sweetie?
Thanks baneposting and game of thrones!!
that still exists?
What did he mean by this?
>One thread said Sup Forums wasn't too bad so far as Sup Forums goes