Remember when black people got a pity Oscar? This was not a Best Picture-worthy film. Are there any black people here? Don't you feel embarrassed that the adult world is treating you like petulant children and just trying to keep you appeased to tone down the constant complaining from black celebrities?
Remember when black people got a pity Oscar? This was not a Best Picture-worthy film. Are there any black people here...
2016 was a really shit year for movies so I'm not even mad. The Academy is smart.
Blame the Academy for shoehorning in more minority members over Muh OscarsSoWhite.
All the previous patterns pointed to a LLL victory, this was 100% an affirmative action win.
The subtle racism of lowered expectations.
Sigh... ca-can you just not? This is disgustingly racist and sexist.......
>saying 'shit year' instead of 'shitty year' to be edgy
so i'm not gonna listen to your opinion on the matter, thx.
Too bad 2017 is poised to be bad as well when GET OUT is memed to be some sort of a technical masterpiece.
this was one of the very few times this decade the academy got it right
It's hard being black on Sup Forums so give us a break.
>Don't you feel embarrassed that the adult world is treating you like petulant children and just trying to keep you appeased to tone down the constant complaining from black celebrities?
Not really. It's been that way for a while now. Not all black people care about this shit anyway.
The other time was 12 Years A Slave
It didn't came out during the Oscar window, if it gets an award we riot.
actually you're wrong, they're doing this to please the white liberals. They're more white people than niggers in this country
It's weird, I will never understand the praise this film gets. There were so many people calling it a masterpiece, not like "a really powerful film" or "a really socially relevant film" like they normally do when they're praising minority films purely for virtue signalling reasons. No, people were legitimately calling it a masterpiece
It's derivative as fuck, says nothing new or original and is a mess narratively. And worse, I'd call it racist if I didn't know it was written by a black man
>black kid with no dad looks up to drug dealer
>mother is a crackwhore
>grows up to become gang-banging drug dealer himself
And the WORST thing about the film is that it doesn't even properly look at the subject matter: being gay in the black community.
There's no portrayal of the strong Christianity that dominates the community, or even the casual homophobia. Just some light bullying at school. It's an absolute waste.
Moonlight was better than the other nominees you fucking pleb, did you actually want Dishonesty Land to win?
Wait I was under the impression this movie was "gay niggers - the movie", is it not?
These are correct.
It might get best cinematography over BR2049 and I'd die laughing.
I'm black and I don't give a shit about the Oscars.
Did you even watch it?
It's literally Generic Indie Film #63: Featuring Black People This Time
It's an alright film if you enjoy self-indulgent indie schlock. But it's no triumph
Of course not, I'm not a fucking cuck that watches gay nigger movies.
The only movies with niggers I willingly watch are comedies.
This was the end result of pushing more minorities in the Academy and getting rid of older whites.
The film that won Best Picture before this was Spotlight - which towers over this gay nigga melodrama.
Not really. It's more a result of so much bitching the year before that they wanted to shut up whiny SJWs and black people the fuck up.
The irony of the whole thing is the head of the group that selects the nominees was a black woman the year everyone accused them of hating black people.
>tfw black
yes its very embarrssing and i wish white liberals would stop
I miss blacks like Wesley Snipes amd now we have fucking Boyega
Black here, I'm not 100% sure but I don't think that many black people gave much of a shit about this film because it was about a gay guy and the mainstream of US black culture is a bit superficially religious and though not all that more anti gay than whites/latinos/asians, just doesn't seem to be into the gays all that much.
It wasn't a hit with normies but also portrayed black women/mothers in a negative light in some respects so it doesn't really fall into the 'woke' meme of black intellectuals.
Django unchained and various other films had much more cultural impact.
I though it was an ok film but ticked all the right 'zeitgeist' boxes and it wasn't a great year to be honest. Shit films win Oscars all the time also why are you mad about this particular one.
Emma Stone looked so upset after moonlight won
Can you really compare the two though?
Did she look like your frog picture? The resemblance seems close.
Remember when they cucked the white director of La La Land?
Spotlight was dogshite. It was basically a fictional documentary but with no thematic conclusion
Goose didn't even care kek
It was them making up for awarding Crash, best pictureover, Brokeback Mountain.
Spotlight was painfully mediocre. If anything, that Oscar was the real travesty, along with Leo's pity win for being the second best actor in The Revenant
>Sup Forums loves a movie about gay niggers
Really says a lot desu
Their god Armond White is a gay nigger so it makes sense
Who was the best actor in the Revenant?
>implying she wasn't just a minority hire too
They're still mostly old white Jews
BR2049 is going to get snubbed anyway
this is known as the racism of lowered expectations
its an exclusively left leaning thing
2016 was a great year for movies
Big guy tom
imagine being this autistic about semantics
>muh catholic church can do no wrong!
>n-n-no you can't speak of the priests!
The majority of Oscars are pity Oscars. Nicholsons is for as good as it get because he got robbed the year cuckoo's nest and Chinatown came out
Yeah but what the h e double hockey sticks can I do about it?
Pretty shit year though, what would the alternative have been?
fuck I hope you're wrong about that. Can't stand that movie
Try watching something other than just Hollywood movies pleb.
People complained that the Oscars were too white when if fact they are actually too Jewish. Talk about a minority population that's over-represented.
no a single best picture award that year was a academy award worthy winner
i mean, even japanese trash movies are better at this point
>muh american sjws movies
I can't even tell if you're memeing or not, no one could be this retarded
Yet you're the fucking cuck who goes into a thread about a gay nigger movie to complain about how he won't watch it.
this lol.
I would be if I cared about the Oscars that much. Silence wasn't even nominated for Best Picture that year.
If you don't give blacks an oscar Will Smith geta angry at you
If you give blacks an Oscar, Sup Forums pretends to be Afrocentrists.
But all the major abuse scandals were like a decade ago, I don't get the jizzing over it as if it's somehow relevant to the present
Moonlight is nuanced and it doesn't fit the sjw narrative at all. It doesn't celebrate blackness and it doesn't even celebrate gayness, the protag is a lonely bitter virgin and not as a means to 'find himself' in gay utopia, he stays that way. His mother is abusive, she's not woke at all. It criticizes trapping, but he grows up to do it too. It's the opposite of a white engineered empowerment film. It's ok not to think it's great, but if you didn't think it was good or you think it was SJW trash then you're either a bigot or a tasteless pleb.
If you liked Manchester by the Sea and you didn't like Moonlight you're a bigot.
If you didn't like either you're a tastless pleb.
He's right. It had no ending, and there also wasn't any real conflict.
That's a good movie though
>2016 was a shit year
It's funny when it comes from Sup Forums. People here barely watch anything and don't even know most classic movies.
Any film that wins best picture without winning at least 4 other Oscars is a compromise award. La La Land was objectively superior in every category that year, but got snubbed because of politics. Same with Spotlight, which only one two Oscars, one of which was Best Picture. Best Picture is more about signalling what kinds of films the academy wants to win, while Best Director tends to be the real indicator of which film was better.
This year I'm guessing Dunkirk or The Post will win Best Picture, but no doubt Nolan will get Best Director.
It's even funnier because apparently every year since this board was made has been the shittiest year for films
Bitch, please.
It's a film about a gay nigger released in post-Trump 2016.
It's and oscar winning, 100% RT movie without critics even having to see it.
Only a black critic would dare call it out.