Behold! Chip, the light gaia, has come to save one character for each poster on this website...

Behold! Chip, the light gaia, has come to save one character for each poster on this website. Think wisely because you have one chance before I disappear into the sea forever.

Make your choice!

Hard Mode: post genesis wave characters only.

Is this an Archie Sonic thread?

Fine, Antoine

Save one character from what? The Genesis Wave?

Chip made Rising Super Star Liam to quit the Best Friends.

Is there a full version of that name?

From the Fuloption.

Lien Da's rack.

From the end of the Archie Sonic.

If I say Cassia&Clove does that count as one character?

Also can't have Bark without does that count as one character?

Please save my boy Mettle.

Chip Cheezum.

IRL I mean.

Usually its a nickname for Charlie or Chris.

According to Wikipedia.

Before I give my answer I need to clear something up. I assume you mean "one Archie comic/ SATAM character", and not Nintendo's precious game characters. Unless no one is safe.

His name is Light Gaia, but Sonic saw him eating chocolate chip ice cream so now his name is forever Chip.

only correct answer


Considering this user
said Antoine ill go with Bunnie then

Thanks, I was torn between her and pic

I'll take the easy mode.

Don't forget Matilda.

>Page 10
Chip please. Don't you abandon us too.

Wave, that bird girl. Yeah that works.

Are the comics truly dead now or what?

No one really knows but that's a real possibility.

I choose Sally then

You have chosen wisely.