Thoughts on RLM's magnum opus?
/scg/ - Space Cop General
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Wait... THIS is their MAGNUM OPUS??
I really wanted to like it, but the original fake trailer was a lot funnier.
I cannot imagine a non rlm fan finding any redeeming qualities because i am an rlm fan and i barely see any redeeming qualities.
that being said, i was happy to buy it because i love damn near everything else they do, and i watch their stuff for hours on in
Mike's old-timey accent was stupid, and I think only laughed at 2 to 3 jokes that weren't in the trailer. Still that's 2 to 3 laughs more than I'll get in from the average romcom shitfest so kudos to them for that.
Just think about it. All that Patreon money, all that time, that preexisting fanbase, and this was the best they could do.
More like magnum poopus
Will they ever make another movie or is this the end for them? The only actor they can get to work for them is Rich and he's going to die soon.
Space Cop was a spiritual and economic disaster.
It completely exposed Mike as a fraud and ruined his reputation and credibility as a B-movie authority.
I love the work they put into it, but it really would have worked better as a 20-30 minute short film. An hour and a half of Mike's old-timey voice, Rich's 80's rough-guy attitude persona, and a meh storyline just drags the whole film down.
Some funny parts, but RLM can do way better than this.
They're almost to 20k on Patreon now. Wish I could do something like that, but nobody wants to watch a twink play vidya.
Hey look man it was SUPPOSED to be terrible
Can't Mike do different voices?
More than an hour of movie with that same voice has to be anoying af.
Play games while livestreaming a dildo up your ass. You'll make big bucks quick trust me
"It's mind-boggling how complex the awfulness is."
space flop lol
Found it terrible in the first watch, liked it a little bit more in the second. There are little details you don't notice at first, like Jay turning into a puppet when being sucked out of the window. If you see the movie like an extended HiTB sketch, it becomes less unbearable.
But yes, the movie is in no way good, which is ironic coming from people who constantly shun other directors for not knowing how to make a good film.
hours on end*
Space Cop isn't their magnum opus. Horsey Sauce is.
Shit Mike got really fat with the years... Rich too. Jay is more or less the same weight.
>if we make a horrible movie on purpose nobody will be able to criticize it
Ten minutes in
Patton Cucklord Oswalt - "waaazzzuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuppp"
stopped watching right there
These people, the makers of Space Crap , have no right to stand in judgement of other people's films. They have demonstrated that they have the worst judgement of all.
It's no surprise they heartily enjoyed Star Wars The Fart Awakens yet find Blade Runner " Boring" . Human garbage the two of them.
haha it was ironic we are immune to criticism anything stupid we say or do is ironic and youre a pleb if you dont get that!!
it's rlm before they became r-l-lame irl lmao
Even their memes are old and stale I mean who even remembers a beer commercial from 20 years ago? Lame ass old dudes that's who.
Hm, I'll think about it.
Why do all these "film experts" like James Rolfe and even /ourguys/ RLM screw the pooch when it comes to creating their own movies? You'd think after all this time studying film they'd have some original ideas.
Does James claim to be a film expert? He has pedestrian taste and just seems to enjoy movies, which is fine.
He took film classes in college, has made hundreds of home movies and has been obsessing over film basically his whole life.
Oh damn, didn't even realize. AVGN movie should have been much better then
twink play vidya
there is a market for this, there is a market for everything
t. no homo
jay is so hot
And his film is probably the best out of all of these internet celebrities.